Grade: Middle
Subject: Science

#3496. Looking Inside Cells

Science, level: Middle
Posted Fri Jun 24 07:56:04 PDT 2005 by Cicely Mallett (
scholastic homepage
Woolfolk Middle School , Yazoo City, USA
Materials Required: projector, flashcards, gelatin, bowl, water, Skittles
Activity Time: 8 classes
Concepts Taught: Functions of Cells

Teacher: Cicely Mallett Subject: Science Grade: 7
Dates: August 22-26/29-31 Periods: 8 classes
Title: Looking Inside Cells

ü Identify the role of cell membrane and nucleus in the cell
ü Describe the functions performed by other organelles in cells.
ü Compare and contrast animal and plant cells
ü Summarize the role of cell

The teacher will:

q Discuss the terms: organelle, cell wall, cell membrane, nucleus, chromatin, cytoplasm, mitochondrion, endoplasmic reticulum, ribsome, Golgi body, chloroplast, vacuole, lysosome
q Introduce animal and plant cells using projector with prepared slide of plant cells and animal cells.
q Discuss the functions of the organelles in plant and animal cells by creating flashcards

The student will complete the following activities:

q Choose which visual is an animal or plant cell
q Define and discuss terms
q Read and discuss Chapter 2.
q Create the Double Bubble Map to compare and contrast animal and plant cells
q Create flashcards with name of cell organelles on one side and function on the other. The students will pair and quiz each other with flashcards.
q Summarize Chapter


q Observation
q Facilitation
q Pretest - Visual with animal and plant cells
q Double Bubble Map -- TSW have to master 75% accuracy
q Self-Assessment -- TSW grade themselves and students with flashcards
q Written -- TSW summarize what they know about Chapter in 5 minutes with 75% accuracy