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Grade: Kindergarten
Subject: Reading/Writing
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P letter IdeasLetter "P": BOOK:"Pocket for Corduroy" Read story , open ended
- you can end up doing a whole unit on bears if desired or ... Make
'pockets' from wallpaper / have kids use memory and matching / vis.
discrim. @ Circle. Copy Corduroy / ave kids cut a little pocket from
wallpaper and glue on.
PICKLES: Make paper pickles on green paper. Kids cut and cut a 'jar '
for fine otor activity and glue 3 pickles in jar. At Circle play "Who
took the pickle from the Pickle jar..." game . For fine motor / have
kids pick up paper pickles (bent sligtly ) with a clothespin. For
phonemic awareness (and fun) recite 'Peter Piper picked a peck of
pickled peppers.....
POOH: Dont forget Pooh and Paddington stories.
PLAYDOH and play.
"P" Cut out the letter "P" /let kids paint it Pink and Purple either
with little cars or marbles then make a word wall of all the "P" words
they can think of.
PLANES : Make paper planes. Talk about transprtation.
PENGUIN facts for Science lesson . Penguin art too.
PAIRS: Do with any pairs - hands, feet, socks , mittens, eyes........!
Patchwork quilts - make a little one with scraps of wallpaper.
Don't forget to compile those ideas... Please! LaurieFor P, how about popsicle patterns, graphing favorite flavors, having a pajama
party and reading Ira Sleeps Over, making peanut butter and doing a taste test
to see who likes homemade peanut butter vs. store bought, so some planting,
construct pictures with popsicle sticks, make patterns with these, open a
puppet center and at the art center have a variety of things on hand to make
puppets.yes and with the popsicles, I have just drawn one on white paper, then
copier . Kids watercolor and glue on the 2 sticks - the purple looks
good enough to eat!! laurie*read The Pickle Creature
*eat those big ole squishy dill pickles (my kids still ask for pickles)
*use peppermints (individually wrapped) as counters
*use pennies as counters
*cut out /p/ pics from magazines
*cut Pp from magazines and glue onto paper
*read the Three Little Pigs & The True Story of the Three Little Pigs
*eat pigs-in-a-blanket
*have a picnic
*eat popcorn
*eat pie
*make paper
*eat pineapple
•Piggy Bank
When I was a small tot, a neighbor lady made me a gift. I don't know the
instructions, but probably was easy, and maybe you've seen one. Using a
bleach bottle she made me a piggy bank. All she used was glue, clorox bottle,
and 4 corks. I loved that little gift, and it's still in my fond
memories..corks were for feet, top of the bottle was nose, eyes drawn on, and
then curly tail out of extra plastic, money slot cut in "back" of pig.•Pudding Painting
Mix up several batches of instant pudding to finger paint with•Polk-a-dot Ps
Prepare a P for each child to cut out and decorate with polk-a-dots. Use
buttons, paints, stickers, etc.•Pass the Potato
Have the children sit in a circle, let them pass a potato around by tossing it
as you play music. When the music stops, whoever is holding the potato is
"out."•Peanut Butter
Have the children help shell enough peanuts to make 2 cups. Put aprox 2 Tbls.
of salad oil into a blender and gradually add the peanuts, blending until
smooth.• A ditto with the letter Pp, the children color it in (trying to stay in the
lines) then we will glue on dried split peas•A paper plate collage using things that begin with the letter p (pink and
purple tissue paper, popcorn, peanuts, etc)•Read a story of Polka the Pig and after reading it to them we will make a
puppet of her•paint with pink and purple
•A successful P activity is to make popsicle stick puzzles. The
children line up popsicle sticks(line them up side by side, forming a
rectangle) and use masking tape to tape them together. They write
their name on each stick and turn the sticks over. They color a
picture on the popsicle sticks. When finished, they take the tape off,
mix up the sticks, and do their puizzle. They love exchanging puzzles
with friends. If a piece drops, it's easily returned since the
children's names are on each popsicle stick!•Perky Penguin.
