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Grade: Middle
Subject: Social Studies
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I have a power point presentation if you are interested. I also have the graph set up on Excel so you don't have to set your own graph up.South Carolina Population along Major Interstates
Nena Barnett
tinkerbell22742@aol.comLaurens Middle School
June 17, 2005Overview
This lesson will help the student to compare the population of cities along South Carolina major interstates. The students will compare the population of people in nine cities each along I-26 & I-95, five counties along I-85 & six counties along I-20. The student will compare, chart, and answer questions.Connection to the Curriculum
This geography lesson is connected to social studies, math, science, literature, and technology classes.South Carolina Social Studies Content Standards
3-1 TSW demonstrate an understanding of places and regions and the role of human
systems in South Carolina.
3-1.1 Identify on a map the location and characteristics of significant physical
features of South Carolina, including landforms; river systems, major cities;
and climate regions. (G)
3-1.2 Interpret thematic maps of South Carolina places and regions that show
how and where people live, work, and use land and transportation. (G.P.E.)
3-1.4 Explain the effects of human systems on the physical landscape of South
Carolina over time, including the relationship of population distribution and
patterns of migration to natural resources, climate, agriculture, and
economic development. (G.E.H.)
5-1 The student will demonstrate an understanding of Reconstruction and its impact
on racial relations in the United States.
5-1.4 Compare the economic and social effects of Reconstruction on different
populations, including the move from farms to factories and the change
from the plantation system to sharecropping.
5-6 The student will demonstrate an understanding of developments in the United States since the fall of the Soviet Union and its satellite states in 1992.
5-6.3 Explain how technological innovations have changed daily life in the United
States since the early 1990s, including changes in the economy and the
culture that were brought about by computers, electronics, satellites, and
mass communication systems. (E.H.)
7-7 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the significant political,
economic, geographic, scientific, technological, and cultural changes and
advancements that took place throughout the world from the beginning of the
twentieth century to the present day.
7-7.3 Explain global influences on the environment, including the effects of
increases in population, the growth of cities, and efforts by citizens and
governments to protect the natural environment. (G)
8-2 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the American Revolution -- the beginnings of the new American nation and South Carolina's part in the development of that nation.
8-2.4 Summarize events related to the adoption of South Carolina's first
constitution, the role of South Carolina and its leaders in the Continental
Congress, and the ratification of the United States Constitution, including
Henry Lauren's actions, Charles Pickney's role, and the importance of
issues debated during the Philadelphia Convention for South Carolina.
8-5 The student will demonstrate an understanding of major social, political, and
economic developments that took place in the United States during the second
half of the nineteenth century.
8-5.4 Compare migration patterns within South Carolina and in the United States
as a whole in the late nineteenth century, including the population shift
from rural to urban areas, migration between regions of the United States,
the westward expansion, and the motivations for migration and settlement.
(H.G.E.)South Carolina Literacy Elements
F. Ask geographic questions: Where is it located? Why is it there? What is significant about its location? How is its location related to that of other people, places, and environments?
G. Make and record observations about the physical and human characteristics of places.
H. Construct maps, graphs, tables, and diagrams to display social studies information.
I. Use maps to observe and interpret geographic information and relationships.South Carolina Math Content Standards
I The student will understand numbers, ways of representing numbers, relationships
among numbers, and number systems.
A. Understand the place-value structure of the base-ten number system and be
able to represent and compare whole numbers and decimals.
3.2 Read and write whole numbers.
3.7 Read and write amounts of money using the dollar sign ($) and decimal
notation (.).
4.2 Compare decimals.
5.1 Identify the place value of decimalsSouth Carolina Technology Content Standards
1 Basic operations and concepts
3 Technology productivity toolsGrade Range
This lesson is appropriate for grades 3rd -- 8th.. This lesson can be adapted for special education students who are working below grade level.
Time: 40 minutes per day (3 days)Materials Needed
1. Atlas for South Carolina
2. South Carolina Highway Map
3. Computer
4. South Carolina Counties Map from SC Geographic Alliance
5. South Carolina Interstate System Map from SC Geographic Alliance
6. Blank South Carolina Map from SC Geographic Alliance
7. Markers (6 different colors)Objectives
Students will interpret thematic maps of South Carolina places and regions that show how and where people live, work, and use land and transportation.
Students will draw Interstates on counties map.
Students will compare populations of counties that major interstates pass through.
In small groups, students will find information and then share with other groups.
Students will color counties where major interstates run through them.
Students will use the Internet to find counties and answer questions.Procedures
1. Begin by asking how many people are in each of their families. Then ask students how many people live in the same house as they live. Ask if they could guess how many people live in their town. Write their answers on the board.
2. Describe to the students what a census is and how we can benefit from the census.
3. Ask students to name the major roads around them. Ask them if they have ever ridden in a car from one county to another county. Ask what roads they took. Outline on the board the directions you might take from Laurens to Greenville. (Use a local example with your students).
4. Have students brainstorm to see how many Interstates they can name. Write these on the board.
5. Ask students how many of the interstates and counties listed on the board they can identify and then have the students color them on their maps.
6. Give students a blank map and have them draw where they think the interstates are.
7. Draw interstates and color counties on a Counties Map from SCGA.
8. Use SC Highway Map to compare the actual Interstates to their drawings of the Interstates.
9. Present Power Point presentation to give students instructions on the websites they will be using to look up information.
10. Tell students they will be using the Internet to identify the counties and roads along I-85, I-20, I-26, & I-95.
11. Model finding websites on computer:
12. After student has found the website, explain how to find the county data on that page and how it is used to compare information about one county to another one.
13. Give blank graphs for students to insert the information from the websites then have the student to type in the information onto the computer generated graph on the Excel program.
14. After information has been inserted into Excel, model how to take that information and make a line graph from Excel.
15. After all information has been inserted into the graph, students will be able to answer questions at the bottom of each page.Evaluation
Observe students for charting information accurately.
Observe students working independently to locate places on the Internet.
Observe students working in collaborative groups for participation.
Observe students drawing and coloring the counties and Interstates on their maps.
Listen as students describe what they have learned from this activity.Lesson Extensions
1. Identify the counties of South Carolina and create individual reports on them.
2. Investigate population from cities and towns within the county.
3. Compare Upstate people with Low State people.
4. Compare populations in all 6 areas of South Carolina: Blue Ridge Mountains, Piedmont, Sandhills, Inner Coastal Plain, Outer Coastal Plain, and Coastal Zone.
5. Determine the population growth from 1900 -- 2000.
6. Investigate the history of each county.
7. Compare South Carolina counties to other states and their counties.Materials Provided
Lesson plan
Power Point Presentation
SCGA maps of South Carolina
Populations Map Graph
Microsoft Excel ProgramResources