Lesson Plan Title: Look at Me and Describe Me!Concept / Topic To Teach: The students will practice in describing a person's appearance and traits of character.
Standards Addressed: LEP 2.10
The student will write to communicate ideas.
a. Write multiple sentences around a topic.
b. Use descriptive vocabulary.
c. Use prewriting and planning strategies to organize information before writing.
d. Edit and revise writing.e.
General Goal(s): ESL -- Appearance and Traits of Character.
At the end of a lesson the students will be able to use the topic vocabulary in the dialogues, monologues, and writing, and recognize it in the literature.Specific Objectives:
The student will work with dictionaries with the purpose of enriching their existing vocabulary on the topic with antonyms and synonyms.
● The students will practice editing the written passage with the excessive amount of the studied vocabulary which is used in a context.
● The students will learn to make a literal description of a person in a written form.Required Materials:
Overhead transparency
Word search table for the overhead transparency
Two column chart with headings Animal and Type of Home
Dictionaries of synonyms and antonyms for each student
6 * 8 cards with 10 questions
Anticipatory Set (Lead-In):
1. The teacher will put on the overhead transparency the word search and will explain to the students that there are 15 words that are hidden in it.
2. The teacher will ask students to find as many words as they can and to make a logical guess of the lesson topic. She will give the students 5 minutes to complete this activity and will let the children know that all the words are familiar to them.
3. When the time is over volunteers come up to the blackboard and write one word that he/she found. After there is a list of words on the blackboard the children call the topic of the lesson.Step-By-Step Procedures:
4. The teacher will dictate to the students two set of words that describe a person's character. The students will have to match the synonyms and write one sentence with one pair of synonyms.5. The teacher will dictate to the students two set of words that describe a person's character. The students will have to match the antonyms and write one sentence with one pair of antonyms.
6. The teacher passes out the short passage to each student and gives the following directions, "I would like you to read this short story about the description of the Queen's portrait." There are some mistakes in it. They are 6. Your task is to find all the mistakes."
7. After the students finish with this assignment, the teacher reads this story out loud with mistakes and the students raise hands and correct them.
8. Independent Practice:
The students write a riddle about one of the famous people, using as many new words as possible. First they ought to describe the appearance of a person and then his character. At the next class the peers will try to guess who is depicted in a riddle.Closure (Reflect Anticipatory Set):
The students will share the trait of character that they value in a friend most of all.
Watch a funny 2 minute cartoon I wish I could change my hair, feet, and nose!
Assessment Based On Objectives:
After the dictation of the synonyms and antonyms, and after the students finish matching them, the teacher collects their papers. The grades will reflect the students' proficiency in the learned vocabulary and understanding of the meaning of the words.
The riddles will be collected and graded.
Adaptations (For Students With Learning Disabilities):
Learners with writing disabilities will work in a group with a special education assistant who will write down their thought.
Learners with kinesthetic disabilities will not turn over pages in the dictionaries, but use electronic dictionaries.Extensions (For Gifted Students):
As the gifted students mastered twice the amount of the topic vocabulary, they will have to search for the synonyms not in the dictionaries but in their heads. However, the use of the dictionaries is not prohibited.
The riddle that the gifted learners are going to write should have 3 paragraphs: appearance, traits of character, and how this person can benefit in his/her life wither from the appearance or from his character.Possible Connections To Other Subjects: Language arts (practice in writing), vocabulary.