Grade: all
Subject: Art

#3258. Paper Bag Zoo

Art, level: all
Posted Mon Oct 11 11:38:49 PDT 2004 by Leigh Tarbutton (
University of Pittsburgh@ Johnstown, Johnstown, Pa, USA
Materials Required: Scissors,Glue,Different colors of construction paper,Paper bags,Feathers,Googly eyes
Activity Time: 30 - 40 minutes
Concepts Taught: Creating Zoo animals from paper bags and learning about their natural habitats

Standards Covered by this Lesson:
9.1.3.A. Know and use the elements and principles of each art form to create works in the arts and humanities.
9.1.3.B. Recognize, know, use and demonstrate a variety of appropriate arts elements and principles to produce, review and revise original works in the arts.
9.1.3.H. Handle materials, equipment and tools safely at work and performance spaces.

Students will be able to provide examples of different animals they can find at a zoo
Students will be able to create different animals without the use of a pattern
Students will be able to manipulate different materials, construction paper and feathers, to form animals

Cross Curricular Integration: Science (discussing animals and their living habitats)

Instructional Procedure:

Anticipatory Set:
Have class remain in their seats
Ask the class "By a show of hands, who has ever been to the zoo?"
Have the class brainstorm about different animals one can see at the zoo
Explain to the class that they, as a class, are going to make their own zoo that will be displayed for the whole school.
Developmental Activities
Give directions:
Students are to make different animals they can find at zoo using construction paper
To enhance creativity they may use any color they desire even if it is not the animal's natural colors
Pass out paper bags one group at a time
Once a student has a paper bag, he or she may walk up to the front of the room and pick out the colored construction paper needed
As the children work, they can obtain feathers and googly eyes from the teacher
Remind the students periodically to be as creative as possible, colors are important, the more the better.
Students are given 30 minutes
Students show their animals and state any facts they know about that animal (the type of place they live, what they eat, why they like that animal, etc.)

Student participation in the open questioning
Student ability to put effort into the project
Student ability to make an animal from the zoo without a pattern
Student ability to explain the animal

Technology Extensions:
One computer in the classroom: Take the class on a virtual tour ( using either the endangered species or fierce creatures field trip.
Six computers in the classroom: Students can play games in partners about different animals as they finish their puppets.
Each child has a computer in the classroom: Students are given a chance to do research on the computer about the animal they are about to make. Once they have created their puppet, they can present the information they have found to the class along with their puppet.