Kobra Wooten
Science Methods
Dr. Cleminson
How Are Leaves Alike and Different?
Leaves may vary because of inheritance, or because of the environment in which they live. for example, the leaves of a particular species may be large if the environment in which the plant grows richly supplies the things needed by the plant.Objectives: TLW collect and compare different types of leaves.
TLW discuss how leaves how leaves are alike and different.
1) Collect different kinds of leaves and obtain a ruler.
2) Place the leaves on your desk and compare them.
What can you say about the shapes of the leaves?
How do they differ in size?
3) Place the leaves in groups according to properties, such as color size, kind (maple, oak, etc.), number of points, and arrangement of veins.
How many groups did you get?4) Why do you think leaves vary in size, shape, color, number of points, and other characteristics?
5)Summarize how your leaves vary.
Other Activities:
1) Press Plants- Invite students to collect parts of plants, such as leaves and flowers. Caution:Stress collecting fallen plant parts only. Do not allow students to pick from living things. Also, make sure students do not collect any parts from poisonous plants such as poison ivy. Have students press the plant parts between newspapers. Place some nooks or something heavy on the newspapers. After several days, remove the weights and newspapers. Discuss how drying helps to preserve the plants.2) Make splatter pictures of leaves - Have students collect different types of leaves and bring them to class. Tell students to place the leaves on colored paper. Then show students how the dip brushes in poster paint and splatter paint over the leaves to make a picturec outline. Have students compare the different types of leaves and what methods they had to use to make good splatter pictures. For example, ask how the thickness of the paint affected the quality of the picture.