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Grade: Elementary
Subject: Science
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The Five SensesStudent Teacher's Name: Ban Atto
Date: November 08, 2008
Grade Level: First Grade
Topic/Unit: Science/The Five SensesContent: In this lesson plan we will be learning about the five senses.
The five senses are sight, taste, touch, smell, and hearing.
We use our eyes to see.
An example would be seeing the different colors in a rainbow.
We use our nose to smell.
An example would be smelling flowers and apple pies.
We use our mouth and tongue to taste.
An example would be to taste the difference between sugar and salt
We use our ears to hear.
An example would be hearing the different sounds that animals make.
We use our body and hands to feel.
An example would be feeling the difference between soft and hard or smooth and rough.
Benchmarks: This lesson plan teaches science standard S.IP.00.11 according to the State of Michigan Content Standards for elementary science which states, make purposeful observation of the natural world using the appropriate senses. It also teaches science standard S.IP.00.12 which states, generate questions based on observations and science standard S.IP.00.13 which states, plan and conduct simple investigations. Finally, this lesson plan also teach science standard S.IP.00.16 which states, construct simple charts from data and observations.
Learning Resources and Materials: The learning resources and materials you will need for this lesson plan includes,
Computer with Internet access
Kidspiration Software: click on free trial link http://www.inspiration.com/productinfo/kidspiration/index.cfm
Kidspiration template- Using the Senses
A bell
Sugar cubes
A teddy bear
A picture of a rainbow
Development of Lesson Introduction: To begin, teach the students that there are five basic senses which are sight, taste, smell, touch, and hearing. Explain each of the senses individually so the students know what they are, what body part to use, and how to use them to observe the world around them.The first sense is sight, which uses our eyes to see different colors, shapes, movement, humans, and animals. The second sense is taste, which uses our tongue to taste sweet, salty, sour, and bitter foods. The third sense is smell, which uses our nose to smell flowers, food, and bad smells as well. The fourth sense is touch, which uses our skin, hands and other body parts to feel cold, hot, rough, soft, and hard objects. The fifth sense is hearing, which uses our ears to hear the noises around us such as whistles, animal sounds, babies crying, people laughing, and police sirens.
Methods/Procedures: First, as a class discuss the five senses. You can use the PowerPoint presentation, which can be found on my teacher webpage http://banatto.weebly.com/lesson-plans.html, to teach the students about the five senses.Second, divide the class into 5 small groups. Each group will then be sent to one of the five sense stations. At each of these stations will be an object that they will have to use one of their senses to describe in words. Each group will switch until they have been to all of the sense stations. At the sight station there will be a picture of a rainbow. At the taste station there will be sugar cubes. At the touch station there will be a teddy bear. At the hearing station there will be a bell. At the smell station there will be flowers. Each student will write down their observations on paper from each of the stations. Then, as a class discuss what we observed at each of the five sense stations.
Third, divide the class into groups of two to three students. Each group will use the Kidspiration application to do the following activity. Have each group go to their assigned computer and have them open the Using the Senses template from the Kidspiration application under the Science button. In this activity, each group will find different pictures from the symbol library that we use our senses to observe. Then, the students will drag the pictures to the appropriate sense box. Each group will need to find a minimum of 3 pictures for each sense. When the activity is completed, each group will print out a copy of the activity for each of the students in the group and one to be handed in to the teacher.
Finally, each group will chose a person from their group to present their Kidspiration activity.
Accommodations/Adaptations: First, placing the students into smaller groups for the activities allows them to help each other if they do not understand how to do something. Also, the teacher can explain difficult concepts that the group does not understand much easier when students are in smaller groups to allow for one on one communication.Second, each student will be writing their own observations of the objects at the sense stations. This will help them know how to use their senses and how to write down what they are observing in words.
Third, after each of the activity we will be discussing what we have just finished. Therefore, students who have questions or did not understand the activity will have the opportunity to ask questions.
Finally, each student will present their Kidspiration activity to the class, thus showing what they have learned about the topic.
Assessment/Evaluation: Each student will be evaluated on their ability to make observations and put them in words from each of the sense stations. The students will hand in their observations. They will also be handing in a copy of their Kidspiration activity, which they will also be presenting to the class. Finally, as a class we will be discussing what they learned from this lesson plan and if they understand each of the senses. The teacher can also ask the students questions according to each of the senses.
Closure: After the lesson plan is finished and all the activities have been completed a test may be given to examine what the students learned. Also, the teacher can conduct a science experiment that would incorporate what they have learned about the five senses. In future science experiments I would expect the students to know how to observe what is going on n the experiment by using their senses and then being able to write what they observe in words.
Teacher Reflection: This lesson plan has yet to be used so therefore there is no teacher reflection.