United We Stand with GREAT EXPECTATIONSFar better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious
triumphs even though checkered by failure, than torank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer
much because they live in the gray twilight that knowsneither victory nor defeat. -Theodore Roosevelt
High expectations means that the quest is for excellence in
all things - even the small things - the way we answer a
question, the way we enter and exit a room, the way we
greet visitors. Excellence is the target for students,
teachers and administrators.Bullying is unfair and one sided It happens when someone
keeps hurting frightening threatening or excluding someone
on purpose. No one is allowed to bully someone. Bullying is
not tolerated at Lone Grove SchoolViolence is any mean word, look, sign, or act that hurts a
person's body, feelings, or things. No one is entitled to
use violence Violence is not tolerated at Lone Grove School"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure"-Ben
FranklinArrival Procedures: Oh, What a Beautiful Morning, Oh What a
Beautiful Day Enter the classroom. Greet your teacher and
friends. Get out your homework and put in the Turn-In Box.
Get out your Activity Folder and place it on your desk.
Open your planner to the correct page and put it in the
designated spot. Go to breakfast or out to the Big
Playground.Breakfast Procedures
If you are eating breakfast, get in line when you arrive.
Keep your voice low. Walk only in the cafeteria. Clean your
area up when you are finished. Put paper and utensils in
the proper container. When you have finished eating, go to
the playground. Have fun. Be kind. If it is raining, go to
the classroom.Morning Bell Procedures
When the bell rings, walk to the west doors and get in a
straight line. Enter the building when a teacher calls your
line. Enter the classroom quietly using the Magic Triad
with your teacher. Make sure you have two pencils sharpened
before the second bell rings. Only one person is allowed at
the pencil sharpener at a time. Get a drink and use the
restroom quickly and quietly if needed. Begin Activity
Folder work by the second bell. Remember to walk in a
clockwise direction around the classroom at all times.Procedures for putting name on paper: Check to make sure
holes are on the left-hand side of the paper. In a pencil
write your name in the top left hand margin. Your name
should begin on the right side of the pink line. Under your
name, write the date. Under the date, write the page
number. On the top of the first line write the Subject. On
the top right side of your paper, write your class
#.number.7. See the example hanging in class to see if it matches. *
Procedures for Time on Task: Everyone begins together
Pencils out, books open to correct page Eyes on speaker (no
walking around, digging in school bags or desk) Ask
questions so you understand the directions Eyes on your own
paper Do excellent, neat work.When you play, play hard; when you work, don't play at all.
Theodore Roosevelt Procedures for doing homework: All
homework must be done in pencil. All homework must be done
in cursive writing beginning in January. Questions should
be answered in complete sentences with part of the question
in the answers. Skip two lines between questions or math
problems. The beginning is the most important part of the
work. Plato Procedures for Turning in Work Make sure your
name is written correctly on your paper. Double check.
Completed work will be turned in to the Turn-In box. All
papers without a name on them will be thrown in the trash.
You will be given another paper to complete. Double check
that you did your best work. Never turn in any work of
which you are not proud.
Procedures when homework is not done In the morning, before
announcements, fill out an OOPS slip. Staple the oops slip
on a worksheet or blank piece of paper. Turn the paper in
the Turn-In Box with the finished assignments. You will
complete the homework assignment that night. You must turn
in the assignment the next day to avoid consequences. You
will receive a zero, and a parent letter or phone call, if
the assignment is not turned in the next day.Procedure if you finish your work early: Reread directions
and double check your assignment. Finish other unfinished
work. Do one of the following activities Read silently
Study spelling words
Study math facts
Write a story
4. When Ms. Ellis asks for the class's attention, promptly
put your alternative activity away and give her full
attention.Procedure for coming to the carpet. If you hear the Sponge
Bob clock, come to the front of the room and sit
criss-cross facing the rocking chair. If you hear the Magic
Wand, then sit in a circle as quickly as possible. Hands
and feet are kept to yourself. Control the wiggling. This
is a listening activity. Procedures for Listening Sit
quietly and listen when others are speaking. Face and look
at speaker. Take turns with other students. Get permission
to speak before speaking. Stay on the correct topic. Ask
appropriate questions. Answer speaker's questions correctly
by addressing the class and speaker.Procedure for listening to the intercom. When you hear the
beep, freeze. Look at the intercom. Listen to the
announcement. Look at the teacher for further directions or
for a signal to go back to work.Procedures for Leaving the Classroom
You may only leave the classroom to get a drink, go to the
restroom, or library during independent work time. You may
not leave the room during teacher instructions or
transition time. Only 1 boy and 1 girl can leave the
classroom to go to the restroom at one time. When going to
the restroom, you must take the restroom pass with you. If
an emergency arises and you must go, do not wait or
interrupt the teacher to leave the room--GO--explain later.
