Compound Word Lesson Plan- Tricia Kovely
K-12 Academic Content Standard(s):R1.10 Blend sounds to read words
R1.13 Compounds/ContractionsMaterials:
Whiteboard Marker
Phonics Library Theme 7
Post-it NoteWhat is the academic learning goal(s)?
Students will be able to identify compound words in a text.
Students will be able to create compound words using two smaller words.
What instructional strategies and activities will you use for this lesson? Review compound words by having students match up 2 small words in a list to make a compound word
Students will be grouped by partners and will find compound words found in the Phonics Library stories: Ann Can't Sleep, Chan's Gift & Rick and Dad Go Camping. Students will be given 10 minutes. When the 10 minutes is up, students will tell their answers to classmates.
The examples will be given whole class and a list will be made on the board.
Students will then use one of the compound words from the class list to make a picture using each smaller word and the compound word.
Students will choose a compound word from our list and will draw a picture for each of the smaller words in the compound word, as well as a picture of the compound words.