I made patterns from cardboard. I made a shape like an upside down U in black
and another a little smaller in white. I used orange and cut out a diamond to
fold in half as a beak and used googly eyes. I also cut out the letter P and
they glue it on his "tux".I cut out the shapes from the construction paper and
they glued the pieces together.My class knows that where there is an X they
need to put glue and then I tell them what piece goes on next.
How about a Pizza Day for P? I'm actually having a Pizza day this Friday. I
put out english muffin halves, pizza sauce, shredded cheese, pepperoni, and
hot dog slices. The children build their pizza the way they like to eat it
and we cook it in a 350 oven for 5 minutes or so (until cheese is melted) and
we eat them for snack
•Pizza Game: My co-teacher made a very cute pizza game. She cut a round
circle out of yellow poster board and then cut the circle into four quarters
(pizza slices). On each slice she drew 7 or 8 circles. Then she cut out lots
of red circles (pepperoni) that would fit on the 7 or 8 circles she drew on
the pizza slices. She bought a plain wooden dice and put white sticky circles
on all sides. On some of the circles she wrote a 1, on some she wrote a 2,
and on 1 circle she drew a set of "teeth." THE GAME: Everyone begins with a
pizza slice....all pepperoni circles are in the center of the table. If you
roll a 1...you put 1 pepperoni on your pizza. If you roll a 2.... 2
pepperonis go on your pizza. If you roll the set of teeth....OOPPSS! You
got HUNGRY and ate one pepperoni....you take one off your card and place it
back in the center of the table. When you have covered all your circles with
pepperonis...your slice is done. Continue playing ...when the second slice
is done...combine it with the first slice....now you have half a pizza.
Contintue until all the slices are covered with pepperonis and your pizza is
•PIZZA ART: Depending on your age group you can precut or have the
children cut them themselves. You will need: 1 white circle. Mix glue and
red tempera paint. Spread this "pizza sauce" on the crust of your pizza (the
white circle). Sprinkle on cheese. (we cut yellow and orange tissue in thin
strips and the children crumpled them and sprinkled them on. Put on pepperoni
(red circles), green pepper strips/ white mushrooms (white mushroom half
•ALTERNATIVE PIZZA IDEA: You could use red circles for your pizza and
Vegetable Print....Mushrooms/Peppers/Onions etc. on top.
• BOOK: CURIOUS GEORGE AND THE PIZZA•Make a pizza prop box I use every year. Here's how. Ask your nearest pizza
restaurant for a few different sized pizza boxes (small, med, and large) and
the cardboard circles they put pizzas "to go" on. Cut red felt circles to
match the cardboard circles. Cut some circles into slices. Cut up some white
yarn for mozarella cheese, yellow felt pineapple chunks, biege felt mushrooms,
reddish brown felt blobs for sausage, red felt circles dotted with black
marker for pepperoni, green felt in the shape of sliced green peppers, black
felt circles for olives. Make some menus with these items drawn on in felt
pen and the words for them and small med. and large and prices. I keep each
pizza topping in its own zip-lock bag when I store this for the next year.
Bring out the cash register, phone, pens and pads, aprons, cooks hats, etc.
and open your pizza restaurant.•We always go to a pizza hut or similar on a field trip. Most will let you
make your own pizza and show the kids around, etc.•We also make our own pizza restaurant using playdough and pattern blocks.
You can make menus with particular patterns to copy with the pattern blocks.
