Effective Teaching
most important factor in improved student learning is with an effective
teacher. Written ten times a year, Harry and Rosemary Wong
feature effective teachers and administrators and what they do to
enhance student learning. The columns provide specific strategies
and activities that you can download and use. An archive of
past articles can be found at the end of every column.
strategies and activities are all based on the teachings and works
of Harry and Rosemary Wong and they are happy to share with the
profession the work of effective teachers. If you have an
effective strategy or technique that works, please share this by
sending it to hwong@harrywong.com.
The Wongs will consider it for sharing in future Effective Teaching
About Harry and Rosemary
and Rosemary Wong are teachers. Harry is a native of San Francisco
and taught middle school and high school science. Rosemary
is a native of New Orleans and taught K-8, including working as
the school media coordinator and student activity director.
Wong has been awarded the Outstanding Secondary Teacher Award, the
Science Teacher Achievement Recognition Award, the Outstanding Biology
Teacher Award, and the Valley Forge Teacher's Medal. He was
recently selected as one of the most admired people in the world
of education by readers of Instructor magazine. Rosemary
was chosen as one of California's first mentor teachers and has
been awarded the Silicon Valley Distinguished Woman of the Year
Wong is the most sought after speaker in education today.
He has been called "Mr. Practicality" for his common sense,
user-friendly, no-cost approach to managing a classroom for high-level
student success.
a million teachers worldwide have heard his message. Because
he is fully booked for two years, he has agreed to and has invited
his wife to join him in doing a monthly column for teachers.net
so that more people can hear their message.
About Their Work...
Harry and Rosemary
Wong are committed to bringing quality and dignity to the materials
they produce. For this, they have formed their own publishing company,
of which Rosemary is the CEO. They have dedicated their lives
to leaving a legacy in education and making a difference in the
lives of teachers and students.
Their latest contribution
to helping teachers succeed is an eLearning course, Classroom
Management with Harry and Rosemary Wong. The
course can be taken in private at the learner's convenience.
The outcome of the course is a 2 inch binder with a personalized
Classroom Management Action Plan.
This Action Plan is
similar to the organized and structured plan used by all successful
teachers. Details for the classroom management course can
be seen at www.ClassroomManagement.com.
The Wongs have written
The First Days of School, the best-selling
book ever in education. Over 3 million copies have been sold.
The third edition
of The First Days of School includes an
added bonus, an Enhanced CD featuring Harry Wong. The Enhanced CD,
Never Cease to Learn, is dedicated to
those teachers who know that the more they learn, the more effective
they become.
The Wongs have also
produced the DVD series, The Effective Teacher,
winner of the Telly Award for the best educational video of the
past twenty years and awarded the 1st place Gold Award in the International
Film and Video Festival.
They have released
a new set of CDs with Harry Wong LIVE, called How
to Improve Student Achievement, recorded at one of
his many presentations. He is the most sought after speaker
in education and his presentations are legendary.
When the book, video
series, CD, and eLearning course are used together, they form the
most effective staff training tool for developing effective teachers.
Staff developers and administrators who would like to know how to
implement the aforementioned book, video series, and CD are encouraged
to consult the book, New Teacher Induction: How to Train,
Support, and Retain New Teachers. Information about
these products can be found by visiting the publisher's website
at www.EffectiveTeaching.com
or www.HarryWong.com.
Best Sellers
The First Days of School with Enhanced CD, Never
Cease to Learn
by Harry & Rosemary Wong
$23.96 from Amazon.com
The Effective Teacher (Video Set)
Presented by Harry Wong
8 DVDs, with Facilitator's
Handbook in PDF, book The First Days of
School, and storage case, $695.00 from EffectiveTeaching.com
(volume discounts available)
Management with Harry and Rosemary Wong
eLearning course
for individual use, CEUs available Preview the course and order
at www.ClassroomManagement.com
$124.95 (Group discounts available.)

