Grade: Advanced
Subject: Science

#350. Introduction to Environmental Sciences

Science, level: Advanced
Posted by Dr. Abraham Zahavi (
Beitberl College, Doar Beitberl Israel

Objectives: The purpose of the course is to impart modern information on man's environment at various scales from the global to the local; to integrate the study of the different fields of physical geography; and to consider the ways in which man both effect and is effected by his landscape and environment. Special emphasis will be made on the role of government planning and privet enterprise activities in relation to the environmental issues

Student Evaluation:
1. Active class participation 30%
2. Written assignment 50%
3. Field trip report 20%

Course program:

1. Introduction: New and old challenges, the demographic explosion and
its effect on human welfare. References Gore pp-9-35, Oliver pp 4 -12, Mazor , Kennedy 1-2
2. The environmental issue. References: Sarid , Davidson
3. The earth size, shape. Maps and map projections. Remote sensing and its uses. References: Oliver, ch. 2 - 3, 28
4. Climatic Background. The atmosphere, the sun's energy its effect and usage, aerosols and ozone. References: Oliver, ch. 4 , Gore pp 81-98 EPA May .
5. Atmospheric pressure and winds References: Oliver, ch. 7, Trewartha ch. 2
6. Moisture in the Atmosphere References: Oliver, ch. 8,Trewartha, ch. 3
7. a. Air masses and storms References: Oliver, ch. 9, Trewartha ch. 4
b. Violent storms References: Oliver, ch. 10,Trewartha ch. 5
8. Changing the weather and climatic changes. Man's adoption to climate References: Oliver, ch. 11- 12, Sohar, 113-144
9. The Geosphere: Earth resources, Plate tectonics, earthquakes, energy from the earth. References: Flexer, ch. 16 - 22, Oliver, ch 17
10. Ground- water and problems of salinization and contamination. References: Oliver, ch. 21, Gore pp 99-114 Gaphni
11. Runoff, rivers, floods and erosion. References: Oliver, ch. 22 - 23
12. The Biosphere:
a. The productive earth References: Oliver, ch. 15
b. World changes in vegetation and its effect on earth and man. References: Oliver, ch. 16 Gore 115-125
13. The oceans and sea shores References: Oliver, ch. 25 - 26
14. Earth in balance: References: Gore pp-182-237 & 295-368. Green, Blue, White


Gore A., 1993: Earth in Balance. Palme
Flexer A., 1992: Geology, principles and processes Academon Is. ( in Hebrew )
Kennedy p., 1993: Preparing for the twenty - first century
Oliver J. E., 1979: Physical geography, principle and applications. Duxbury press Mass.
Sohar E. (Ed)., 1977: The Desert past present future. Reshafim Tel Aviv (in Hebrew).
Trewartha G. T., An introduction to climate. McGraw - Hill Book Comp.(also available in Hebrew)

Davidson M. D., 1996: Basic liberal rights and the environment INTERNET
EPA, 1966: Welcome to Methyl Bromide Home Page . INTERNET
May J., 1996: Environmental illness or multiple sensitivity. INTERNET
Mazor A.,1995: Israel, 2020: Between trends and goals. Int. Con. The Peace Process & The Environment Tel Aviv Univ.
Nir Y., 1989: Mediterranean Coasts of Israel and North Sinai. Report to Ministry of energy GSI\39\88
Sarid Y., 1995 The peace process and the environment. Int. Con. The Peace Process & The Environment Tel Aviv Univ.
Various articles published in : Green, Blue, White No 5 (in Hebrew)