Grade: Advanced
Subject: Mathematics

#3710. BTEP Lesson Plan

Mathematics, level: Advanced
Posted Tue Mar 21 00:30:44 PST 2006 by Ketsile Kgosietsile (
CTVE, Gaborone, Botswana
Materials Required: handout, task activities. answers for activities
Activity Time: 70 mins
Concepts Taught: Fractions and simple measuremnets

NCC Learning Session Plan
[If NOT based on BTEP please adjust eg NCC ]
Pre-Session Preparation

Department: Building Construction Section: Painting and Decoration

Learner Group: . . .NCC (first year) Number of learners: 13 Date: 24-02-2006

Facilitator: K. Kgosetsile Duration: 90. mins. Venue: Room 2
BTEP information of which session is based
Unit Title: Mathematics for painter Ref. No: . . .. . .... . ... . ...

Learning Outcome (s) on which session is based:

LO 1: Simple fractions and measurement

Performance Criteria on which session is based:

(a) Use of fractions
(b) Simple measurement

Range Elements for this Learning Session

Types of fraction; addition of fractions, multiplication of fractions, division of fractions, subtraction of fractions, Mixed operations and BODMAS

Simple measurement: Volumes, perimeter and area.

TOPIC for session:

Learning outcome(s) for session:
Performance Criteria on which session is based:

(c) Use of fractions
(d) Simple measurement

Range Elements for this Learning Session

Types of fraction; addition of fractions, multiplication of fractions, division of fractions, subtraction of fractions, Mixed operations and BODMAS

Simple measurement: Volumes, perimeter and area.

Evidence requirements
Written evidence that shows that learners can be able to calculate different types of fractions and use simple measurements measure areas, volumes and perimeter of different shapes.

Health and safety aspects to consider

This is a theory session to be conducted on classroom. Electrical equipment such as TV, projector and laptop will be used, therefore , it will be ensured that electrical cables are of the right length and being on the right position so that cannot trip learners or be used in such a way that they could not pose any danger to both learners and facilitator

Key Skills Integrated within this session: Communication Numeracy PIPS ICT Entrepreneurial
Key skill unit: Communication 1
LO4: Read and respond to written materials

PC / Range
(a) Read materials from the sources of reference to obtain information
(b) Identify the main points and ideas from the materials
(c) Use the main points and ideas from the materials

This is a communication skill LO 4, because learners will be working in individual where they will read the handout and get information from it.

The ability to find if learners can be able to read
Pre- requisite knowledge and skills

Learners are expected to be JC or BGCSE holders
Vocational Tools required:

• Calculators

AVA Equipment required

• Classroom with flip chart / white board
• Projector screen

Written/Graphical Materials required
• Handout
• Task sheet
Assessment of learners
Learners will formatively assessed through oral quiz and feedback will be given by the facilitator

Evaluation data collection

At the last stage of the session, oral feedback will be obtain from about how the session and if it worthwhile to them.

Data will be collected for DE02.

Books / web pages used as resources in preparing session.

Greer, A. and Taylor, G.W. (1994). BTEC First mathematics for technicians. Wellington Street: Stanley Thornes Ltd.

Facilitation of learning session
Stage Time Grouping Facilitator Activity Learner Activity Content/ Resources


10 mins Whole group • Welcome learners
• Mark the register
• Icebreaker
• Introduce topic and structure of the session.
• Ground rules. • Actively listening
• Ask for clarification
• Agree to the ground rules
• Suggest sanctions OHP
Stage Time Grouping Facilitator Activity Learner Activity Content/ Resources

70 mins Individual

• Issue handout and task sheets for each individual learner.
• Monitor Learners while reading the handout and doing the task.
• Issue marking key.
• Issue extra activity for learners who finish their first activities. • Individually doing given task.
• Ask question if there is something which not clear.
• Raise up hand if they finish given task. Task sheets and handout

Facilitator Activity
Learner Activity
10 mins

• Summarising the session by evaluating it. • Contribute to the summary as they will have to answer some questions.
• Ask questions for clarification Summary sheet