How to Improve Student Achievement
Hear Harry Wong Live! in this 2 CD set

New Teacher Induction: How to Train, Support, and Retain
New Teachers
by Annette L. Breaux, Harry K. Wong
$24.05 from Amazon.com

Pathways: A Guide for Energizing & Enriching Band, Orchestra, &
Choral Programs
by Joseph Alsobrook
$12.57 from Amazon.com

Results : The Key to Continuous School Improvement
by Mike Schmoker
$20.95 from Amazon.com

Improving Schools from Within : Teachers, Parents, and Principals
Can Make the Difference
by Roland Sawyer Barth
$13.30 from Amazon.com

A First-Year Teacher's Guidebook, 2nd Ed.
by Bonnie Williamson, Marilyn Pribus (Editor), Kathy Hoff, Sandy Thornton
$17.95 from Amazon.com

Schools That Learn: A Fifth Discipline Fieldbook for Educators,
Parents, and Everyone Who Cares About Education
by Peter M. Senge (Editor), Nelda H. Cambron McCabe, Timothy Lucas,
Art Kleiner, Janis Dutton, Bryan Smith
$24.50 from Amazon.com

The Courage to Teach : Exploring the Inner Landscape of a Teacher's
by Parker J. Palmer
$16.76 from Amazon.com

