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Grade: 1-2
Subject: Reading/Writing
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"Arthur's Tooth"
By Marc BrownTeacher: Melinda Van Abbema
Subjects: Reading, Social Science, Writing, and Art
Grade Level(s): 1st Grade
Lesson Title: Comprehension Strategies
Time Required: 1 Reading/Writing Block-approx. 60 mins.Objectives: As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
Begin learning to compare and contrast books by the same author;
Use reading comprehension strategies of monitoring comprehension, answering and generating questions, recognizing story structure, creating a "Story Map," and summarizing;
Use reading strategies for independent reading;
Continue the process of making self-to-text comparisons.Colorado State Standards Addressed:
Reading and Writing Standard #1: Students read and understand a variety of materials;
Reading and Writing Standard #2: Students write and speak for a variety of purposes and audiences;
Reading and Writing Standard #4: Students apply thinking skills to their reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing;
Reading and Writing Standard #6: Students read and recognize literature as a record of human experience;
Visual Arts Standard #1: Students recognize and use the visual arts as a form of communication;
Social Science (Life Science) Standard #3: Students know and understand the characteristics and structure of living things, the processes of life, and how living things interact with each other and their environment.Materials/Resources Needed:
Pencils, crayons, and/or markers;
The book, "Arthur's Tooth," by Marc Brown;
Copy of "Story Map" blank worksheet for each student;
Copy of "Let's Play Soccer" extension worksheet for each student;
Class bulletin board for "Let's Play Soccer" sport pictures.Anticipatory Set: Have the children come forward during read aloud and sit together in a circle on the rug. Ask the students if they know who Marc Brown is? Have them raise their hands if they do. Explain that during the coming week, we will be reading books all by one author named, Marc Brown. Tell them that today's selection is entitled "Arthur's Tooth" and ask if anyone has heard of it? Explain that you want them to pay close attention to story details as we will be completing a "Story Map" summarizing the text when we return to our desks for seat work.
Objective/Purpose: Tell the students that we have each probably already had the experience of losing a tooth; and, if they haven't, they will soon. Ask them to raise their hands if they have. Then, call on several students to share their experiences. Further explain that we will learn about Arthur's experience losing a tooth, and whether our experience may have been the same or different. Tell the students that, while I read the book, I want them to see if they can recognize the main characters, the setting, the main events, the problem, and the resolution (or how the problem is solved) in the story. Ask them to raise their hands during the reading of the text if they do. Further tell them to create a "mind movie" in their brains of the events in the story as we read the text.
Input: Read "Arthur's Tooth." While reading, ask the students engaging questions regarding how Arthur is feeling (i.e. happy, sad, angry, in pain, etc.), how D. W. is behaving (i.e. disrespectful, unkind, helpful, etc.), and how Arthur's parents are handling the situation. Also, take time to discuss the main aspects of the text to encourage students' comprehension of the story structure. Return to the text after reading if students seem unsure of any part of the story structure in order to model how to monitor comprehension. Also, take time to look at each picture and find the sentences which describe the pictures as we read along. After the final discussion of the text, tell the students to give themselves a "kiss on the brain" for doing so well.
Model: After reading the book, tell the students we will be creating a "Story Map" summarizing the main details of the text. Hold up a copy of the worksheet and point to each section to be filled in (i.e. main events, characters, problem, resolution, and setting). Pass out a copy of the worksheet to each student to fill in after returning to his/her seat. Ask the children to be certain to fill in their name first to be certain they receive proper credit for their work. Also, ask the children to fill them out on their own without help from other students so that these finished worksheets can be used for evaluation/assessment purposes to indicate each student's level of comprehension strategy progression.
Check for Understanding: Review the expectations of the assignment by calling on various students; especially those who tend to "wander" rather than focus.
Guided Practice: Dismiss the students to their seats to begin working on their activity sheets. Remind them to use their very best handwriting and be as neat as possible. Encourage them further to ask questions of themselves in regards to their reading to encourage those "mind movies" to replay which they developed as they listened to the story being read. Begin roving around the room, checking to see if there are any students who need extra writing or spelling support. Pay close attention to the skill level of each student for future reference. Be sure to have a writing/comprehension assessment chart on a clipboard to make quick notes on each student. After everyone is finished, move on to "Closure."
Closure: When everyone is finished, collect the papers. Gather children in a circle group and explain that we will be discussing our "Story Map." After reading a specific heading from the Map (i.e. the main characters, the problem, etc.), ask children to raise their hands if they would like to tell what their answer was. Also, discuss why they chose this answer in order to help those students who may be struggling with comprehension strategies. Reiterate that no matter our particular understanding of comprehension strategies at this time, we are all still learning and are on our way to being proficient independent readers.
Independent Practice: At the writing or art center, ask the students to take a copy of an activity sheet entitled, "Let's Play Soccer." Explain that students should read the short story printed on the page and answer the questions listed after the text. Remind them that it is OK to ask a buddy if they are unsure of a work after trying to use "tapping out" or "sounding out" strategies learned during phonics. Also, tell them that they should go back and read over the text again and again if they are having difficulty developing their answers. Afterwards, ask them to turn their worksheets over and draw a picture of a different kind of sport on the backside. Encourage the children to decorate their pictures with vivid colors as well as to use capitals, two-finger spaces, and proper punctuation when answering their questions. Use these pictures to complete a class bulletin board. Lastly, remind students of the comprehension strategies applicable to this activity (i.e. asking questions, answering questions, monitoring comprehension, recognizing story structure, etc.).
Evaluation/Assessment: The teacher will use a checklist to record individual student comprehension/writing progress. If needed, the information can be used to help form small groups to strengthen comprehension strategies either during guided reading groups, read aloud, and/or independent seat work.
Accommodations for students with special needs or E.S.L. needs: For students with these needs, accommodations will be made on a person to person basis, based on their need, and after speaking with the E.S.L. or special needs teacher.