#1761. Copy and Paste Living Things

Computer, level: 1-2
Posted Mon Aug 29 21:50:31 PDT 2011 by Steve Lee Ignacio (Steve Lee Ignacio).
Copy and Paste Living Things
LAUSD , Los Angeles, California
Materials Required: copy and paste handout template
Activity Time: 30 minutes
Concepts Taught: Copy and Paste Practice

This lesson plan gives students practice learning how to copy and paste using a word processor. Students use the copy and paste template to classify living and non-living things. Students copy and paste the images of these items into the correct columns.

Copy and Paste Handout Example:

copy and paste practice

Here is a finished example:

copy and paste practice

I have used this successfully with advanced first graders, but I have found that many students of upper grades could use this practice as well.

This is one of several copy and paste templates available for practice.

Other templates provide additional copy and paste and cut and paste practice using numbers, animals, push and pull, etc.

Download the template, distribute to student's computers, demonstrate how to copy and paste and give them 20 minutes or so to complete the practice sheet.

Link to download copy and paste template:


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