The open day in spring
The school open day program is considered as an educational program that aims to activate the values and the approachesProposed logos for the open day :
For example
* playing on fresh air .
* run, play and throw between flowers
* play and learn.
* we all participate.
* Learn through fun .Proposed program for the open day ?
small games ( preliminary games ) such as ( the wands and the balls -- eating the hanging apple -- sport stacking- move by ball race and cons- rope jumping -- balloon race- Beach ball -- volley ball )
- Sport competition (football- handball- basketball and volleyball)league
- Swimming league and competition in swimming style .
- All competition with be supported by prizes .
Objective of open day :- help students to change the negative feeling towards school.
- Activity template to provide a new and pleasant for students .
- Promote the values and the direction for this phase .
- skills target : the students performed sport games for ( small games , ball games and movement story )
- knowledge target : the students knowledge about play rules on different games .
- Emotional target : the students development friend ship, coo-operation and competition
1- practicing various sports, games
2- noticing ( friend ship and competition between students .
3- Obeying games rules
Martial used :-- cons - balls - ropes -- apples