Grade: Senior
Subject: Science

#1714. DNA replication

Science, level: Senior
Posted Tue Apr 25 10:01:07 PDT 2000 by Matt Lehman (

IUP, indiana PA US
Materials Required: overhead projetor
Activity Time: 40 minutes
Concepts Taught: DNA replication

Sample Lesson Plan
DNA Replication


Genes are the small heredity units on chromosomes and are made of DNA molecules. Before a cell divides, the DNA must replicate so that the two new cells will each have the organism's genetic code. If foreign materials invade the cell while the DNA is duplicating, they may be incorporated into the molecule. If these miscoded cells are not killed by the body's own defense systems, they will multiply and could take over, disrupting the cell's normal activities or dividing rapidly and erratically, crowding out the normal cells. It is important to understand the construction of the DNA molecules; how and why they divide; how good nutrition and personal habits can help maintain the genetic code.



Following a computer tutorial on the process of DNA replication in eukaryotes, grade 12 honor biology students will be able to draw and label the parts of an replication fork, showing all the associated enzymes and protein complexes with 100 percent accuracy. The students will also be able to write an essay on the basic steps of the DNA replication process accurately enough to show a complete understanding of the subject. Finally, the student will be able to correctly identify the polarity of the template strand and match the correct base pair sequence with it with 100% accuracy.




4 Minutes Review basic DNA structure Asks questions about topic
3 Minutes Review the cell cycle Asks questions about topic
1 Minute Give overview of DNA replication Open notebooks and take notes
---------- Start overhead projector ---------------------------
4 Minutes Discuss semi-conservative replication Take notes and ask questions
3 Minutes Discuss how DNA unwinds Take notes and ask questions
2 Minutes Show model of unwinding DNA Take notes and ask questions
3 Minutes Discuss RNA Primase and DNA Polymerase Take notes and ask questions
4 Minutes Discuss replication forks Take notes and ask questions
3 Minutes Ask questions on topic Answer questions and ask new questions
3 Minutes Discuss bidirectional replication Take notes and ask questions
4 Minutes Discuss Okazaki fragments Take notes and ask questions
4 Minutes Discuss DNA excision repair and proofreading Take notes and ask questions
4 Minutes Summarize lecture and assign homework problems Ask final questions