If You Don't Feed the Teachers They Eat the Students : Guide to
Success for Administrators and Teachers
by Neila A. Connors
$13.96 from Amazon.com
by Harry and Rosemary
The Miracle
of Teachers
"If the heavens were all parchment, and the trees of the forest all pens,
and every human being were a scribe, it would be impossible to record
all that I have learned from my teachers."
Jock Zakkai
What teachers do is nothing short of a miracle that humbles and inspires us all.
For what you do, know that you are
indispensable, and
We don't know the last time someone thanked you for choosing teaching as a profession. So just in case no has told you lately, "Thank you." We know that there are many shortcomings and challenges facing educators, but as you begin a new year let's look at some data as to why teachers are to be respected, valued, and thanked.
You Are to Be Respected
Standardized achievement test scores are at record highs. The results of three major tests of educational achievement - SAT, ACT, and the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) - have shown steady gains over the past two decades. More students are taking the SAT, 34% in 1987 growing to 42% in 1994, with record levels scoring above 650 or the 92nd percentile. Students taking Advanced Placement Tests have jumped from 78,000 in 1978 to 1,000,000 today.
Fourth graders have made impressive scores in math and science, outperforming their counterparts in most other countries.
More high school students are taking advanced courses in mathematics and science than at any other time and their mathematics and science performance have improved.
Black children are doing better than ever in public schools. The rate for black children completing high school is at an historic high - 87%. The white public school completion rate and Hispanic completion rate continue to climb with 92% and 75%, respectively.
A record-high 84.1% of people age 25 and older have at least a high school diploma, up from 83.4% in 1999, and 24.5% in 1940. You are educating the masses!
Similarly, 25.6 % of people age 25 and older have four years or more of college compared to 4.6% in 1940.
The dropout rate is at an all-time low of 11%, while the rates for graduation and college attendance are at an all-time high. Between 1984 and 1998, the percentage of students completing high school and enrolling in college rose from 55% to 67%. Enrollment of women in college has increased to 57% of the student population.
America's graduate schools are the envy of the world.
You Are to Be Valued
Today's teachers average more than $400 in expenditures from their own pockets for school supplies and materials. While the business community bashes American education, 3 million teachers contribute $1.2 billion to our economy.
Public school teachers are better educated and have more classroom experience than their predecessors. Virtually all hold a bachelor's degree and almost half (45%) have a master's degree. Half have been educators for at least 15 years, and more than one-third (38%) have taught for two decades. You are the best-educated group of teachers ever in the history of American education.
Teachers certified by the National Board for Professional Teacher Standards increased from 282 in 1995 to 4,720 in 2000 or 9524 certified since the beginning of the program.
Teachers work an average of 49.3 hours a week, some 13 hours more than the average school contract requires. And yet, you are paid the lowest wages for teachers in the industrial world.
There are 87,125 public schools operating in this country and while the quality varies, all but a handful are enormously successful.
Despite the media hype surrounding a handful of tragic shootings, the incidence of public school violence has decreased for nine consecutive years. The most common school crime is theft, not violence. The average child is safer at school than at home. You provide a dependable haven for children.
You Are to Be Thanked
Sputnik. In 1958 we were told that Sputnik and the Russians were going to dominate the universe. Today our shuttle launches are routine. We have developed as the most advanced technological and scientific nation on earth.
A Nation not at Risk. In 1983 everyone was declaring "Our Nation at Risk" because of the success of the Japanese economy. Today, we have the healthiest economy in the world with record stock market prices, rising wages, lowest unemployment rate, 25 percent decrease in the welfare rolls, sustained peace, and record life expectancy numbers.
By a wide margin the U.S. is still the No. 1 industrial superpower. The United States leads the world by all measures in the global economy, in technology, and in the productivity of its workers. An important factor in this phenomenal accomplishment is the high quality of American students and the schools from which they graduate.
Our Society. Today's school environment is the most complex and difficult in history.
100,000 children are homeless on any given night
1 million teenagers are pregnant each year
135,000 children bring guns to school every day
Homicide is the leading cause of death among minority youth aged 15 to 19
Reported child abuse increased 48 percent from 1986 to 1991