Keep the restrooms clean and tidy please. Put all paper
into the trash cans. Remember the halls are quiet during
class time. No talking or unnecessary noise. You must
return to class as quickly as possible.Restroom Procedures: Put the Bathroom Pass on your desk.
Enter and exit quietly. Use toilet and hold down handle
until it begins to flush. Wash hands Paper towels go into
the trash can. Make sure you have left no trash. Return
promptly to the classroom.Proper Classroom Etiquette Speak in complete sentences
unless teacher asks for "Popcorn" answers. Use please,
thank you, and excuse me when it is appropriate. Remember
to address adults and students by name. Remember to push
your chair in each time you get up. Chairs are to have four
legs on the ground at all times. Keep focused on your
academic work. Follow the eight classroom expectations. Use
the magic triad. Follow the Classroom Discipline PlanStoplight Procedures 1. When the red light in "on,"
students are instructed to; stay in seats practice silence
take items out of desk quietly when instructed to by
teacher 2. When the yellow light is "on," students are
expected to: stay in seats or take a paper directly to the
turn-in box raise hands and wait for teacher to call on you
use quiet whisper voices 3. While the green light is "on,"
students may: engage in normal everyday activities practice
inside behaviors use inside voicesProcedures for Lining Up Make sure your desk looks neat.
Pick up paper off the floor. Push your chair in. Pick up
the area around your desk. Get any materials you need for
where you are going (library, , etc.). When Ms. Ellis calls
you to line up, go quickly and line up facing the door
standing quietly. The leader may line up first. Face the
front of the line. Walk directly behind the person in front
of you, but please be polite and leave enough room so the
heel is not stepped on. Walk quietly. In the hallway, walk
on the right side. (Approximately the third tile from the
wall.) Always stop and let adults and small children pass
in front of you or through your line. (Class Expectation
#3) Line up in the appropriate place without talking to
anyone around you. Line up in number order for lunch. Stop
the line at doors. Only open the door when Ms. Ellis has
indicated the line is quiet. The last person in line is
yesterday's leader, called the caboose. The caboose turns
out the lights and shuts the door quietly. THERE IS NO
PASSING IN THE LINE. Keep up with your classmates. A proper
line has no gaps in it. If the proper procedure if not
followed, we will try again!Procedures for Lunch When lining up in the cafeteria,
students must be quiet and orderly. Face the front in line.
Students who are disorderly will be sent to the end of the
line. Students will not lean on the walls or the windows.
Students will stop at the computer so that their name may
be entered into the computer. Students will get their milk
and utensils then their tray. Watch the duty person to know
where to sit. Students who bring their lunches may be
seated immediately unless they are purchasing milk.
Students buying milk will proceed to the computer before
being seated. Students will sit with their class for lunch.
When students are finished eating, they should pick up all
their trash and sit quietly until dismissed to dump their
trays and go to lunch recess. Lunch boxes should go
outside. Students may not return unsupervised to the
classroom.Procedures for Outdoor Lunch Recess Follow the Lone Grove
Super Rule: Keep your hands, feet, hands, and hurtful
comments to yourself. While on the playground, students
will not engage in games that tend to cause injury.
Students will not deliberately behave (or play) in such a
way that could cause tripping, piling on or making other
students fall. Students will use playground equipment
properly. Students will not throw rocks. Students will not
engage in fighting or "play fighting" Students will not
individually, or as a group, pick on other students. This
is bullying and is not allowed. Students will not walk up
and down the slides. Students will remain in the view of
the playground teacher at all times. Use the bathroom in
the gym if necessary. Get permission first. Procedures for
Inside Lunch Recess Come in classroom quietly. Leave the
door open and the doorway clear. Choose an activity.
