#4126. Dr. Seuss Books - Themed Food Snacks

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Posted Thu Mar 6 12:05:41 PST 2008 by Members of Teachers.Net Kindergarten Chatboard (Members of Teachers.Net Kindergarten Chatboard).

Dr Seuss food /craft from the Kindergarten Chatboard

Posted by Lisa on 3/04/08
You could do the cat in the hat hats - Ritz cracker base, red gummy lifesavers with white icing in between.

Posted by MM on 3/05/08

We are doing a cat in the hat using a donut hole and lifesavers. I don't remember where I found the recipe but it has mini mms for the eyes, chocolate sprinkles for whiskers, icing for the face, chocolate donut hole for the head and white and red lifesavers held together with icing for the hat.

Posted by Stefanieon 3/05/08

ABC cutout cookies for "Dr. Seuss's ABC".

Serve ice cream sundaes called Schlopp ("The Thinks You Can Think")or do a build your own and remember they must be served with a cherry on top!

A tray of bananas, apples, peanut butter and jelly
sandwiches, and milk so they can have a snack with Brown and Black from "Hop on Pop".

Strange hot dog-like sausages also appear to be what the Nook with the hook cook book tries to cook in One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish. The zable on the table in There's a Wocket in My Pocket appears to be enjoying the same. And the
snack that Brown and Black enjoy in Hop on Pop includes a string of frankfurters. They also roast hot dogs around a campfire in The Sneetches. You could use little smoky sausages in a crock pot if you just wanted something snacky instead of
a hot dog meal.

Posted by cindy on 3/06/08

We take small clear plastic cups and have the kids layer strawberry (any red flavor) jello and cool whip to look like red and white stripes. Very simple and yummy too!