A good way to get math to those who don't usually go to the math center.•We make art pizza too, but I don't bother cutting out stuff anymore. Just
give them circles and red glue-paint, white yarn pieces for cheese and collage
shapes, little foam or paper ones - whatever you have around.•Sing the Charlotte Diamond song: "I am a pizza" It's a wonderful echo song,
in case you've never heard it.•After we went to the real pizza place and made our own pizzas we made a
"thank-you" pizza for the restaurant to hang. I used a large foam core circle
and we made the crust from Model Magic (children kneed a little bit of orange
liquid water color into the model magic and formed it around the edge of the
large circle. Then I filled the middle with wall compound and the children
stuck yarn pieces, and died woodle-bits into the wall compound. Next time I
would get someone to cut a wooden circle because the foam core did tend to
warp a little and I ended up having to glue some of the wood pieces back on
after it dried.
•Pigs and Monkeys. You can use any animals however. Split your class into
two groups and let them pick which animal they want to be. This goes great
with many themes because you can give the kids choices of animals that go
along with your theme. After they choose their animals they close their eyes
(eyes stay closed for the rest of the game) and you move them to different
areas in the room away from other members of their group. When they are all
over the room you say "GO" and they make the noise of the animal their group
chose. They need to find each other by sound only. Their eyes should stay
closed. This game works better with older kids. Oh, and don't forget to move
the tables out of the way!!! The game gets loud and sometimes a little rowdy
but the kids I've played it with love it!!!•We make pizzas every year for P week too. (painted, I mean). A fun thing to
do for the chees is to sprinkle cornmeal over the painted circle before it
dries. The drying paint will hold it on. This makes an interesting texture
and the children love shaking the cornmeal. I use an old large salt shaker.•It's also fun to make popcorn. If you can take your popcorn popper outside
or clear a large space on the floor. Put the popper on a clean sheet and pop
the corn without the top on. This is so much fun as the children see the
popcorn fly through the air. Most of it will land on the sheet and after all
the popcorn has popped, the children can pick it up and eat it. Make sure you
have the children stand back from the popper as the popcorn is pretty hot
right after it pops. This is a real treat for the children!
•One book that is a definite must for P week is The Piggie In The Puddle by
Charlotte Pomerantz. It's published by Aladdin Books. This is one of my
favorite books! Written in rhyming form, it's the story of a little piggie
playing in a mud puddle who won't get out when her family asks her to. Oh,
what's a family to do? Read and find out!•Another big hit with the kids is "The Big Pumpkin" by Erica Silverman... with
the sing-along story tape .. they never get tired of it...•SAM THE PIZZA MAN
Hold both hands out, palms up Sam the Pizza man put a pizza in a pan
dot the air and rub tummy And he put a lotta sausage on the top.
(that's good)
Now I know if he would only
put index finger on chin Add the pepperoni,
shake head yes He would have a nice-a pizza! Serve
it hot
I would!!!!!•Purple Cow
1 1/2 C milk 1/2 C grape juice
1 sliced bananaPlace all ingredients in blender. Mix until smooth and frothy. Makes 3
servings. Serving size = 1 cup = 1 milk credit•PUNCHINELLO
Have the children stand in a circle & pick a child to stand it the center.The
child in the center will do something & the rest of the children must follow
while singing this
song.After the song is sung a new child is picked by the child in the center.
What can you do,
Punchinello funny fellow?
What can you do,
Punchinello funny you?
We can do it too,
Punchinello funny fellow.
We can do it too,
Punchinello funny you.