Students may watch TV, read, or do a quiet activity. Clean
up your activity when finished Be sure to put up what you
got out and do so neatly. Use inside voices. You must have
permission from the duty teacher before leaving the room.
No writing on the board. Activities must be put away and
students in seats before the second bell.Procedure for Avoiding Conflict (Kelso's Choices) Tell them
to Stop. Walk Away Go to Another Game. Share & Take Turns.
Ignore it. Make a Deal. Talk it Out. Apologize. Wait & Cool
Off.Students must use at least two of Kelso's Choices before
coming to the teacher with the problem. Student will
address the teacher and state the choices that have been
tried. "Ms. Ellis, I tried to ignore it and I told them to
stop, but they keep hitting me."When in conflict all children can become peacemakers
Procedure for Being a Peacebuilder Praise people Avoid
"put-downs" Do give "put-ups" Notice hurts and right wrongs
And seek wise people when problems ariseWhen in conflict, one method that may be used is the "I
Statements." 1. Look at the person. 2. Say, "I don't like
it when . . ." 3. Say, "I feel . . ." 4. Say, "I want . .
." 5. Ask, "OK?" 6. Listen to the other person.Procedures for reporting a minor problem Use the IN or OUT
rule. Are you trying to get a person IN trouble or OUT of
trouble? First use negative feedback and try to work the
problem out for yourself. If necessary, and if it is a
minor problem such as name-calling or spreading gossip,
write the problem in the red notebook. Make sure to include
all the details. (Who the problem is with, the date, what
you have done to try to solve the problem, and your name.)
Only one person may be at the notebook at a time. You may
write in the notebook when you are working on independent
class work, not while I am teaching, not when someone else
is talking, and not when you first come in from recess.Procedures for reporting a major problem Ask to speak to
the teacher privately. Wait patiently for the teacher to
speak to you. In a calm manner, tell the teacher what
happened and how you tried to solve the problem. Listen to
the teacher's suggestion or advice. Keep the conversation
private. The situation is between you, the person you are
having the problem with, and the teacher.Procedures for accepting a consequence or criticism:
Listen. Do not argue back. If you disagree, do so in a
polite manner and at an appropriate time. Make a Plan of
Improvement. I may ask for an oral or written plan. State
what you were doing. Why you received a criticism. What was
the correct thing to have been doing? What Class Room
Expectation should you have been following What quotation
do you need to remember? How do you want others to see you
and you see yourself?Procedure for Tattling Tattling is not approved. Use the IN
or OUT rule. Are you trying to get a person IN trouble or
OUT of trouble? There are 5 exceptions: fire injury
stranger danger vandalism bullyingProcedures for getting the teacher's attention: 1.) Stay in
your seat. 2.) Quietly raise your hand. 3.) Wait for the
teacher to call on you. 4.) Politely ask your question or
give your answer.Procedures for following directions: 1.) Look at the person
giving the direction. 2.) Listen to all directions. 3.)
Quickly and quietly follow the directions.Procedures for teacher getting students' attention: 1.)
Teacher gives call back. 2.) Students immediately stop
activity and look to the teacher. 3.) Students wait quietly
for the teacher to speak.Procedures for the reading area: 1.) The reading corner is
a silent area. 2.) One person may sit in the chair. 3.) No
more than three people may be in the reading area at a
time. 4.) Put all books back neatly and in the correct
place. Procedures for reporting computer problems: If you
have a problem, calmly raise your hand to get the teacher's
attention. Wait patiently and do not click around if you
don't know what is wrong. I will help you as soon as
possible. If you have a question about an assignment, work
on a part of the project that you understand. You should
never just be sitting. Research or write out your
storyboards while you wait for help.Procedures for Visitors If a visitor comes to our class,
remain seated unless you are the leader of the the day.
Continue working quietly until the visitor has left the
room.If you are the leader, as soon as you hear the knock at the
door, you may answer the door. Proceed with appropriate
behaviors. A visitor in the classroom is always a formal
time. If the greeter does not hear the visitor's knock, do
not shout out to tell the greeter that someone is at the
door. You may "air knock" to get the helper's attention.Procedures for Greeting Guest in Classroom The Leader of
the Day is the Greeter The Greeter will answer the door.
