Grade: Senior
Subject: Computer

#1099. Getting Inspired

Computer, level: Senior
Posted Fri Jun 25 08:11:59 PDT 1999 by Rhonda Sheets (
Independence High School, Independence, IA, USA
Materials Required: Computer, LCD Projector, Microsoft PowerPoint, Inspiration
Activity Time: 2 weeks
Concepts Taught: Demonstrates knowledge of how to create, access, and utilize information through technology.

Getting Inspired!
Business Education Department
9th grade Computer Applications
Rhonda Sheets
June 24, 1999

Resources Needed:
Software: Microsoft PowerPoint and Inspiration (Inspiration Software, Inc.)
Hardware: Computer, scanner, LCD projector

Classroom Arrangement:
Computer Lab-each student will need a computer to create their own Web and PowerPoint presentation. The teacher will need a computer station with an LCD projector connected that will project onto a large screen for all students to view. If you can arrange the lab so YOU (the teacher) can see all student screens as you work through Inspiration, that is the best arrangement.

Lesson Plan Duration:
This lesson should be completed in one 90-minute class period. I will allow students to hand in their completed Web the following day if they need work time. I will give the students approximately two weeks to create a 20-slide PowerPoint presentation.

Special Directions:
Remember that the students already know how to use PowerPoint when you begin this lesson.

I. Anticipatory Set
Students will have already learned how to use PowerPoint and be able to create a presentation. Today I will be teaching students how to brainstorm presentation ideas using a Web and then how to use Inductive Reasoning to come up with a "theme" for their final project. I will be using an LCD projector and Inspiration to teach them how to work through this process.

To begin-Teacher to students: "Today we will begin by getting Inspired!"

II. Objectives & Purpose
At the end of this project, students will be able to:
§ effectively use technology to process and interpret information.
§ understand the use and application of available technology.

III. Input
§ Teacher demonstration/modeling of PowerPoint software (done prior to today's lesson)
§ Teacher demonstration/modeling of Inductive Reasoning Process
§ Teacher demonstration/modeling of Inspiration software--brainstorm topic ideas using a Web

A. Modeling
Share the process of Inductive Reasoning with students.
1. Focus on specific pieces of information or observations. Try not to assume anything.
2. Look for patterns or connections in the information you have identified.
3. Make a general statement that explains the patterns or connections you have observed.
4. Make more observations to see if your generalization or principle holds up; if it does not, change it as necessary. (I would probably hand out a graphic organizer to show this process and to help the students visualize the process.)

§ Work students through Inductive Reasoning process modeling the use of the Inspiration software.
1. Show a picture of a person dressed in athletic workout clothes standing in a gymnasium. Have the students write down as much about the picture as they can-what do they see when looking at the picture.
2. Tell students to look for patterns or connections in their comments.
3. Next have them draw a conclusion from what they have written down. What can they infer from what they see?
4. Now have them go back and look at comments they made about the picture. Are there other generalizations or conclusions that they could come to when looking at the same comments? (They may say that the person is an athlete. However, the person could be a coach or a janitor dressed in athletic wear who is going to clean the gym.)
5. Now I will use the LCD projector and Inspiration to input the data they came up with for this picture. (Talk students through the program as I do this.)

B. Check for Understanding
1. Again using the Inspiration software and the LCD projector, I would use myself as the main idea of a presentation and have the students work through Inspiration with me as we brainstorm ideas for the Web. (Students will type these in on their computers as I type them in on mine.)
a. Everyone would choose a new file using Inspiration. Use myself as the main idea.
b. Key as many things about myself for the subtopics that I can think of. (We will use the Rapid Fire tool to speed the Webbing process.)
2. After we get my subtopics keyed in, I will have the students work though the Inductive Reasoning Process looking at the Web and trying to help me find a pattern.
3. Now we will try to come up with a generalization-what "theme" comes to mind when looking at the Web.
4. If a theme seems accurate for me, then that would be my overall theme for my presentation. It would dictate my backgrounds, graphics, font styles, etc. as I work through the project. Let the students know that they will be creating a Web and coming up with a "theme" for their presentation in the same way. If the "theme" does not seem appropriate or accurate, then they will look at their ideas again and try to come up with another conclusion.

C. Guided Practice
Students are to use a person or place for their own presentation topic. They must decide upon what they actually want to use for their main idea. Students must approve their topic with me before proceeding if they are not using themselves for their main idea.
1. Have students launch Inspiration.
2. Begin creating a Web by brainstorming ideas for their presentation.
3. When they think they are finished, have them review their Web in outline form and make any changes as necessary.
4. Now students will go through the Inductive Reasoning Process to continue and develop a theme. (Students may use a partner to help them discover a theme for their slideshow.)
5. Once students have their ideas keyed into Inspiration and a theme decided upon, they should format their Web to go along with their theme.
6. Print Web when finished.
7. Begin creating PowerPoint presentation.

*Individualized instruction in the use of the scanner and importing/exporting scanned pictures will be done as students are ready to do so. Once I have taught a few students, then peer teaching will be taking place for this skill so I can continue to circulate throughout the room to help students with PowerPoint questions.

D. Independent Practice
Students will be working on their project in class only. They should, however, bring any pictures or information from outside of class that will help them when creating their slideshow.

IV. Closure
1. Review Inductive Reasoning Process using Think Ink Pair Share.
2. Then discuss student findings as a large group.
3. Students hand in Web if they finished it today. If not, they will have some time tomorrow to complete this and hand it in.
4. Begin work in PowerPoint when Web activity is completed.