NAME OF LESSON PLAN- Fitness AnalysisCONTENT/GRADE- Physical Education/ 9-12
TEACHERS- Pamela Frisch/David Morkel
DATE CREATED- June 24, l999
RESOURCES NEEDED- IBM computer, Futrex 5000 machine, Futrex software
CLASSROOM ARRANGEMENT- One computer, maximum of six students at a time
LESSON PLAN DURATION- One 90 minute class period
SPECIAL DIRECTIONS- The futrex 5000 body composition analyzer is available for check-out through the AEA 7. This lesson should only be used on willing students.
ANTICIPATORY SET- Show the students the Futrex 5000 A/ZL Body Composition Analyzer. Explain how it is used and what we will be doing with their data. Stress that this activity is only for those who want to participate. Results will not be shared with others.
OBJECTIVES AND PURPOSE-1. The student will know their personal status of their body composition.
2. The student will know how to monitor and adjust activity levels to meet personal fitness
3. The student will demonstrate objectives 1 and 2 by using the software provided by
A. Modeling- Gather data from a fellow teacher or a student who is willing to share their results. Plug their results in the software program to determine their fitness levels and how to make changes to achieve desired fitness levels.
B. Check for Understanding- After you have gathered the students data, discuss
what the data means and how we will be using the software to produce our final analysis.C. Guided Practice-
1. Gather data from the Futrex machine
2. Go over the software with a group of six or less students
3. Have students(privately if they wish) enter in data to obtain their final fitness analysis
4. Meet with the student privately to discuss their final analysis and discuss a plan to make desired changes. Set short and long term goals.D. Independent Practice-
1. Discuss with the student what they can be doing outside of PE class to achieve their desired body composition and fitness level. Help them make their own fitness program.
CLOSURE- As a result of the students fitness analysis, start setting up a personal fitness portfolio:
1. What changes would they like to make by the end of the 9 weeks.
2. What are they going to do outside of PE class to achieve their goals.
3. What will their goals be by the time they end their senior year.
4. What are their life-time health and fitness goals.