I made one of these for all of the teachers at my school
last year. I put small portions of each item in a zip-
lock bag. I typed the explanations in Print Shop and made
each line a different color. I also added a piece of
string for when they reached the end of their rope - to tie
on to it.My family enjoyed the idea so much as I put the sacks together,
they made me one for my birthday using bigger objects and
put all the stuff in a wicker basket. I really loved it!Everyone likes to be appreciated, and this is just one small
way for everyone to receive some little something. :)Teacher's Survival Kit
Mounds: For the mounds of stuff you teach.
Crayon: To color your day.
Peanuts: To get a little nutty.
Band-Aid: For when things get a little rough.
Marbles: To replace those you might lose from time
to time.
Sponge: To soak up the overflow when your brain is
too full.
Puzzle Piece: Without you, things wouldn't be complete.
Lifesaver: For when you've had one of those days.
Hugs & Kisses: To make everything worthwhile.
Bath Salts: To "take you away" when you've had a bad
Cup: For when yours is too full.