Teachers.Net Lesson Plans#4. Spanish Menu - an Internet Lesson Experience!
Language, level: senior
Posted by Brenda Lynch (lynchb@jupiter.dsu.edu).
Things Latino
Madison H.S./Madison, SD , US
Materials Required: Internet connected computers, paper and art tools
Activity Time: 5 days
Concepts Taught: Spanish, web researchBreak students into groups of 2-4. Assign each group a country or region to write a menu that includes the currency converstion, Preterit verb forms and the native foods.
After learning the foods in Spanish have them create menu descriptions using Preterit forms of the verbs. I allowed each of the groups half of the class period (because we do not have a computer lab) to do research on the Internet.I was amazed at the recipies that they we able to find as well as photos to use for the menus. The Currency Converter also was a side lesson.
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