Also in this issue:
The Teachers.Net Gazette is a cooperative publication by and for members of the Teachers.Net community. We accept for consideration brief articles (approximately 350-2500 words) on topics of interest to educators. Articles should be fully edited, spell checked, and ready for publication. Send submissions by e-mail to along with a brief biography written in third person. A digital photo (headshot) is desirable but optional. Teachers.Net reserves the right to edit articles accepted for publication.
Kathleen Carpenter - Editor in Chief
Mary Miehl - Technical Editor
Tips for Getting Published
Bill Hilton Jr.
Operation RubyThroat: The Hummingbird Project
"The Hummingbird Project," a unique initiative that challenges, connects, and teaches student observers through the Internet. In Operation RubyThroat, participants observe the Ruby-throated Hummingbird in their home countries and share information with peers across North and Central America...
Cover Story
Harry & Rosemary Wong
Effective Practices Apply to All Teachers
The effective teacher is someone who can take an idea or technique, even if it is not related to education, and transform it into something that will apply to a personal situation. The effective teacher is a creative teacher---one who can THINK, REFLECT and IMPLEMENT...
Dr. Marvin Marshall
Given Names
When NOT to Use Them and when TO Use Them
It is a given that all students will not be attracted to all teachers. It is also a given that respect, rather than being liked, is the hallmark of great teachers. But chances of achieving both are far greater through encouragement and empowerment than by saying, "Call me by my first name."...
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Kathleen Carpenter, Editor in Chief
Meet our Antarctic Guide
A conversation with USCG LT Marshall Branch
Coast Guard LT. Marshall Branch is the officer and helicopter pilot who initiated and will be coordinating the e-mails from Antarctica Project with Teachers.Net and classroom teachers who sign up to participate...
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Barbara Gruber & Sue Gruber
10 Tips for the Best Parent Conferences Ever!
Parent Conference week is such a busy time for teachers. Do you feel like you might as well live at school during parent conference time? Here are the ideas you need to turn conference time into a positive experience for parents and for you...

Leslie Bowman & George Conway
Assessment of Online Discussions
Assessment of discussions has been the topic of an ongoing debate among online instructors and learners for quite some time. Assessment in this environment can be very subjective, just as with most written assignments. It is up to the individual instructor to decide what will be assessed and how it will be done...
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Michele Nash
Pumpkin Math and Writing Activities
We do an activity called Pumpkin Math! Our PTO donates 5 pumpkins to our classroom. We also recruit 4 or 5 parent volunteers to facilitate groups of students.
Each parent has a group of 4 students and 1 pumpkin. The groups do the following...
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Dr. Rob Reilly
There IS a Printer and a Xerox Machine in Your Classroom That You Can't See!
Most classrooms that have a computer also have a printer. In a typical classroom the printer is a cheap throw-in on a package deal---"buy this computer and get a free printer!" But that "free" printer usually proves to be well worth the price; it does not withstand the onslaught of child-use...
from the Teachers.Net Community
Tic-Tac-Toe Homework
from Jennifer Poe
Literature Circle Role Sheets
from Donna Baker
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Also in this issue: