Grade: all
Subject: Music

#2443. Spanish days of the week song

Music, level: all
Posted Tue Nov 27 17:37:26 PST 2001 by Jill Payne (
The Goddard School, Sewell, NJ

This is a cute song sung to learn the days of the week that I translated into spanish (most of it)
Sung to the Adams Family tune

Days of the week (snap, snap)
Days of the week (snap, snap)
Days of the week, days of the week, days of the week. (snap, snap)
Theres Domingo, and theres Lunes,
Martes, and Miercoles,
Jueves, and Viernes,
and then theres Sabado.
Days of the week. (snap, snap)
Days of the week. (snap, snap)
Days of the week, days of the week, days of the week. (snap, snap)