The Busy Educator's Monthly Five... by Marjan Glavac
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This article was printed from Teachers.Net Gazette,
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Back to School Sites
Here are five back to school sites for teachers:
Back to School Unit
Athens/Troy/5059/9.htmlHere's a Kindergarten Back to School Unit with a variety of ideas to keep little ones busy that very first day.
Back to School First Day Checklist comprehensive checklist to keep you on track that first day back.
GOING "BACK 2 SCHOOL" Ideas to Start the School Year collection of links to cover almost every area of that first day.
There are links here for K-12, assembly ideas, back to school worksheets, first day of middle school and lots more!
MiddleWeb's The First Days of Middle School
1stDResources.htmlGreat advice in the form of articles, questions and answers and tips from teachers and principals who've been there.
Ultimate Back To School Site For Teachers ideas covering classroom management, behavior management, themes, first day plans, bulletin boards, calendar ideas, and much more.
Marjan Glavac's website:
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