The Best Thing In The WorldOnce upon a time, there were four brothers who lived in a far away
land. Their father was an old king. One day he said, "I will not live long
now. Today you must start out into the world. In a year, bring back the
best thing you have found. The one who can pick the best thing shall be the
new king."
The first brother said, "I will look in every city or town. I will buy
the best thing I can for my father."
The next two brothers said, "We will both go on fast ships over the sea.
We will find something better."
The last brother said, "I am going to ask the people here in our own
land to tell me the best thing." The other three brothers began to laugh.
"Then you will never be king!" They said.
The last brother started off. When he had gone about six miles, he met
a man.
"What do you carry in those big bags?" he asked.
"The best thing in the world," said the man. "These are full of the
good nuts which fall from my five nut trees."
"I don't think that would work," said the brother to himself, "I must
try again."
The brother went on another seven miles. He found a small brown bird.
It had been hurt, so he put it in his coat where it could keep warm. As he
went on, he saw a little girl crying. He ran to meet her. "Why are you
crying?" he asked.
"I want to get some water from the well," she said. "We use so much.
We drink cold water. We wash the clothes clean with hot water. But I do not
know how to pull it up. Please show me."
The brother said, "Hold this bird and I will help you. It does not fly
around anymore because it got its wing hurt.!"
"Thank you. What a pretty bird!" she said. "I wish you would give it
to me. If you will let me keep it, I will always be very kind to it. I will
take care of it myself. I will make it grow well again."
"Yes, you may have it," said the brother. So he gave her the bird and
went on.
At night, he went to sleep under a round yellow haystack. When it was
light again he walked on. Every day he would walk eight or ten miles. He
asked the people about the best thing in the world. Some said it was best to
sing. Some said it was best to run and jump and play. Some said the green
grass was best. Some liked the red and blue and white flowers best. One man
said the best thing was to ride a black horse.
He always stopped to help people who needed it. Soon he made many
friends. All the people began to like him. They would say, "See there goes
the king's son. He would be just the right kind of king for us."
Every door was open to him. The people would call to him to stop. They
would ask him to come and eat with them. After he ate, he would sit down and
read to the children. After he read, he showed them how to draw and write.
Months went by. He still had no beautiful thing to take to his father.
Just before the year was done, he went home again. The time came went he
king called his sons together.
"What did you bring?" He asked them all.
The other brothers had many beautiful things.
"And what did you bring?" said the king to the last brother.
"This is too funny!" said the other brothers. "He has nothing!"
But the king was kind to the last brother. "What did you bring me?"
the king asked again.
"I bring only the friendship of your people," said the last the brother.
"That is the best thing!" cried his father. "You shall be the new
king."The End
This passage contains all of the 220 Dolch Basic Sight Words.
675 words in passage
#56. Sight Word Soup
Reading/Writing, level: Elementary
Posted by Candy Carlile, EdD ().
university reading clinic, US
Activity Time: 30 minutes
Concepts Taught: reading remediationSIGHT WORD SOUP
Children need a strong sight word vocabulary to be successful readers. These
should be common words that he sees everywhere in print (not just in one
memorized story). Words like /is,am,it,up,a,if/ should be automatically
recognized by the child. An effective way to teach these words is by using the
following steps:
Select 10 new words each week to teach. (Words from the Dolch Sight Word list
are widely used, but there are other lists from which to choose.
It is best not to use words just from one basal reader
. These words are strictly words to be memorized to enable the child to read
particular stories in the basal. Children should be learning words common to ALL
stories, and the lists like Dolch are a collection of words from many different
sources, with words the child will be sure to see everywhere.Be sure the words
that you select look as
as possible so they will be easier for the child to remember. Write each word on a
3X 5 index card. --Show the word to the child. Say: This is the word /if/ --Ask:
What letter is at the beginning of this word? --Ask: Does this word have a smaller
word inside it? --Try to point out something characteristic about the word--This
word begins with the same letter as your name; or This word only has 3 letters,
just like the word /cat/ you learned yesterday. --Say: Now I want you to say each
letter in the word as I spell it aloud, and you write it in the sand (or using another
kinesthetic method like shaving cream on a cookie sheet, chalk on the sidewalk,
magnetic letters, cereal letters, etc) --Then have the child spell the word aloud
while you print it in his Word Book(a small notebook having all this week's words
on one page).--Repeat the same procedure with each of the 10 new words.
--Have the child practice the 10 sight words with a hands-on activity like bingo,
concentration, Go Fish, etc. The game should be played with a partner (you, a
sibling, friend, etc.)
--Have the child read the ten words in a sentence, poem, riddle, paragraph, etc.
(The length of the reading will depend upon the level of the child. Some children
may need to read the words in simple 3 word sentences--with other words they
already know.) More than one word may be used per sentence. The sentences
need to be printed neatly on a piece of white, lined paper, with a double space
between sentences. The point is, it is important that the words be seen in context
or print like they will be seen when reading.