•Letter p- Cut a p out of strong paper and let the children glue on popcorn.•Pineapples-Buy a pineapple for the children to investigate. Talk about
shape, size and texture. Cut it up and let the children try it. Compare it
with an apple.•Pina Coladas-Put 16 oz of pineapple juice, 4 oz Coco Lopez and tray full of
ice in blender. Mix till frosty•Paper Bag Puppets-Cut out circles for heads, arms and feet. Let children
decorate with hair and color. Put on a puppet show•Porcupine - a small potato/two small craft sticks/uncooked spaghetti/wiggle
eyes; break craft sticks in half and place on bottom of potato for legs; glue
on wiggle eyes; break uncooked spaghetti into pieces and stick into potato•Pizza - paper plates/red markers/construction paper scraps/glue sticks
•let them color plates red for sauce and use scraps for toppings
•Our kids had some real bargains - "Free delivery and a $1,000.00 refund if
you buy one with extra cheese for fifty cents!*•Soft Pretzels ***
2 - 16 oz. loaves frozen bread dough
1 egg white, slightly beaten
1 teaspoon water
Coarse salt
Separate thawed bread into 24 - 1 1/2" balls. Roll each ball into a rope 14
1/2" long. Have children plan and design
pretzel shapes (letters or numerals). Put pretzels one inch apart on greased
cookie sheet. Let stand for 20 minutes
and brush with combined egg white and water. Sprinkle with coarse salt. Place
a shallow pan containing 1" of
boiling water on bottom rack of oven; bake pretzels at 350 degrees on rack
above water for 20 minutes or until
golden brown.
•Peppermint Ice Cream ***
3 lb. coffee can with plastic cover
1 lb. coffee can with plastic cover
Rock salt
Crushed ice
2 cups whipping cream
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon peppermint extract
Red food coloring
Crushed peppermint stick (about 3 T.)
Place 1 lb. can in center of 3 lb can. Fill 1 lb. can with ice cream
ingredients. Layer crushed ice and rock salt around
the small 1 lb. can. Cover both with their plastic lids. Sit in a circle on
floor and roll the can back and forth for about
15 minutes.
• "Pat a cake, pat a cake ,Pizza Man.
Make me a pizza as fast as you can!
Roll it and toss it and sprinkle it with cheese.
And don't forget 5 pepperonis ,please !!"
Hope you can use this sometime !!
The kids enjoy "spreading " red finger paint over a brown circle, then
sprinkling paper "cheese" strips and finally putting the little red paper
circles on for the pepperoni............Activity P
Make popcorn. Call your child into an area where they can hear the popcorn
pop. Each time he hears a pop your child should hop like corn popping and
say "pop". You may want to write the word "pop" on a piece of cardstock and
have the children hold their pop sign high in the air each time they say the
word "pop".P = peanut shells
Pathways can be explored as children move from one area to another. Move in a
straight, zigzag, or curved path.•Piggy Bank
When I was a small tot, a neighbor lady made me a gift. I don't know the
instructions, but probably was easy, and maybe you've seen one. Using a
bleach bottle she made me a piggy bank. All she used was glue, clorox
and 4 corks. I loved that little gift, and it's still in my fond
memories..corks were for feet, top of the bottle was nose, eyes drawn on,
then curly tail out of extra plastic, money slot cut in "back" of pig.•Pudding Painting
Mix up several batches of instant pudding to finger paint with•Polk-a-dot Ps
Prepare a P for each child to cut out and decorate with polk-a-dots. Use
buttons, paints, stickers, etc.•Pass the Potato
Have the children sit in a circle, let them pass a potato around by tossing
as you play music. When the music stops, whoever is holding the potato is
"out."•Peanut Butter
Have the children help shell enough peanuts to make 2 cups. Put aprox 2
of salad oil into a blender and gradually add the peanuts, blending until
smooth.• A ditto with the letter Pp, the children color it in (trying to stay in
lines) then we will glue on dried split peas•A paper plate collage using things that begin with the letter p (pink and
purple tissue paper, popcorn, peanuts, etc)•Read a story of Polka the Pig and after reading it to them we will make a
puppet of her•paint with pink and purple
•A successful P activity is to make popsicle stick puzzles. The
children line up popsicle sticks(line them up side by side, forming a
rectangle) and use masking tape to tape them together. They write
their name on each stick and turn the sticks over. They color a
picture on the popsicle sticks. When finished, they take the tape off,
mix up the sticks, and do their puizzle. They love exchanging puzzles
with friends. If a piece drops, it's easily returned since the
children's names are on each popsicle stick!•Perky Penguin.
