Beginning Internet: Using the Internet to Support Teaching and Learning
Patty AcheyCutts, Instructor
June 11, 1999
Amphibians and ReptilesWritten by: Susan Plagge and Susan Owen -- Kittrell Elementary, Waterloo Community Schools
Grade Level: Second Grade
Summary: Through various Internet sites, books, activities, and videos, students will be able to classify animals as either reptiles or amphibians. They will share characteristics that are unique to amphibians and reptiles, and also characteristics both animals have in common. This will be demonstrated in various ways.
Materials: Computer with Internet access
Graphic organizer
Amphibian and reptile books -- see resources
Polliwog-frog puppet activity
Reptile videos -- see resources
Fantastic frogs mini-book activity
Reptile wheel activity
Turtle birth sequencing activity
Amphibian and reptile assessments
Objectives: Classify animals that are amphibians and reptiles.
Know characteristics of amphibians and reptiles.
Distinguish characteristics between amphibians and reptiles.
Procedure:Day 1
* Introduce amphibians and reptiles as two separate animal groups with similar characteristics.
* Demonstrate what students will need to do to find facts about both animal groups at bookmark -- St. Louis Zoo
* Students will use graphic organizer to record 3 facts they found about each animal group.
* Students go in pairs to the above bookmark throughout the day to find facts and complete the graphic organizer.
Day 2
* Complete a class chart of amphibians and reptiles, using the facts students found on the Internet yesterday.
* Discuss similarities and differences of amphibians and reptiles.
* Read Amphibians are Animals by Judith Holloway and Clive Harper.
* After reading the book, add additional facts to the class chart.
* List animals that belong to the amphibian group.
* Students go in pairs throughout the day to look at amphibian pictures at bookmark --
Newt and Salamanders Home Page []
Day 3
* Review amphibians.
* Introduce and read Frogs by Gail Gibbons. Discuss what makes a frog an amphibian.
* Discuss and chart the life cycle of the frog. "From Polliwog to Frog" activity found at bookmark -- Shedd Aquarium Education Program and Resources []
* Students make a polliwog to frog puppet and use with the poem "Polliwog-Frog".
Day 4
* Students go in pairs throughout the day to read One Liners at bookmark -- Funnies
Find a favorite frog joke to share with the class.
* Teacher read The Frog Alphabet Book by Jerry Pallotta.
* Students make a mini-book of fantastic frogs.
Day 5
* Review reptile facts on class chart.
* Read Reptiles are Animals by Judith Holloway and Clive Harper
* After reading the book, add additional facts to the class chart.
* List animals that belong to the reptile group.
* Students go in pairs throughout the day to look at reptile pictures at bookmark -- Wildlife Gallery -- Photos of Wildlife and Endangered. . .. . ..
Day 6
* Review reptiles.
* Show and discuss the video Reptiles: A First Film
* Students will complete "Reptile Wheel" activity.
Day 7
* Students go in pairs throughout the day to these bookmarks to look at pictures of turtles, and learn more about them - Giant Tortoises at Reptile Gardens []
Turtle Parts []
* Show and discuss the video The Turtle.
* Discuss and chart the steps of the birth of a turtle.
* Students will complete "Turtle Birth" sequencing activity.
Day 8
* Use class chart to review amphibians and reptiles.
* With a partner, students complete Venn diagram on amphibians and reptiles.
* Discuss Venn diagrams as a total group.
Day 9
* Assess student's knowledge of amphibians and reptiles by providing pictures of each, and having them classify them under the correct animal group.
* Students list 3 characteristics of each animal group.
* Amphibians are Animals by Judith Holloway and Clive Harper
* Frogs by Gail Gibbons
* Reptiles are Animals by Judith Holloway and Clive Harper
* The Frog Alphabet Book by Jerry Pallotta
Sites Bookmarked on the Internet
* St. Louis Zoo* Newt and Salamanders Home Page
* Shedd Aquarium Education Program and Resources* Funnies -- One Liners* Wildlife Gallery -- Photos of Wildlife and Endangered. . ..* Giant Tortoises at Reptile Gardens* Turtle Parts
* Reptiles: A First Film -- 020772 -- Area VII
* The Turtle -- 010230 -- Area VII
Name __________________________
Characteristics of Amphibians and Reptiles
While you are at the computer do Part A.
* Write A if it tells about amphibians.
* Write R if it tells about reptiles.
* Write A, R if it tells about both.
Part Amoist skin lays eggs
dry skin cold blooded
When you get back to your seat do Part B.
* Write the characteristic under Amphibian or Reptile.
Part BAmphibians Reptiles
1. 1.
2. 1.
3. 2.