#2773. A Christmas Greeting

Computer, level: Middle
Posted Thu Dec 26 15:08:42 PST 2002 by Melanie Robley (mel324_2000@juno.com).
God's Bible School, Cincinnati, USA

Name: Melanie Robley
Subject: Language Arts, Art, and Computer
Title: A Christmas Greeting
Grade: 7-8

A Christmas Greeting

1. The student will be able to design a Christmas greeting card.
2. The student will be able to write a Christmas poem.

* computer
* word processing software
* card stock

How many of you love Christmas?
What is your favorite thing about Christmas?
Do you like to receive mail?

Today, we are going to design a Christmas greeting card using poetry and creativity.

Sequence of Activities:
1. Have students turn on their computers and go to Microsoft word.
2. Then go to page setup. Click on 2 pages per sheet: then click on paper size and click on landscape.
3. Tell them you would like them to draw a tree on the front of their cards, which will be page 2 on the new document, or a star, wreath or bell.
4. To draw their shape they will use letters and words instead of lines such as:


5. Have them use words that describe Christmas and things that we do at Christmas.
6. Suggest that they use different colors when they are drawing their picture: such as make the star yellow, the X's green, and the words different colors, red, blue, purple, ect.
7. When they are finished with their picture, tell them to go to page 4 of their document and write a short note to the person that they are sending their Christmas greeting to.

Suggest that the class send it to someone who is lonely or is in the hospital this Christmas season. Have them save their greetings, then print them.
Have each of them share their cards with the class and tell who they are going to send them to.

The student will be able to design a Christmas greeting card with at least 95% accuracy.
The student will be able to write a Christmas poem with at least 90% accuracy.

If I were to teach this lesson again, I would. . .