Grade: Pre-School
Subject: Mathematics

#1688. Kindergarten Math Backpacks(lesson addition)

Mathematics, level: Pre-School
Posted Sun Apr 23 15:05:37 PDT 2000 by Bev Dutton (
John Costello School, Calgary, Canada
Materials Required: 20 cube-a-links, record sheet
Activity Time: 10-20 minutes
Concepts Taught: Measurement, data collection

This is an activity to go with the original backpack description.

Create a sheet which asks the children to find different lengths around their house.
Example: Find something that is 10 cubes long, draw and label
Find something that is 12 cubes long, draw and label
You can list as many as you would like the children to do.

I also add a box that they draw something, and label how many cubes long it is and I have to guess
what it is by their drawing. This creates a lot of excitement.

As well I may include an activity sheet from the unit that we were working on.

Photocopy enough for each student to do the activity.