Grade: Elementary
Subject: Science

#446. Animals of Asia

Science, level: Elementary
Posted Thu May 21 18:31:20 PDT 1998 by Heather Wolfe (
Heather's Web Page
Mississippi State university, Starkville Mississippi
Materials Required: Asian music, panda costume, world map, asian word scramble

Lesson Plan

Animals From Asia

Purpose of the Lesson TSW learn about three animals indigenous to Asia.
Pre-instructional : (15 min.) TTW dress up like an Asian animal(panda).
TTW play Asian music. TTW have the students guess what animal she is.
1. Instructional Procedures : (5 min.) a. TTW introduce the students to
Asia's geography by showing them the world map. b. TTW discuss with the
students Asia's population, and countries.

2. Instructional Procedures: ( 10 min.) a. TTW tell the students a few
characteristics of an Asian animal(Siberian Tiger). b. TSW guess what
animal the teacher described. c. TTW tell the students characteristics
of the Siberian tiger. d. TSW take notes as the teacher describes the
tiger's characteristics.

3. Instructional Procedures : (10 min.) a. TTW hand out a tiger word
scramble b. TSW complete the word scramble. * Remedial--For lower level
learners a alternative word search will be provided.

4. Instruction Procedures : (10 min.) a. TTW show the students on the
world map where the Komodo dragon lives. b. TTW describe the
characteristics of the Komodo dragon. c. TSW take notes as the teacher
describes the Komodo dragon. d. TSW give characteristics of the Komodo

5. Instructional Procedure : (15 min.) a. TTW describe the giant panda's
characteristics. b. TTW have the students write the characteristics of
the panda in their journals. c. TTW show the student bamboo. d. TTW
handout Giant Panda worksheet.

6. Instructional Procedures : (10 min.) a. TTW describe the camel's
characteristics. b. TSW write the characteristics in their journals. c.
TSW discuss the camel's characteristics with the teacher.

7. Instructional Procedure : (TSW do this at home.) a. TTW explain the
poem's directions. b. TSW write a poem about one of the animals they
studied in class today. c. TSW work at their own rate to complete the
poem. d. TSW include at least five characteristics of the animals they
choose. e. TSW share their poems with the class. f. TSW display their
poems on the bulletin board. g. TSW reflect in their journals about what they learned today.

8. Instructional Procedure: (10 min) a. TTW give the students a choice of whether to do a word search or work on the enrichment activity. b. TTW give students an Asian word search. c. TSW will complete the word