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Volume 2 Number 2

Cheryl Ristow never thought her life would change so much with one click. This month's cover story tracks our own Aggie/CA from net newbie to published author!
Effective Teaching by Harry & Rosemary Wong
Promoting Learning by Marv Marshall
Alfie Kohn Article
4 Blocks by Cheryl Sigmon
School Psychologist by Beth Bruno
Jan Fisher Column
BCL Classroom by Kim Tracy
Read Across America
How to Excel as a Reading Specialist
Independent Learning
ADD and the Structured Environment
How Do I Manage a Class?
6 Traits of Writing
Indians for Mascots
Child Violence
The Unsinkable Sub
Visually Impaired and EC
Magic Slippers Poem
Becoming a Tech Savvy Administrator
The Killing of a Spirit
Bullying in Schools
Student Photo of Mars
Web News & Events
Upcoming Ed Conferences
Poll: Weirdest Thing?
Letters to the Editor
New in the Lesson Bank
Humor from the Classroom
Help Wanted - Teaching Jobs
Gazette Back Issues
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ADD and a Structured Environment...
Structure is one of the most critical elements for success. A structured class is not to be mistaken for a traditional, rigid, non-nonsense classroom. On the contrary, the most creative, colorful, active, and stimulating classrooms can be the most structured. Structure needs to be provided through clear communication, expectations, rules, consequences, and follow-up.

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Surviving Fight or Flight...
This time of year the frustration levels are at an all time high. With over half of the year gone, educators many times question if they are doing any good in their classrooms and if their students are going to be ready to move on to the next grade. Tensions mount and classrooms become more stressful. Unfortunately, this downhill spiraling effect only decreases the level of production in the classroom...

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6 Traits of Writing...
When faculties have been trained in the Six Traits model, it can be used in Writing Across the Curriculum activities. Posters regarding the traits can be place in all rooms as a reminder to the students that writing standards will be upheld. The model works well with all classes and writing assignments....

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Yuck it up...
New funnies by cartoonist J.P. Wood, along with a new essay by the inimitable Goose/TX. And it wouldn't be the Gazette without a new top ten from Alabama's most offbeat educator, YENDOR.

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My Trip Around the Block
Who would think that one little mouse click could so change things in a person's life? I remember logging on to the Internet on my shiny, new computer 4 years ago. I was searching for primary teachers sites when I saw a message with a link for Teachers.Net. One of my favorite activities at that time was following links so, without thinking, I clicked on it and my life as a teacher was changed forever! At that time Teachers.Net was just the main chatboard - there were no chatrooms, mailrings, grade or subject boards, no meetings were held and there certainly was no Gazette...!
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Power Of Positivity
Attitude is the mind's paintbrush; it can color any situation. The teacher who says, "This is a very important test. Be careful," paints a negative picture that shakes confidence.... Full story
Preventing Child Violence
Did you know that over 6 million boys and 4 million girls are involved in fights every year on school grounds? Many are physically threatened while a large number of students are also robbed.... Full story

Harry & Rosemary Wong: A Journey of the Heart
The best part about having an organized structure in the classroom is that the teacher can innovate, experiment, be creative, have fun, and most importantly, be funny, caring, and loving. This type of classroom environment shows to the students, parents, principal, school board, and the community the passion you have for education and your desire and expectation for student achievement....
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Overdiagnosing ADHD-ADD
Interventions for ADD-ADHD include, but are not limited to, behavior modification plans, tutorial help, carefully structured and organized lessons, frequent feedback during new learning, multi-sensory teaching/learning and counseling....
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Standardized Testing and Its Victims
Standardized testing has swelled and mutated, like a creature in one of those old horror movies, to the point that it now threatens to swallow our schools whole....
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Jan Fisher: The Relationship is Everything
Who wants to cooperate with someone they can't stand, don't respect, and don't trust? I don't, and it's probably a safe bet that I am not alone. Most people prefer to work and to socialize with people who are friendly, caring, and fair. Kids are no exception, especially when it comes to teachers. Students almost always say when asked to describe a good teacher, "Good teachers are caring...."
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Excel as a Reading Specialist
More than digraphs and diphthongs ... more than skills and drill ... more than running records and portfolios ... Just what does it take for a reading specialist to excel...?
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Longer Text in Guided Reading
The most common complaint among teachers at the upper grades is that they have so much content to cover, so many selections in their literature anthologies, and so little time....
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In this issue:

The Teachers.Net Gazette is a cooperative publication by the members of the Teachers.Net community. If you would like to submit an article or story for publication, write
