Grade: all
Subject: Computer

#2298. Kagan 4Mat

Computer, level: all
Posted Sat Jun 30 23:03:55 PDT 2001 by RAY A. JAMES (
Midwestern State Univ, Wichita Falls, Tx
Materials Required: 4Mat Wheel
Activity Time: one or more days
Concepts Taught: 4Mat with Teaching Strategies


STRATEGY METHOD Where would you use them in the lesson plan? How to use them? Why?

SEQUENCING (1r or 1L, 2R, or 2L) Use in a comic strip and Xeroxed and cut the copies into separate panels and place in an envelope, one per team. Teammates open the envelope, place the panels of the comic strip face down without examining them, and shuffle them around the table. Each draws 2 panels. Used for brainstorming activity and causes students to rethink a concept.

JIGSAW Content instruction(2L, 3L) Divide content into chunks and become expert. Students participate in their own learning by teaching.

DIRECT INSTRUCTION (2L, 3L) Students are provided with information they must learn and follow guidelines usually on-hands activity and worksheets. Students can learn directly from the lesson plans.

BRAINSTORMING When seeking quantity not quality of ideas(1R or 1L, 2R, or 2L) No judgment of quality of ideas. Cause students to rethink a concept. More involvement with group.

THINK- PAIR- SQUARE Direct teaching, specific (3L) Sharing is done with group rather than class. More students have opportunity to share.

THINK- PAIR- SHARE With a specific question (2L, 3L) Think-Alone, Pair & Discuss. Share with class. Transfer learning & fill in the gaps. Better chance of success more involvement.

SNOWBALL Practice (3L) Write questions on paper, wad up and have snowball fight. Stop on cue and answer question in hand. Randomizes, mixes up the order of questions. Good "break", students like it.

NUMBER HEADS Practice (3L) Number off, Teacher asks a question, students consult on answer, teacher calls a number for answers. Group helps everyone to understand Q&A because they don't know which # will be called.

TEAM INTERVIEW (2L, 3L) Students assume role, take questions. To get acquainted.
GALLERY TOUR After projects, mapping, etc. (2R, 3R, 4L, 4R) Students post results of group activity, everyone tours and gives feedback. Shares info from other teams in fun way, gives feedback and reinforcement.

TOSS A QUESTION Within groups for practice (3L) Students make a ball by wadding up a piece of paper, and then take turns tossing review questions and answering the questions. Student's practice and review information.

INQUIRY (2L, 3L, 3R) Students are taught to form questions, create hypotheses, and test theories. They collect data and analyze it. Student's skills of hypothesizing, evaluating, and problem solving are acquired.

CONCEPT FORMATION (1R, 1L, 2L, 3L) Students are taught to group data on the basis of similarities, and form categories and labels based on those data. Student's skills of comparing and contrasting, categorizing, applying, analyzing, and synthesizing data are developed.

MNEUMONICS (1L, 2R, 2L, 3L) Students are taught how to memorize and acquire information. Mnemonics can be used to help students learn both low-level information facts as well as more complex concepts from different disciplines.

SYNECTICS (2L, 3L) Students are taught to use analogies, metaphors, and tools for problem solving. Students become more creative thinkers.

CONCEPT ATTAINMENT (1R, 1L) Students use positive and negative examples to define a concept. Student's concepts are learned.

HIGHER-LEVEL THINKING (2L, 3L, 3R) Students are taught to go beyond their level of understanding. Students become more knowledgeable of their subject of understanding.

GROUP DISCUSSION Anytime Students are grouped up into four's and discuss ideas. Student's share and exchange ideas to become familiar with topic of discussion.

ROUND TABLE (3L) Students have one piece of paper and one pen on his or her left. The paper or pen literally goes around the table to check for information. Develops cooperative learning & understanding.

ROUND ROBIN (1L, 3L) Students take turns contributing to the group in an oral form. Develops cooperative learning & understanding.

FLASHCARD GAME (2L, 3L) Prior to playing students make up flashcards, usually on items missed on a pretest. Designed to memorize facts.

APPOINTMENT Anytime Students are told to mill about and make appointments from 1-12. Regrouping tool that can be used anytime for instant re-pairing.

CUED RETELLING Information delivery(2L) Student reads and remembers a series of facts or story- retelling to partner. Retelling of facts reinforces knowledge, memory.

WHIP Anytime Specify where whip starts, direction. Students give answers without prompt, quickly around room. Keeps attention by pace, student involvement. With groups, all students share in creating learning.

SEND-A-PROBLEM With consensus problems, probably for practice or examination (3L, 2L) Groups write a question and send it to the next group to answer. Learning occurs during the creation of the question as well as when answering.

MIX-FREEZE-PAIR (2L, 3L) Students circulate through the classroom. When the teacher calls freeze they stop. When the teacher calls pair they form pairs and interview each other on the theme announced by the teacher. Learning facts and class building.

PAIR CHECK (3L) Used in the following steps: individual work, coach checks, coach practice, individual work, coach checks, coach praises, pairs check, and team celebrates. All of the students stay on task and work together to master the worksheet skill.

INSIDE/OUTSIDECIRCLE (2L, 3L) Students stand in two concentric circles, with the inside circle facing out and outside facing in. Teachers tell them how to rotate and face a partner. To master structure and practice skills & facts.

CORNERS (2L) To begin and end a lesson: Announce Corners,Think &Write Time,Students Group in Corners,Students ParaphraseTeams Review. So students will see important reasons for the study.

VENN DIAGRAMS ( 2L) Items are placed one at a time within circle 1 and circle 2 then both. To determine if students understand groups of ideas correctly.