I made patterns from cardboard. I made a shape like an upside down U in
and another a little smaller in white. I used orange and cut out a diamond
fold in half as a beak and used googly eyes. I also cut out the letter P
they glue it on his "tux".I cut out the shapes from the construction paper
they glued the pieces together.My class knows that where there is an X
need to put glue and then I tell them what piece goes on next.
How about a Pizza Day for P? I'm actually having a Pizza day this Friday.
put out english muffin halves, pizza sauce, shredded cheese, pepperoni,
hot dog slices. The children build their pizza the way they like to eat it
and we cook it in a 350 oven for 5 minutes or so (until cheese is melted)
we eat them for snack•Pizza Game: My co-teacher made a very cute pizza game. She cut a round
circle out of yellow poster board and then cut the circle into four
(pizza slices). On each slice she drew 7 or 8 circles. Then she cut out
of red circles (pepperoni) that would fit on the 7 or 8 circles she drew
the pizza slices. She bought a plain wooden dice and put white sticky
on all sides. On some of the circles she wrote a 1, on some she wrote a 2,
and on 1 circle she drew a set of "teeth." THE GAME: Everyone begins
with a
pizza slice....all pepperoni circles are in the center of the table. If
roll a 1...you put 1 pepperoni on your pizza. If you roll a 2.... 2
pepperonis go on your pizza. If you roll the set of teeth....OOPPSS!
got HUNGRY and ate one pepperoni....you take one off your card and place it
back in the center of the table. When you have covered all your circles
pepperonis...your slice is done. Continue playing ...when the second
is done...combine it with the first slice....now you have half a pizza.
Contintue until all the slices are covered with pepperonis and your pizza
complete!!•PIZZA ART: Depending on your age group you can precut or have the
children cut them themselves. You will need: 1 white circle. Mix glue
red tempera paint. Spread this "pizza sauce" on the crust of your pizza
white circle). Sprinkle on cheese. (we cut yellow and orange tissue in
strips and the children crumpled them and sprinkled them on. Put on
(red circles), green pepper strips/ white mushrooms (white mushroom half
shapes)...•ALTERNATIVE PIZZA IDEA: You could use red circles for your pizza and
Vegetable Print....Mushrooms/Peppers/Onions etc. on top.• BOOK: CURIOUS GEORGE AND THE PIZZA
•Make a pizza prop box I use every year. Here's how. Ask your nearest
restaurant for a few different sized pizza boxes (small, med, and large)
the cardboard circles they put pizzas "to go" on. Cut red felt circles to
match the cardboard circles. Cut some circles into slices. Cut up some
yarn for mozarella cheese, yellow felt pineapple chunks, biege felt
reddish brown felt blobs for sausage, red felt circles dotted with black
marker for pepperoni, green felt in the shape of sliced green peppers,
felt circles for olives. Make some menus with these items drawn on in felt
pen and the words for them and small med. and large and prices. I keep
pizza topping in its own zip-lock bag when I store this for the next year.
Bring out the cash register, phone, pens and pads, aprons, cooks hats, etc.
and open your pizza restaurant.•We always go to a pizza hut or similar on a field trip. Most will let you
make your own pizza and show the kids around, etc.•We also make our own pizza restaurant using playdough and pattern blocks.
You can make menus with particular patterns to copy with the pattern
A good way to get math to those who don't usually go to the math center.•We make art pizza too, but I don't bother cutting out stuff anymore. Just
give them circles and red glue-paint, white yarn pieces for cheese and
shapes, little foam or paper ones - whatever you have around.•Sing the Charlotte Diamond song: "I am a pizza" It's a wonderful echo
in case you've never heard it.•After we went to the real pizza place and made our own pizzas we made a
"thank-you" pizza for the restaurant to hang. I used a large foam core
and we made the crust from Model Magic (children kneed a little bit of
liquid water color into the model magic and formed it around the edge of
large circle. Then I filled the middle with wall compound and the children
stuck yarn pieces, and died woodle-bits into the wall compound. Next time
would get someone to cut a wooden circle because the foam core did tend to
warp a little and I ended up having to glue some of the wood pieces back on
after it dried.
