Grade: all
Subject: Science

#4133. Brine Shrimp

, level: all
Posted Wed Mar 19 13:11:17 PST 2008 by Brine Shrimp (Brine Shrimp).

Brine Shrimp

Research Intro: This experiment seeks to determine if Brine Shrimp will survive over the age of 10 years. Brine Shrimp is at first a small egg that waits to be hatched. Once the eggs crack, baby Brine Shrimp appears. Brine Shrimp is the smallest type of shrimp there is. Brine shrimp looks like an egg but is a lot smaller in size. When Brine Shrimp is born, it is still very small in size and is the smallest shrimp there is. There are many different types of Brine Shrimp too. The type of Brine Shrimp used in the experiment are the San Francisco Bay Company.
Brine Shrimp can survive in desert pools after rain, and regular eggs have to go through the sand to reach land again! They also live in salt lakes and brine pools. In this experiment the only place we know that Brine Shrimp can survive in are the brine pools and salt lakes. This experiment seeks to determine if it can survive elsewhere. Data was collected and analyzed using charts and graphs.

Question: Will removing the salt cause the Brine Shrimp to not survive as long as the regular shrimp?
Hypothesis: Removing salt from the mixture will cause Brine Shrimp to no longer survive as long.
1) Jar
2) Microscope
3) Brine Shrimp (Artemia salina)
4) Bubbler
5) Light bulb
6) Epsom salt

Experimental Design:
1) (Regular experiment) pre soak Brine Shrimp for 30 minutes.
2) Add salt
3) Connect Bubbler
4) Wait 18-48 hours. Then take a 1 mL sample of the aquarium water and place under a microscope.
5) Examine the sample and count the number of organisms in the sample.