Grade: Middle
Subject: Health

#4405. Emergency Response: Hands-Only CPR

Health, level: Middle
Posted Fri May 21 15:35:10 PDT 2010 by Be the Beat (Be the Beat).
"Be the Beat" Teacher Resource Site
American Heart Association, Los Angeles, CA
Materials Required: computer/internet access, reproducible student handout, answer key, sample "skill card"
Activity Time: 40 minutes
Concepts Taught: health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health

Launch (Anticipatory Set):
Discuss the following with students:
• On average less than one third of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest victims receive bystander CPR. CPR can double or triple a person's chance of surviving cardiac arrest.
• Most bystanders are worried they might do something wrong or make things worse.
• Hands-Only CPR is an alternative method of CPR using only chest compressions for cases of an
adult witnessed sudden cardiac arrest.

Students will access the Internet and type in the address On the
website they will go to the VIDEO GALLERY and click on the video Hands-Only CPR. As they watch the video they will answer questions on the student handout. Answers will be discussed in class once the students complete the handout. Students will use Microsoft Word, Word Art, Google Images, Bing Images, Clip Art, or free-hand to create a Hands-Only CPR "Skill Card" that contains the emergency response steps, how to perform Hands-Only CPR, and where to find more information about the American Heart Association's website Be the Beat. Students will hand out the skill cards in classrooms throughout
the school.

Discuss the following with students:
• Chest compressions alone, or Hands-Only CPR, can save lives and help a teen or an adult who
suddenly collapses.
• The public is still encouraged to obtain conventional CPR training, which teaches the skills needed
to perform Hands-Only CPR as well as additional skills needed to care for cardiovascular and
respiratory emergencies in adults, infants, and children.
• Students can become advocates for CPR/AED training in their family, school, and community by
sharing with others the lifesaving technique of Hands-Only CPR.

**Worksheet available at**