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Grade: Elementary
Subject: Reading/Writing
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Methods Lesson Plan, Internet-BasedOverview
This lesson is taught on the last day of a five-day unit on Phonemic Awareness. It is appropriate for first grade students when used as an introduction to blending and the formation of onsets and rimes. This lesson is appropriate for teaching Phonemic Awareness to emergent readers who are native English language speakers or English Language Learners (ELL).California Content Standards
1.0. Word Analysis, Fluency, and Systematic Vocabulary Development
Students understand the basic features of reading. They select letter patterns and know how to translate them into spoken language by using phonics, syllabication, and word parts. They apply this knowledge to achieve fluent oral and silent reading.Phonemic Awareness
1.7. Add, delete, or change target sounds to create new words (e.g. change cow to how, pan to an).Lesson Plan
· Students will manipulate consonant onsets and create familiar words using Aa family rimes.Materials
· 10 spinner boards, each containing different consonant combinations.
· Graph worksheet for each group to record words. The graph page has columns for Aa family rimes.Teaching Sequence
The lesson is taught on the fifth day of a five-day unit plan sequence focusing on specific rime families. Previously, the teacher introduced the concept of onsets and rimes by reading rhyming books containing rhyming words. Examples of some books used are:
· The Cat In The Hat
· Green Eggs And Ham
· Hop On Pop.Previous Activities
Some of the activities leading up to this lesson include:
· Student generated word wall organized by specific rime families.
· Rhyming concept introduced using a new song containing specific rime families.
· Student created silly nonsense words that rhyme with their first name.
· Student brainstorms that generated their own words based on teacher provided rime cards.
· Each student pair/group created as many words as possible based on teacher provided rime cards and shared the results with the class.Day Five
Rime Spinner Game
Ten individual spinner boards are created, enough for 10 student pairs. Each spinner board has a different variety of consonant onsets that correlate to the Aa rime family. Each student pair has a graph worksheet containing columns labeled for the rimes an, at, ad, ag, ap, ab, am, and ar. The object of the game is to create words that correlate to the spinner consonants and rimes that are prewritten on a graph worksheet. Students write words they create on the graph worksheets. This activity has a specific time limit. For example, one spinner board contains five sections: r, c, f, m, and p. The student spinning chooses an onset to pair with one of the rimes listed on the graph worksheet. Once a word is created, the student writes the word in the column containing the rime. A student spins again to create a new word. The student pairs alternate the spinning and writing tasks.Rime Spinner Game Closure
Students come together as a group and compare the graph worksheets. A teacher-facilitated discussion enables students to review all the words created and read them orally.Evaluation
Students are evaluated based on the words they chart on the graph worksheets. A follow up activity suggestion is to have students create sentences using the words they recorded on the graph worksheets to increase comprehension.