Grade: all
Subject: Science

#2839. Effects of different soil on plants

Science, level: all
Posted Mon Apr 7 09:13:12 PDT 2003 by Peggy Kelly (
Newport Independent Schools, Newport, KY USA
Materials Required: Different soils (sand, potting soil, rocks, etc.), pots, plants (cotton or herbs), water, salt, rule
Activity Time: Short time over weeks
Concepts Taught: Ecosystems, multi-disciplinary

Lesson name: Salt Effects On Soil/Plants

Objectives: Observations over-time of salt added to different types of soil and on the plants

Procedures: Discuss scientific method. Have students hypothesize results of salt on different soil and plants grown. Have students plant cotton plants or herbs in different soils. Add salt to water. Water according to plants needs. Have students write observations in their journals over-time. Discuss effects on plants and why some plants can be grown in different ecosystems and some cannot.

Materials needed: Different soils (sand, potting soil, rocks, etc.), pots, plants (cotton or herbs), water, salt, rulers, paper, pencils/pens.

Evaluation plan: Checklist of participation and discussions, journal entries

Follow-up activities:
View different states agriculture maps and what plants are grown in different ecosystems. Why do certain plants do well there and other don't?