Grade: Pre-School
Subject: Mathematics

#1687. Kindergarten Math Backpacks

Mathematics, level: Pre-School
Posted Sun Apr 23 13:55:35 PDT 2000 by Bev Dutton (
John Costello School, Calgary, Canada
Materials Required: 20 cube - a links, recording sheet and comment book
Activity Time: 10 - 20 minutes
Concepts Taught: Measuring and data collection

This lesson is for the home connection. I send home a math backpack that contains an activity that relates to concepts covered in class. This provides a link between home and school and the parents get to see what their child is learning.
You will need: 1 backpack, materials required for extension activity, instructions for the parents, I provide a mascot(Ty beanie baby) and a scribbler for comments. I provide the scribbler so that parents and students may share their thoughts about the activities.
I send the backpack home every night with a different student. If by chance they forget the pack, it is not sent home with another student until it returns. When the pack is returned we read and share the comments with the class.
Once all of the children have had a chance to take home the pack, I refill it with another activity and we start over again. The children are so eager to take the pack home and share the learning with their parents.