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Grade: Elementary
Subject: Science
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Daily Lesson Plan
Space Web Quest
(Title of Lesson)Teacher Name: Michelle Dove
Subject: Science Class Periods: 1:30-2:20 PM Date(s): December 17, 2007
Daily Review:
1 Prior Learning
0 Objective
0 Thinking Skills
0 _________
Academic Objectives:
The students will review facts about the Solar System by completing a web quest. The students will discover facts about the Sun and the Earth. Standard(s):
Lesson Introduction: Recall that Earth is one of many planets in the solar system that orbit the Sun. 4-3.1 Instructional Process (Place Internet activity within lesson structure.)
Activity #1: Using the computers in the computer lab, students will click on the following Web Quest address: http://www.manatee.k12.fl.us/sites/elementary/samoset/3boltonss.htm
Activity #2: The students will follow the directions on their worksheet and complete the cloze activities. Notes: Provide the worksheet called "Space Web Quest".
Activity #3: The students will read a selection about the Sun and complete a short comprehension assessment about what they read. The computer will grade the assessment for the students and display the answers. Notes: Teachers and/or students can record their reading comprehension grade on the Sun and the Earth.
Activity #4: Next, the students will complete a selection about Earth, using the same cloze activities and comprehension questions. Students that finish early may play the online educational Space games, located on the Web Quest. Notes:
Activity #5: Upon returning to the classroom, the students will write a critique about their experience using the Internet and completing the Space Web Quest. Notes: Homework or extension activity: The teacher may want the students to write a summary about the Sun and the Earth and compare the properties and the location of Earth to the Sun.
Assessment/Reflection: (Strategy/Result) The students will get with a partner to compare and share their answers, experience, likes and dislikes on completing a Web Quest.
Targeted Practices (Check and make notes as desired.)
1 Assessment1 Cooperative Learning
0 Learning Styles
0 Multiple Intelligences
1 Technology/Internet
1 Cross Curricula Lesson ( Subjects: Reading and Science )
0 Other _______________________________________
Name ________________________ Date ______________
Space Web Quest http://www.manatee.k12.fl.us/sites/elementary/samoset/3boltonss.htm
1. Visit the Solar System Reading Practice Page. Click on The Sun and read and complete the following information.
Our Sun
Our sun is a star. It is made of gases called ___________ and ___________. It is always burning and is very hot. The outside of the sun is 11,000 degrees ______________. A REALLY hot day on earth is only 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The sun's surface is about 100 times as hot as the hottest day on earth!!!All of the planets in our solar system orbit, or __________, around the sun. The sun spins around, too. Scientists pretend that planets and stars have a line drawn through their middles. This line is called an ________. Our sun spins around its axis just like each planet does.
The sun is very, very big. More than ____ ___________ planet earths could fit inside of the sun! Our planet seems very big to us. Imagine how big the sun must be! Our sun is called a yellow __________ star. This means it is only a ___________-sized star!
Our sun is very important to us. It gives us ________ and _______. Without light and heat we would not be able to live.
2. Now, look at the top of the page and find where it says "Click here to go back to the Solar System Reading Practice. Click the link to go back to the page that shows the planets.
3. Click on Earth and complete the following information.
Earth is the _________ planet from the sun. It is the largest of the four __________ planets. These planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth and __________. The inner planets are also called the ________ ___________, because they are made of rocks.Earth is often called the "Water Planet" because it is the only planet in our solar system which has liquid water on its surface. About _____% of the surface of Earth is covered by water! The other part of Earth is made up of continents and islands which have different landforms on them. Examples of landforms are mountains, and ________. Because Earth has so much water, plants and animals can live on Earth.
Earth spins very ___________ compared to other planets. It only takes Earth _____ hours to spin around its axis one time. One Earth _______ is 24 hours long!!! Earth orbits the sun in 365 days! This makes one Earth year 365 days long!!!
Earth has big oceans and a lot of _________ __________ in the air. Earth has clouds made of water vapor. Earth has an _______________ with a lot of oxygen in it for us to breathe. The rest of our "air" is made up of nitrogen, carbon dioxide and other gases.
Earth is the only planet in our solar system which has all the conditions that are needed for animals, plants, and humans to live on it. There is plenty of water for them to drink, and/or live in. Earth has air which plants and animals can ________. The temperature on Earth is just right for plants, animals, and humans. Different parts of Earth have different temperatures, but plants, animals, and humans can live in almost all areas of Earth.
Like the other inner planets, Earth has ____________. Earth's volcanoes are different from those on other planets, because they still __________. Scientists think that there may be volcanoes on other planets and moons in our solar system that may still be active. They are still studying this.
Earth has one moon which we call "The Moon". Its surface has many __________ on it from where ____________ have hit it. It has many volcanoes on it which do not erupt anymore. We can see the moon at night without using a ________________. It is the closest space object to our planet.
4. On a separate sheet of paper, critique your Internet and Space Web Quest experience.
Congratulations. You have now finished your first Web Quest on the Solar System. Save this paper and turn it in to your teacher. Thank you!