160,000 children will not go to school every day because they are afraid of bullies
Every day 4.6 million babies spend part of their days in pre-school or licensed day
4 million children between the ages of 6 and 12 routinely care for themselves before and after school without adult supervision (www.urban.org)
Yet our teachers and administrators are doing an admirable job of educating our children with the highest test scores ever with today's diverse population.
With grateful appreciation, much of the preceding information is gleaned from the work and report of
If you have similar data that is more current or additional data that speaks to the value of educators, please send it to us at the address at the end of this column. We are in this together and it's only through sharing our accomplishments that we can have pride in our successes.
We are well aware that we have many challenges ahead of us -- even the best football teams and spouses are not perfect -- yet this column will probably give pleasure to the naysayers and complainers and provide an excuse to write to us and remind us of our failures and shortcomings. These people are forever present, but for once, as the New Year begins, we thought you'd like to hear about some things you have done right and which are truly deserving of some appreciation and respect.
A New Year and a New Start
Recently, we watched the American Teacher Awards while preparing for our holiday celebrations. Having never seen the program before or knowing the criteria for selection, we were in awe of our colleagues who unabashedly gave their hearts to children. There wasn't a dry eye in the audience or in our kitchen!
As the awardees so graciously accepted their statuettes, they made every educator proud to be in the same profession. Their effectiveness in the classroom didn't come by way of a fancy program or a gimmick. It came with effectively managing children to unleash their potential.
Our columns, since June, have given you specific techniques on how to manage a classroom successfully so that you can unleash the potential in your students. These techniques have been furnished from actual teachers and administrators in the field. The efficacy of these techniques is so simple and dramatic that there is no reason why you cannot be an effective teacher, too.
There is something inherently special about our profession
that allows us to close out a previous academic year and
plan for a new beginning --
a sort of annual renewal, if you will.
We used this quote by Lee Gray in our August column and it bears repeating as you, perhaps, prepare for a new semester, begin a new calendar year, and anticipate the new millennium. Use the information from our past columns to tweak, refine, or start all over again.
As you begin 2001, let us remind you of your achievements and validate your importance to the children you teach. And say with great pride and gratitude, "Thank You!"
Happy New Year.
For a printable version of this article click
Harry & Rosemary Wong products: http://www.harrywong.com/product/
Email Harry Wong: harrywong@teachers.net
Gazette Articles by Harry & Rosemary Wong:
If you spot a link that appears to be out-of-date, please alert us at webmaster@teachers.net!
- A Grateful Goodbye After 15 Years (Jun 2015)
- Love, Marriage, and Babies, Oh My! (May 2015)
- Retention Rate Is 100 Percent (Apr 2015)
- Teacher Effectiveness and Human Capital (Mar 2015)
- Training Teachers to Be Effective (Feb 2015)
- Making Deals Is Ineffective (Dec 2014 / Jan 2015)
- Retrieving and Carrying Electronic Devices (Nov 2014)
- Sharing to Succeed (Oct 2014)
- How a University Prepares Its Students (Sep 2014)
- Effective Teaching (Aug 2014)
- Your Future Is in Your Hands (June/July 2014)
- The Classroom Management Book (May 2014)
- When Students Succeed; Teachers Succeed (April 2014)
- Teaching New Teachers How to Succeed (March 2014)
- Execute and Praise (February 2014)
- Shaping a Solid Foundation (Dec 2013 / Jan 2014)
- The Most Misunderstood Word (November 2013)
- How to Start Class Every Day (October 2013)
- Prevention: The Key to Solving Discipline Problems (September 2013)
- Planning, Planning, Planning (August 2013)
- Are You THE One? (June / July 2013)
- Practical Examples That Work (May 2013)
- A Disability Is Not a Handicap (Apr 2013)
- Totally Inexcusable (Mar 2013)
- Be Proud of Public Education (Feb 2013)
- Structure Will Motivate Students (Dec 2012 / Jan2013)
- Orchestrating the Classroom (Nov 2012)
- The Lasting Impact of Instructional Coaching (Oct 2012)
- Learning, Laughing, and Leaving a Legacy (Sep 2012)
- Twenty-two, First Year, and Legit (Aug 2012)
- A Master Teacher of Teachers (June/July 2012)
- Where Going to School Means Success (May 2012)
- A Nationally Celebrated High School (Apr 2012)
- The Highest Rated School in New York City, Part 2 (Mar 2012)
- The Highest Rated School in New York City, Part 1 (Feb 2012)
- The Importance of Culture (Dec 2011 / Jan 2012)
- You Can Teach Classroom Management (Nov 2011)
- Seamless, Transparent, and Consistent (Oct 2011)
- Coaching Teachers to Be Effective Instructors (Sep 2011)
- How a Principal Creates a Culture of Consistency (Aug 2011)
- Graduation Begins in Your Classroom (June/July 2011)
