The Eclectic Teacher... by Ginny Hoover
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Two Lists of Ten -
Giving Directions for Lengthy Assignments
Preparing for Everyday Instruction
Giving Directions for Lengthy Assignments
Getting students ready to do a lengthy project/assignment can be a challenge. The following are guidelines that may prove helpful.
- Create a checklist of tasks/steps to be completed.
- Carefully define each task/step.
- Consider due dates (timeline) on tasks/steps to keep the process moving at an appropriate rate.
- Take steps to gain student attention before starting any lengthy directions.
- Provide quality, well-planned oral directions supplemented by written support (i.e., checklist).
- Encourage students to take notes on the checklist.
- Provide rubrics that help clarify how a successful end product should appear.
- Provide opportunity for questions to clarify. Address issues to the whole class or address the issues individually---whichever is more appropriate.
- Make notes on how to improve directions when weaknesses are identified in the plan.
- Instruct students to reference the checklist as they move through the project/assignment and self-assess (using rubrics).
Preparing for Everyday Instruction
- Know your curriculum and know it well (content and level of mastery).
- Understand how the mandated assessments are administered and how the information is applied.
- Know the abilities and skill levels of your students.
- Assess levels of prior knowledge before you teach the lesson.
- Consider learning styles and multiple intelligence surveys to provide information for selecting the best teaching strategies for your students.
- Refine your "directions" skills. Think about including specific checklists along with rubric or a scoring guide.
- Monitor and adjust your instructional strategies according to data revealed through assessments (may be very informal assessments).
- Seek student input. "What don't you understand?" "Where do you need help?" "Why do you feel this assignment has been problematic for you?"
- Remember, the question is not whether you taught the curriculum, but instead…what did the students learn.
- So, allow assessment to DRIVE your instruction. Teach until they learn. Finally, if one approach does not work, have backup strategies to help them learn.
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