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Happy New Year!
Volume 3 Number 1

Harry & Rosemary Wong say, "All effective schools have a culture and it is the information one gets from a culture that sends a message to the students that they will be productive and successful." This month the Wongs offer more examples of successful school and classroom management...
Effective Teaching by Harry & Rosemary Wong
Promoting Learning by Marv Marshall
4 Blocks by Cheryl Sigmon
Ask the School Psychologist by Beth Bruno
Online Classrooms by Leslie Bowman
The Eclectic Teacher by Ginny Hoover
The Busy Educator's Monthly Five (5 Sites for Busy Educators) by Marjan Glavac
Around the Block by Cheryl Ristow
Ask the Literacy Teacher by Leigh Hall
The Visually Impaired Child
Teaching Is...
Avoiding the 'Stares' When Intellectually Challenging Disadvantaged Students: Partnership Lessons from the HOTS Program
Why Use an Interactive Whiteboard?
A Baker’s Dozen Reasons!
The Effects Of Diet
Bully Advice For Kids
Teaching Gayle to Read (Part 2)
Both Sides Now in Gifted Education
What Are We Aiming At--What Do We Really Want To Aim At?
Teaching Graph from the Grassroots
Why Teachers Need Tenure
A Different Perspective to the Holidays
A Lesson Learned
Follow The Wonder
The Lighter Side of Teaching
Handy Teacher Recipes
Classroom Crafts
Help Wanted - Teaching Jobs
New in the Lesson Bank
Upcoming Ed Conferences
Letters to the Editor
Chatboard Poll
eIditarod 2002
Planetary Society Protests Stop to Near-Earth Object Observations
Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching
7th Annual Multidisciplinary Symposium on Breast Disease
Arab American Students in Public Schools
School Bus Subsidies for Field Trip to 2002 Tour De Sol
Gazette Home Delivery:

Teaching Gayle to Read (Part 2)...
by Grace Vyduna-Haskins
She is eager to read new stories and we discuss concepts as they arise...

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What Are We Aiming At--What Do We Really Want To Aim At?...
by Rob Reilly Ed.D.
Traditionally educational pedagogy emphasizes conveying a lot of information and facts, and does not model the learning process...

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Follow The Wonder...
by Georgia Hedrick
Kids used to learn for the pure joy of it, for the experience of it, for the wonder of it...

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Teaching Graph from the Grassroots...
by P R Guruuprasad
Once the children were familiar with locating points in a fun way, I was able to introduce Graph as laid down in the syllabus...

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Bully Advice For Kids...
by Kathy Noll
What to do about bullies:
  • Inform your parents and teachers.
  • Travel to school and social events in groups. Don't walk alone. Avoid the bully at all costs...

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Both Sides Now in Gifted Education...
by Sylvia Burke
I've never met a teacher who purposely went out of his/her way to bore students. Well, maybe one, and he was a genius at reverse psychology of a sort. But gifted kids are not easy to teach. Think about a few common characteristics of gifted kids...

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eIditarod 2002...
by Arlington Science Focus School
As classes prepare to follow the Iditarod Sled Dog Race this year, consider joining the eIditarod project...

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School Bus Subsidies for Field Trip to 2002 Tour De Sol...
by The Great American Green Transportation Festival
School bus subsidies are available to teachers who want to take their students on a field trip to the Tour de Sol...

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A Lesson Learned...
by Meg McCarthy
I am a paraprofessional (teacher's aide) to a third grade boy who is autistic. I follow him throughout the day in his program, which is pretty much full inclusion except for reading instruction...

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A Different Perspective to the Holidays...
by Nancy Salsman aka "nan"
I very proudly serve as a Platoon Mom to 45 soldiers deployed to Bosnia...

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Why Teachers Need Tenure...
by Stewart E Brekke
Tenure is really like seniority in other working environments. Tenure protects the teacher from unwarranted and wanton dismissal for doing unpopular things such as failing influential students...

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Planetary Society Protests Stop to Near-Earth Object Observations...
by Susan Lendroth
"Arecibo radar observations are crucial for determining the exact location, speed and direction of objects that approach Earth," said Louis Friedman, Executive Director of The Planetary Society...

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Harry & Rosemary Wong:
A Most Effective School
Imagine being part of a faculty where every teacher has succeeded in the classroom for the past six years. The only reason for leaving this school is either spousal relocation or to further your educational growth...

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Positivity, Choice, and Reflection Exercise for Students
by Dr. Marvin Marshall
When attention is given to the positive, when the option of choice is recognized, and when reflection is employed, stress is reduced, life is conducted more successfully, and greater pleasure results...
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Troubleshooting: Help with Writing Scores
by Cheryl Sigmon
I've heard from a school that's doing Four Blocks, insisting that their writing scores are still low even though they've had great gains in reading scores. What's wrong here?...Here are 8 questions to explore in an effort to improve your writing instruction and your writing scores...
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Teaching Is...
by Bill Page
Teaching is what I am. What we learn is what we experience. I cannot say, "Now I am teaching; now I am not." Whatever I am doing or not doing is teaching; kids are experiencing me...

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Diary of an Online Graduate Course
by Leslie Bowman
Included in each unit will generally be a lecture and assigned readings followed by learning activities (assignments) and discussions...
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Making Inclusion Work
by Beth Bruno
Discuss each subject with the special education teacher in charge of your student's academic support program...
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Around the Block With the California Chatters!
by Cheryl Ristow
The weather was beautiful and we all had a great time meeting old friends and making some new ones. I thought you'd all like to see the pictures that were taken that day...

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If Dreaming Made It Real
Working with the At Risk...

by Ginny Hoover
When young people are not successful in the normal classroom they are being placed in alternative centers that are actually just alternative settings...
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Lesson Planning Sites Part 4...
by Marjan Glavac
Another set of five websites for educators that are easy to read, simple to use and worthwhile to know...
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Ask the Literacy Teacher
by Leigh Hall
The purpose of this column is to help you, the classroom teacher, begin to find new ways to help your struggling readers and writers improve their abilities...

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The Effects Of Diet...
by Jay Davidson
Parents, often at a loss as to what to do about their children's difficulties may be ignoring the one thing that can make the most significant changes in their children's behavior: diet...
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Why Use an Interactive Whiteboard?
A Baker’s Dozen Reasons!...

by Dr. Mary Ann Bell
Why do I like interactive whiteboards so much? The following is a baker's dozen reasons for my enthusiasm...
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Avoiding the 'Stares' When Intellectually Challenging Disadvantaged Students: Partnership Lessons from the HOTS Program
by Dr. Stanley Pogrow
The real cause of the stares in these wonderful kids is that most disadvantaged students are not as well prepared to benefit from progressive approaches as the teachers are trained to provide them...

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Top Ten
Top Ten Ways to Keep the Principal Out of Your Room

10. Everytime you see the principal, wink at him...
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Outlandish Versus Outrageous
by Goose/TX
Recently, I was visiting with a fellow teacher who related to me an incident concerning an injury her son had received...
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Helping Sight Impaired Students Within the Social Structure of the Classroom
by Dave Melanson
One of the most common problems I have heard teachers tell me is that many sight impaired children do not want to use their adaptive aids in the classroom...

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Handy Teacher Recipes
by The Teachers.Net Community
For each student: 3 large marshmallows several very thin pretzels sticks...
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Classroom Crafts
by The Teachers.Net Community
Soda Bottle Snowman
Take a 2 liter plastic bottle...

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In this issue:






The Teachers.Net Gazette is a cooperative publication by the members of the Teachers.Net community. If you would like to submit an article or story for publication, write