- The Inspiration of a Mother (May 2011)
- How to Be an Effective Leader (Apr 2011)
- Learning Objectives: The Heart of Every Lesson (Mar 2011)
- Even Shakespeare Had Structure (Feb 2011)
- Effectiveness Defined: It's Not a Mystery (Dec 2010 / Jan 2011)
- Surviving Without a Principal (Nov 2010)
- Achieving Greatness: Locke Elementary School, Part 2 (Oct 2010)
- Teaching Greatness: Locke Elementary School, Part 1 (Sep 2010)
- Effective from the Start (Aug 2010)
- Ten Year Summary of Articles, 2000 to 2010 (June/July 2010)
- The Success of a Culture of Consistency (May 2010)
- Training Teachers to Be Effective (Apr 2010)
- Learning to Teach, Teaching to Learn (Mar 2010)
- Turning Teaching Dreams into Reality (Feb 2010)
- Dreams and Wishes Can Come True (Dec 2009 / Jan 2010)
- Success in a State Controlled School (Nov 2009)
- Inner City Is Not An Excuse (Oct 2009)
- Exceeding All Expectations (Sep 2009)
- Teachers Are the Difference (Aug 2009)
- Nine Year Summary of Articles, 2000 to 2009 (Jun/Jul 2009)
- Teachers Are the Greatest Assets (May 2009)
- The Tools for Success (Apr 2009)
- Assessing for Student Learning (Mar 2009)
- To Be an Effective Teacher Simply Copy and Paste (Feb 2009)
- The Sounds of Students Learning and Performing (Dec 2008)
- A School That Achieves Greatness (Nov 2008)
- Boaz City Schools: Professional Learning Teams (Oct 2008)
- It Was Something Close to a Miracle (Sep 2008)
- A Computer Teacher Shows the Way (Aug 2008)
- Eight Year Summary of Articles, 2000 to 2008 (Jun/Jul 2008)
- An Amazing Kindergarten Teacher (May 2008)
- Schools That Beat the Academic Odds (Apr 2008)
- Academic Coaching Produces More Effective Teachers (Mar 2008)
- Coaches Are More Effective than Mentors (Feb 2008)
- Wrapping the Year with Rap! (Dec 2007/Jan 2008)
- The Floating Teacher (Nov 2007)
- Taking the Bite Out of Assessment—Using Scoring Guides (Oct 2007)
- Ten Timely Tools for Success on the First Days of School (Sep 2007)
- First Day of School Script - in Spanish, Too! (Aug 2007)
- Seven Year Summary of Articles, 2000 to 2007 (Jun 2007)
- Effective Teachers End the Year Successfully (May 2007)
- Training Gen Y Teachers for Maximum Effectiveness (Apr 2007)
- Classroom Management Applies to All Teachers (Mar 2007)
- Students Want a Sense of Direction (Feb 2007)
- Rubrics in Two College Classes (Dec 2006/Jan 2007)
- How to Write a Rubric (Nov 2006)
- Assessing Student Progress with a Rubric (Oct 2006)
- A 92 Percent Homework Turn-in Rate (Sep 2006)
- Effective Teachers Are Proactive (Aug 2006)
- Five Year Summary of Articles (Jun 2006)
- Hitting the Bulls Eye as a Beginning Teacher (May 2006)
- They're Eager to Do the Assignments (Apr 2006)
- The Success of Special Ed Teachers (Mar 2006)
- What Teachers Have Accomplished (Feb 2006)
- Fifty Years Ago, The Legacy (Dec 2005/Jan 2006)
- The Emergency Teacher (Nov 2005)
- Classroom Management Is Not Discipline (Oct 2005)
- A Successful First Day Is No Secret (Sep 2005)
- The Most Important Factor (Aug 2005)
- Four Year Summary of Articles (Jul 2005)
- Improving Student Achievement Is Very Simple (Part 2) (Jun 2005)
- Improving Student Achievement Is Very Simple (Part 1) (May 2005)
- Never Cease to Learn (Apr 2005)
- His Classroom Is a Real Life Office (Mar 2005)
- The Power of Procedures (Feb 2005)
- The First Ten Days of School (Jan 2005)
- PowerPoint Procedures (Nov/Dec 2004)
- The Saints of Education (Oct 2004)
- How Procedures Saved a Teacher's Life (Sep 2004)
- How to Help Students with Their Assignments (Aug 2004)
- Three Year Summary of Articles (Jun/Jul 2004)
- His Students are All Certified (May 2004)
- What to Do When They Complain (Apr 2004)
- A Well-Oiled Learning Machine (Mar 2004)
- The Effective Teacher Adapts (Feb 2004)
- How to Start a Lesson Plan (Aug 2003)
- Applying for a Teaching Job in a Tight Market - Part 2 (Jun/Jul 2003)
- Applying for a Teaching Job in a Tight Market (May 2003)
- The Effective Substitute Teacher (Apr 2003)
- A First Day of School Script (Mar 2003)
- How to Retain New Teachers (Feb 2003)
- No Problem With Hurricane Lili (Dec 2002)
- A Class Size of 500 (Nov 2002)
- Effective Practices Apply to All Teachers (Oct 2002)
- Dispensing Materials in Fifteen Seconds (Sept 2002)
- How To Start School Successfully (Aug 2002)
- Teaching Procedures Is Teaching Expectations (June - July 2002)
- $50,000 to Replace Each Teacher (May 2002)
- Even Superintendents Do It (Apr 2002)
- Impossible, No Job Openings? (Mar 2002)
- A Stress Free Teacher (Feb 2002)
- A Most Effective School (Jan 2002)
- Van Gogh in Nine Hours (Dec 2001)
- The Effective Teacher Thinks (Nov 2001)
- How a Good University Can Help You (Sep 2001)
- How to Motivate Your Students (May 2001)
- How to Recognize Where You Want to Be (Apr 2001)
- What Successful New Teachers Are Taught (Mar 2001)
- A Journey of the Heart (Feb 2001)
- The Miracle of Teachers (Jan 2001)
- It's Not the Students. It's the Teacher. (Dec 2000)
- The First Five Minutes Are Critical (Nov 2000)
- How to Start a Class Effectively (Oct 2000)
- The Problem Is Not Discipline (Sep 2000)
- There Is Only One First Day of School (Aug 2000)
- Applying for Your First Job (Jul 2000)
- Your First Day (Jun 2000)
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