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Volume 1 Number 10

Harry and Rosemary Wong are widely regarded as the most reknowned voices in teacher effectiveness. In this month's cover story, the Wongs explore the most integral factors in teacher effectiveness.
Effective Teaching by Harry Wong
Promoting Learning by Marv Marshall
Alfie Kohn Article
Jan Fisher Column
4 Blocks by Cheryl Sigmon
School Psychologist by Beth Bruno
The Child in the Back
Integrative Curriculum in a Standards-Based World
Math Principles and Standards
What's With This E-Book Stuff?
Laughing All the Way
4 Blocks Framework Inspires
4 Blocks So. Cal. Gathering
Fundraising Award
Web News & Events
Letters to the Editor
Archives: End of Homework
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Four Blocks Inspires...
The 4-Blocks framework was developed by teachers who believed that to be successful in teaching ALL children to read and write, we were going to have to do it ALL! Doing it all meant incorporating on a daily basis the different approaches to beginning reading. The four blocks represent four different approaches to teaching children to read....

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The Child in the Back...
Go in any grammar school classroom and you'll see him. His desk may be turned to the wall, flipped sideways or just pushed back off to itself. Sometimes, at the request of a parent, he may be moved into the middle, or even to the front of the room if the teacher wants to "keep an eye on him." It doesn't really matter where he sits....

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Math Principles and Standards...
In school, we have an activity in which I ask each child to take off one shoe. Then we put them in the center of a circle so that we can find ways to put them into groups. Some of the kids are focused on the colors, some on the types of fastening devices (laces, buckles, Velcro), and some on the brand names of the shoes. Many of the kids see only one attribute....

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It's Not the Students - It's the Teacher
What makes a good teacher struggle? Does it have to do with inner city, poverty, minority, the administration, negative veteran teachers? Researchers report that the single greatest effect on student achievement is not race, not poverty - it is the effectiveness of the teacher. This month's cover story gets to the heart of the issue, with frank talk and sage advice from the world's foremost guru on teaching effectiveness.
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Win Marjan Glavac's Top-Seller!
This month Teachers.Net is giving away Marjan Glavac's top-selling book, The Busy Educator's Guide to the World Wide Web! Full story
Home Assignments
Home assignments are an extension of instruction. It is related to teaching and learning, not to discipline in the sense of classroom disruptions or social irresponsibility.... Full story

Jan Fisher: I Never Did That When I Was in School...!
Why is class management so difficult today? It sure wasn't like this in the sixties. Or the seventies or eighties for that matter. Are we, as teachers, going to sit back and let this situation escalate or are we going to get control? We are in charge, after all....
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Does Christmas Belong in School?
The month of December is marked by celebrations from each of the major religions. So why does Christmas always seem to be the central event in schools across the U.S...?
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Students Don't "Work" -- They Learn
Just in time for the new year, Alfie Kohn offers a resolution: "From now on, we will stop referring to what students do in school as "work...."
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Cheryl Sigmon: What's Up at the Upper Grades?
Often I'm asked if 4-Blocks is "alive and well" at the upper grades. I'm pleased to say that the answer is a resounding "Yes!" Teachers at the upper grades who have had time now to experiment with 4-Blocks and have had time to test appropriate adaptations have met with great success....
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In this issue:

The Teachers.Net Gazette is a cooperative publication by the members of the Teachers.Net community. If you would like to submit an article or story for publication, write
