#3364. Naomi Wise

Reading/Writing, level: 3-5
Posted Tue Dec 27 08:11:04 PST 2011 by Naomi Wise (Naomi Wise).
PS 7, United States
Materials Required: Article and FQR Think Sheet (attached)
Activity Time: 45 minutes
Concepts Taught: Deforestation, conservation,

Coaching Lesson Plan

Using FQR Think Sheets to Respond to Nonfiction

Objective or WALT WALT determine importance, ask questions and respond to nonfiction texts.

Materials/ Teacher note FQR Sheets, ELMO or Poster for modeling, text to model, article printouts for students, independent nonfiction books for students

Motivation and Connection
Motivation/ Anticipation Guide:
There will be two statements written on the board. The students need to decide if they agree or disagree with the statement:
1) Deforestation can only cause negative effects.
2) There are people today who still only use nature to survive.
We will vote as a class on whether we agree or disagree on these statements and write our answer on the board. I will tell students that, as we read, we might change our opinion or we might confirm our opinion.
Connection: This year, we have been talking about how important it is to ask questions and respond to our books as we read. Today, we are going to use this really cool new sheet called an FQR Think Sheet: (Fact, Question, Response). This sheet helps us as readers make sure that we're not just reading our book but that we are actually thinking about it!!

Teach/ Model As I read this article about deforestation, I am going to make sure I'm not just reading it like a robot but that I am stopping for 3 purposes: To identify a fact, to ask a think-search question, and to respond to the article with a reaction, opinion, connection or feeling. The responses should have "I" in them to show that it is you doing the thinking. Watch as I do this because you are going to do it with your partner and then on your own.
Text is displayed on Smart Board and poster of FQR is on easel. Students also have their own copies of the article. I will read the following section out loud and then model using the FQR sheet:
THE PENAN: An Endangered People Living in a Dying Rain Forest
The sun rises, waking the people who live in one of the world's oldest rain forests. Then the people hear the first sounds of the morning. But they don't wake to chirping birds and other natural sounds. They wake to the roar of chainsaws and the thud of falling trees.
The people are the Penan. They live in an ancient rainforest on Borneo, an island near Asia. They live by gathering fruits, nuts and roots and by hunting. They eat plants, which are also used as medicines, and animals and use the hides, skin, fur, and other parts for clothing and shelter. The Penan way of life, along with the rainforest, is being destroyed. "I just want to cry when I hear the bulldozers and saws," says Juwin Lihan, a Penan leader.
Stop. Think aloud as I add into my FQR sheet:
The Penan people live off of nature. Why don't the Penan people protest this deforestation? I think that the Penan people were probably taken advantage of by a big company. It breaks my heart that these peaceful people are losing their homes.
The FQR sheet is great because it forces me to stop, think and respond as I read. This makes me an active reader instead of just a robot reader.
Try it Out/ Guided Practice Now it is your turn to try out the sheet with the next section of this article:
A Green Gold Rush
About 25 years ago, logging companies began cutting rainforest trees on Borneo. The loggers call the trees "green gold" because the trees are worth so much money. They cut the trees to make paper, chopsticks, and other products. As a result of the logging, the land and rivers have become polluted.
"Clear rivers have turned into the color of tea with milk" says environment expert Mary Asunta. Government officials however, say that logging has been good for the area. They point to the more than 100,000 new jobs created in the area by logging companies, the companies have constructed new roads and buildings.

With your partner, use the FQR sheets to respond to this section. What is one fact you learned, one think and search question you have, and one opinion?
After they talk, allow a few minutes to share whole class and enter one F, Q, and R into the poster from the students. Also, ask them if any of their opinions have changed as they read since the anticipation guide and why.
Link Now when you go back to your seats, you are going to finish the article and use the FQR Think Sheet to show your thinking as you read. Use the poster examples to help you remember what types of deep questions and responses you should be writing. When you finish, there will be another article on your tables for you to read. Use the FQR sheets these as well.
Independent Practice
(What activity will the students engage in) Students will finish the article and use the FQR sheet to record at least one F, Q and R. When done, they will read the (differentiated) articles on their desks and continue to use the FQR sheets to show their thinking.

Students will turn to the person next to them and share one F, Q, R they had as they were reading the end of the article. Teacher will strategically choose one of two examples to put on ELMO or add to class poster.
Assessment Anticipation guide assesses background knowledge and student opinion;
Differentiation Sentence starters for Response section:
I feel. . ., I think. . ..., In my opinion. . .., It makes me feel ____that. . ...,
Modified texts for different learners
Small Group Instruction
Vocabulary FQR, fact, question, response, think and search question, deforestation, loggers, Borneo, Penan

Name__________________ THE PENAN: An Endangered People Living in a Dying Rain Forest
The sun rises, waking the people who live in one of the world's oldest rain forests. Then the people hear the first sounds of the morning. But they don't wake to chirping birds and other natural sounds. They wake to the roar of chainsaws and the thud of falling trees.
The people are the Penan. They live in an ancient rainforest on Borneo, an island near Asia. They live by gathering fruits, nuts and roots and by hunting. They eat plants, which are also used as medicines, and animals and use the hides, skin, fur, and other parts for clothing and shelter. The Penan way of life, along with the rainforest, is being destroyed. "I just want to cry when I hear the bull dozers and saws," says Juwin Lihan, a Penan leader.
A Green Gold Rush
About 25 years ago, logging companies began cutting rainforest trees on Borneo. The loggers call the trees "green gold" because the trees are worth so much money. They cut the trees to make paper, chopsticks, and other products. As a result of the logging, the land and rivers have become polluted.

"Clear rivers have turned into the color of tea with milk," says environment expert Mary Asunta. Government officials however, say that logging has been good for the area. They point to the more than 100,000 new jobs created in the area by logging companies, the companies have constructed new roads and buildings.

Bring Back the Forest
Many of the Penan people don't want the jobs and roads. They want their forest back. "Before the forest was destroyed, life was easy," says Liman Abon, a Penan leader. "If we wanted food, there were wild animals. If we wanted money, we'd make baskets. If we were sick, we would pick medicinal plants." Now, he says, that's all gone.

Name_________________ FQR Think Sheets!