•Pigs and Monkeys. You can use any animals however. Split your class into
two groups and let them pick which animal they want to be. This goes great
with many themes because you can give the kids choices of animals that go
along with your theme. After they choose their animals they close their
(eyes stay closed for the rest of the game) and you move them to different
areas in the room away from other members of their group. When they are
over the room you say "GO" and they make the noise of the animal their
chose. They need to find each other by sound only. Their eyes should stay
closed. This game works better with older kids. Oh, and don't forget to
the tables out of the way!!! The game gets loud and sometimes a little
but the kids I've played it with love it!!!•We make pizzas every year for P week too. (painted, I mean). A fun thing
do for the chees is to sprinkle cornmeal over the painted circle before it
dries. The drying paint will hold it on. This makes an interesting
and the children love shaking the cornmeal. I use an old large salt
shaker.•It's also fun to make popcorn. If you can take your popcorn popper
or clear a large space on the floor. Put the popper on a clean sheet and
the corn without the top on. This is so much fun as the children see the
popcorn fly through the air. Most of it will land on the sheet and after
the popcorn has popped, the children can pick it up and eat it. Make sure
have the children stand back from the popper as the popcorn is pretty hot
right after it pops. This is a real treat for the children!
•One book that is a definite must for P week is The Piggie In The Puddle by
Charlotte Pomerantz. It's published by Aladdin Books. This is one of my
favorite books! Written in rhyming form, it's the story of a little piggie
playing in a mud puddle who won't get out when her family asks her to. Oh,
what's a family to do? Read and find out!•Another big hit with the kids is "The Big Pumpkin" by Erica Silverman...
the sing-along story tape .. they never get tired of it...•SAM THE PIZZA MAN
Hold both hands out, palms up Sam the Pizza man put a pizza in a pan
dot the air and rub tummy And he put a lotta sausage on the top.
(that's good)
Now I know if he would
put index finger on chin Add the pepperoni,
shake head yes He would have a nice-a pizza!
it hot
I would!!!!!•Purple Cow
1 1/2 C milk 1/2 C grape juice
1 sliced bananaPlace all ingredients in blender. Mix until smooth and frothy. Makes 3
servings. Serving size = 1 cup = 1 milk credit•PUNCHINELLO
Have the children stand in a circle & pick a child to stand it the
child in the center will do something & the rest of the children must
while singing this
song.After the song is sung a new child is picked by the child in the
center.What can you do,
Punchinello funny fellow?What can you do,
Punchinello funny you?We can do it too,
Punchinello funny fellow.We can do it too,
Punchinello funny you.
•Letter p- Cut a p out of strong paper and let the children glue on
popcorn.•Pineapples-Buy a pineapple for the children to investigate. Talk about
shape, size and texture. Cut it up and let the children try it. Compare
with an apple.•Pina Coladas-Put 16 oz of pineapple juice, 4 oz Coco Lopez and tray full
ice in blender. Mix till frosty•Paper Bag Puppets-Cut out circles for heads, arms and feet. Let children
decorate with hair and color. Put on a puppet show•Porcupine - a small potato/two small craft sticks/uncooked
eyes; break craft sticks in half and place on bottom of potato for legs;
on wiggle eyes; break uncooked spaghetti into pieces and stick into potato•Pizza - paper plates/red markers/construction paper scraps/glue sticks
•let them color plates red for sauce and use scraps for toppings
•Our kids had some real bargains - "Free delivery and a $1,000.00 refund if
you buy one with extra cheese for fifty cents!*•Soft Pretzels ***
2 - 16 oz. loaves frozen bread dough
1 egg white, slightly beaten
1 teaspoon water
Coarse saltSeparate thawed bread into 24 - 1 1/2" balls. Roll each ball into a rope
1/2" long. Have children plan and design
pretzel shapes (letters or numerals). Put pretzels one inch apart on
cookie sheet. Let stand for 20 minutes
and brush with combined egg white and water. Sprinkle with coarse salt.
