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The Busy Educator's Monthly Five...

by Marjan Glavac

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This article was printed from Teachers.Net Gazette,
located at http://teachers.net.

Language Arts Sites Part 3

Here are five Language Arts sites:

Children's Literature

Links to hundreds of author's websites, teaching materials, themed reviews, Literature Annual Top Choice List, book reviews and more.


Hook students on the craft of mystery reading and writing with lesson plans and ideas from this site. Includes useful sites, examples and discussions.

National Council of Teachers of English

An invaluable resource for grants, awards and the latest news for teachers of English and Language Arts K-12. Go to the toolbar and click on Elementary, Middle, Secondary and College for more resources.

NoodleBib 3.0

NoodleBib is a Web application that allows you to create and edit MLA and APA-style source lists (i.e. MLA Works Cited Lists, APA Reference Lists, etc.) online.

Enchanted Learning Nursery Rhymes

Dozens of rebus nursery rhymes in alphabetical order. Click on the picture for a coloring page and the rhyme. Then print them out for your class. Or have the class color them online. Also instructions for making a nursery rhyme coloring book, a scavenger hunt and information on teaching rhymes in your class.

Marjan Glavac's website: http://www.glavac.com

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