Step into the hall. Tell them your name. Say "Good Morning"
and greet them by name if you know it. Extend your hand and
ask them their name if they do not tell you. Ask if you can
help them. If introductions are necessary, properly
introduce the visitor to Ms. Ellis first and then to the
class. If introductions are not necessary, relay
information to Ms. Ellis As soon as you have introduced the
visitor or given the message to the teacher, you may be
seated and continue working. Audience Procedures Remain
seated. Stay quiet. Focus undivided attention on the
speaker (eyes, ears and heart). Save your questions until
the speaker asks for them. Only one question may be asked
at a time. Listen to the questions and answers of other
students because that student might have asked your
question. Questions start with a question word. Who? What?
Where? Why? Which? When? How? Have you? Will you? Are you?AR Procedure One person at the computer at a time. Learn to
operate the computer correctly Keep on track with weekly AR
points and comprehension percentage. Talk about and think
about the book as you read it. Read all questions carefully
before you choose an answer.When You Are Taking A Test Tests must be confidential. Use
the laminated sheet provided to cover your answers. You are
responsible for making sure that your test is covered.Procedures for
Student will be notified in the "Take a Peek at our Week"
newsletter. Student fills out and colors the poster
entitled, "All About Me" . Student writes an autobiography
on the approved sheet. Papers must be returned to school by
the first school day of the next week. Student brings
photographs or momentos that can be displayed on the board
to represent him/herself. All material will be returned at
the end of the week.Procedures for P.E./Music/Art/Computer Going to and from
P.E., music, art, and computer is a quiet time. Any
arguments between students will be settled before returning
to class. Report all injuries to Mrs. Beard, Mrs.
Singleton, or Mrs. Williams and do not leave that class
until your injuries are tended or your parents are called
if necessary. Return to class using correct line
procedures.Procedures for Computer Walk to the computer lab using
regular voices. No passing. Wait at the glass door in a
single file line and get permission before opening it. Go
directly to the computer without talking. Sit down and wait
for instructions. If you need help, raise your hand and
wait for your teacher to help you. At the end of computer
time, straighten area and push in your chair before lining
up. Remember that the Middle School is a quiet place and we
do not want to disturb others while they are learning.Procedures for End of the Day Clean up your area and throw
away all trash. Your desk should be clear. Make sure you
have written all your assignments in the planner. Make sure
you have ALL your books and supplies needed to do your
homework. Get your backpack, lunch box, etc. Get your
Homework folder and planner and put them in your backpack.
Sit quietly and wait for Ms. Ellis to dismiss you. Students
being picked up by car will go out the east door (by the
office) and bus riders will walk quietly to the appropriate
bus line. Leave with love.Procedures for School Bus The driver is in charge. Obey the
driver promptly and cheerfully. Sit in your seat after
boarding the bus and stay seated. Wait until bus stops
before leaving your seat to get off the bus. Aisles must be
kept clear at all times. Visit quietly. The Emergency Door
is to be used only in time of emergency. Always cross at
least 10 feet in front of the bus. Stop and wait for bus
driver to signal that it is safe for you to cross. If you
drop something while crossing in front of the bus, do not
stop and pick it up. Absolute quiet is necessary when
approaching a railroad crossing. Radios, headsets, CD
players, and electronic games are not permitted. Students
may not at any time extend hands, arms or heads out of the
bus windows. No profanity, cruel teasing or rude gestures
are allowed. Be courteous to each other and the driver.
Riders should assist in keeping the bus clean and free from
trash. Water bottles will be allowed during hot weather. Do
not throw objects out of bus windows. No food, drinks, gum,
candy bars or hard candy on the bus.Field Trip Procedures Students must have a permission note
to attend. Students will show responsible and appropriate
behavior during the field trip. Students will be respectful
to all adults - teachers, parent helpers, guides, and
instructors. Students will follow all school procedures
that apply to the field trip - such as lining up
procedures, audience procedures, etc. Student will follow
all bus procedures while on bus.Substitute Procedures Student will follow all classroom
procedures. Student will be respectful and cooperative.
Student will follow the rules of the substitute When the
teacher returns to class, each student will be asked about
his/her behavior.