a shallow pan containing 1" of
boiling water on bottom rack of oven; bake pretzels at 350 degrees on rack
above water for 20 minutes or until
golden brown.•Peppermint Ice Cream ***
3 lb. coffee can with plastic cover
1 lb. coffee can with plastic cover
Rock salt
Crushed ice
2 cups whipping cream
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon peppermint extract
Red food coloring
Crushed peppermint stick (about 3 T.)Place 1 lb. can in center of 3 lb can. Fill 1 lb. can with ice cream
ingredients. Layer crushed ice and rock salt around
the small 1 lb. can. Cover both with their plastic lids. Sit in a circle
floor and roll the can back and forth for about
15 minutes.
• "Pat a cake, pat a cake ,Pizza Man.
Make me a pizza as fast as you can!
Roll it and toss it and sprinkle it with cheese.
And don't forget 5 pepperonis ,please !!"
Hope you can use this sometime !!
The kids enjoy "spreading " red finger paint over a brown circle, then
sprinkling paper "cheese" strips and finally putting the little red paper
circles on for the pepperoni............Activity P
Make popcorn. Call your child into an area where they can hear the popcorn
pop. Each time he hears a pop your child should hop like corn popping and
say "pop". You may want to write the word "pop" on a piece of cardstock and
have the children hold their pop sign high in the air each time they say
word "pop".P = peanut shells
Pathways can be explored as children move from one area to another. Move
in a
straight, zigzag, or curved path.The Popcorn Book by Tomie dePaolo
Popcorn Song (tune: I'm a little teapot)
I'm a little kernel very small.
Put me in a pot that's very tall.
Add a little oil, put on the top.
Heat me up and watch me pop!P
Mix a pancake
stir a pancake
pop it in a pan
fry a pancake
toss a pancake
catch it fi you canHere is a web quest about pumpkins that a friend of mine and I did for
Kindergartners. It does need to have an adult around but children can
click on special spots and see pictures of pumpkins even if they can't
Hope it helps -Leslie
The Penguin
I am bird you know quite well.
All dressed in black and white.
And even though I do have wings,
They're not designed for flight.I waddle, waddle, waddle,
On my funny little feet.
Across the icy snow I go,
To find a fishy treat.
by Rozanne WilliamsPorcupine Pinecone
Nature connection A porcupine is a rodent and inhabits cone-bearing
trees.Large pincecone
2 medium-sized black buttons or wiggly eyes
1 small black button
4 black pompons, 1/2" diameter
white glue
picture of real porcupine for reference1. Glue two medium-sized buttons or wiggly eyes onto one end of the pinecone
for eyes.
2. Glue the small button underneaththe eyes for a nose.
3. Glue the pompons on the bottom of the pinecone to represent squatty feet.
Let all materials dry completely.
4. Put a small dab of glue onto the end of a toothpick and push it into the
pinecone. Hold the toothpick in place until it dries enough to support
itself. Repeat this all over the pinecone except the underneath part.
5 When dry display on a desk or shelf :-)You can make it an edible porcupine by pushing small, straight pretzels into a
large marshmallow, covering all but a "face area. Use any number of edible
treats, such as mini choc.chips or dark candy attached with a dab of peanut
There are 550 species of conifer trees. The pinecones come in many shapes and
sizes.What you need
large pinecone
loose, multicolored sequins and/or glitter
green tempera paint
foam cup
white glue
1"paint brush
scissorsWhat to do
1. Place a small amount of green paint in the cup
2. Paint the individual tips of the cone green. Allow to dry
3. Add small spots of glue and decorate
4. Wrap string or gold cord around the cone like tinsel.
5. Cut a length of string or cord to hang from.Did you know??? Moist air will cause the cone to open up and dry air will
cause it to close.The Penguin
I am bird you know quite well.