Children learn words quickerwhen they are taught in isolation FIRST, then
presented in context.This Reading Remediation Report submitted by:Dr. Candy
Carlile, EdDprofessor/editor of the Reading Camp Newsletter. For information
about our Reading Network, and a free copy of our newsletter, e-mail DR
CARLILE @aol.comIts a simple one, but my kids love "bang"...word cards are in a can. the
student picks a card and reads it out loud. If he is correct he can keep
the card, and it is the next student's turn. The object is to have the
most cards at the end of the game. "Bang" is written on some cards. When
a student chooses Bang he has to read BANG in a nice loud voice and put ALL
of his cards back in the can. There is always lots of laughing and anybody
can win, not just the best reader.
Pat BColleen, I made "memory" cards which the children had to make a match and use
that word in a sentence inorder to keep that match. Another way is to have
them write or dictate the words into a sentence and later go back and
identify the Dolch words in the sentence.
Here is a simple game my students love. I use it as a center or small group
game. We call it the "I can read can."Get an old coffee can (I painted mine).
Write high frequency words on small index cards and put them in the can.
Students pass the can if they can read it they keep the card. If not it goes
back in. The can is passed even if the word is correct. To make it more fun
I added a "Loose a Turn" card. Play ends when all the cards have been drawn.
The player with the most cards wins. Actually, they all win because it's
great practice. I rotate packs of word cards and have a set with student
names, days and months, and topic words as well.
Most of my students have difficulty spelling sight words correctly in their writing. So, I
use a few games to make practice of these words fun.
buttons or game markers
generic Teacher Made game board(s)
colored chalk or markers
sight word flashcards
Game 1
Make up 1 or more game boards; use your own creativity. I like to make mine as
interesting as possible. It is a good idea to make some game boards with fewer
spaces and some with more. Then you can pick and choose which board you want
depending on the amount of time available for play.
In a small group, the students roll the dice to see who will go first. Then, each
students takes turns doing the following. . . Student rolls the dice. The
teacher/para says a word that the student should try to spell. If the student spells
the word incorrectly, the teacher shows it to the student for a few seconds, then
hides it. The student attempts to spell the word again. Usually the student gets it.
If the student spells the word correctly, they may move the number indicated on
the dice. While the next student is rolling, the previous student should write the
word he/she just spelled on paper.
After playing one round of this game--I often have the students write each word on
their list three times, write sentences with the words on their list, and/or add the
words to a "spelling notebook" that I have them keep.
Game 2
For a small group of two students, allow them to play tic tac toe, either with colored
chalk on the board or with colored pencils on paper. Or, you could purchase
commercially made tic tac toe games with manipulative pieces. Before a student
can place an "x" or an "o" on the grid, he or she must spell a sight word correctly.
Other ideas:
This next idea is more of a general tip than an actual game. Here's the tip:
diligently search at bargain stores and tag sales. Often, you can adapt already
made games. A colleague of mine buys small, round tag sale stickers and uses
them and a permanent pen to change game boards. She has shelves of outstanding
materials that cost her next to nothing.
Kids never get tired of BINGO. It amazes me! A couple of neat ideas: (1) Use
non-toxic bingo markers on photocopied bingo boards. (2) Use colored pencils to
x out words on the photocopied cards. (3) Buy magnetic bingo chips and a
magnetic wand. The child who loses at BINGO can be the one to pick up the
chips afterward.
submitted by
dwaynejan@snet.netI have the Dolch words broken down into pre-primer, primer, and 1st,2nd, and
3rd grade words. Each of those is broken into two groups so I have 10
groups of Dolch words, starting with easy ones and getting harder. Each
group is printed on a colour of construction paper, 10 groups, 10 different
colors. As the kids can read the first group of words, mine are the yellow
words, they get a yellow copy of a badge with ribbons. They put their name
on the badge and cut it out and put it onto our Reading Rainbow wall. As
they pass each color group of words, they get another badge of the matching
color. Our Reading Rainbow wall was beautiful, full of a rainbow of color
badges as the kids passed each level. I had parent helpers work with the
kids and let me know when they passed another level. I have a 2/3 split
this year and all my kids passed all the words before Christmas! When they
had passed all the levels, they got a Reading Rainbow Certificate I made on
the computer.This has worked well for me.
2/3 in Port McNeill BCThis is a very simple activity that I do with mine when they are with me in
> small groups. I put all of the word cards face down on the table and then just
> kind of shove them around on the table top with my hands as I say "Pick a card,
> pick a card, pick a card_________." and name a child. They have to reach in a
> grab one of the rotating cards. If they can say the word they keep the card if
> they can't we all read it and it goes back into the pot. I don't know why they
> love this but they do and when we get to the last couple of cards they love it
> even more because I keep trying to move the cards away so they are harder to
> grab! The one with the most cards is the winner and then I usually have them
> lay out their cards and read them all then everyone passes to the right and
> they read their new list. We continue until everyone has read every card.
> That way I know everyone practiced all of them. My students are always asking
> do we get to play Pick a Card?
Bonnie Fulgham