All dressed in black and white.
And even though I do have wings,
They're not designed for flight.
I waddle, waddle, waddle,
On my funny little feet.
Across the icy snow I go,
To find a fishy treat.by Rozanne Williams
Does anyone know of a Polar Bear poem?
>>The Polar BearThe polar bear lives where it snows,
(Flutter fingers downward)
He never gets cold in a storm.
(Shake head)
When he swims in the icy water,
(Make swimming movements.)
His heavy white coat keeps him warm.
(hug self)
Author Marie WheelerStacie from ct.
We made individual pizzas on "P" day. You take an english muffin and
cut in half(one half is enough for each child). Then provide sauce,
pepperoni, cheese, and anything else you can think of. We put each
child's on a small paper plate with their name on the bottom and then
microwaved them. The kids loved eating their own homemade pizza.Here is an idea that worked really well for me today at school. I've been
teaching the letter P all week and I refer to it's sound with the Puff Puff
trains make. (there is a song with it too) Anyway, I incorporated patterns
into a math lesson while teaching the letter P. On the board I drew rectangle
shapes for the train's boxes and circle wheels. I made an oval face at the
beginning of the train (to mimic the little train that could) I then made the
letter P as a hat and filled in the P with white smokey chalk. On the
rectangular boxes I wrote in a letter per box for each letter in my last name
-- the kids loved it. I then gave them sentence strips after introducing
patterns at the end of the day and gave them rectangle shapes of pink and
yellow for them to glue onto the sentence strips (enough rectangles to fit a
letter in each part of their name.) I asked them to first make a pattern
using the two colors and then to glue the pattern onto the sentence strips.
The children then wrote in a letter per box in each box for their entire first
name. I then gave them blue ovals for faces. We reviewed one to one
correspondence with the letter per box and I then asked them to pout one wheel
per rectangle. Afterword I gave them a black rectangle and black circles for
wheels. On the black rectangles they wrote the letter P with chalk and colored
in the P to make it smokey. They then glued the P (some children even cut out
the letter P and glued it on) above the oval faces and glued one circle per
box for the wheels. This entire activity helped me review one to one
correspondence as well as teach the letter P and patterning. The kids had so
much fun! They used their sentence strips to puff around the classroom and
join their friends with their trains.Here is the song: I learned this in Kindergarten 22 years ago!!) (similar to
I'm a little teapot)I'm a little engine on a track
Listen to my wheels go clickety clack (brush hands together to make clack
Here my little bell ring Howdey doo (bow)
I'm a ding dong ding dong choo choo )point to self)I huff and puff and huff and puff (shrugging shoulders)
I huff and puff all day (still shrugging shoulders)
There's nothing that I rather do (side to side head -- no)
than huff and puff each wayWhen you see the smoke up in the sky (circle hand in sky)
You will know that I am passing by
Listen to my bell ring Howdey doo (bow)
I'm a ding dong ding dong
Choo ChooGood Luck!
From: Angel 893
To: FarrmPenguins
35mm film container with its lid (body)
2 5mm wiggle eyes
1..1"x11/2" piece of white construction paper (stomach)
1 2"x2" piece of black construction paper (flippers)
1 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" piece of pink construction paper (feet)
1 1"x3/4" piece of red construction paper (beak)glue the eyes near the top of the container.
Cut the oval from the white paper. Glue it below the eyes
Fold the black paper in half. Draw one flipper. Cut through both thicknesses.
Glue the flippers in place.
Cut a heart shape from the pink paper. Glue it to the bottom of the container
with the tip of the heart pointing to the back of the penguin.
Cut a diamond shaper from the red paper. Fold it in half. Glue the bottom half
of the diamond to the container right below the eyes.This is real cute. :-)
On Top of an Iceberg
(to the tune of "On Top of Old Smokey")
MR. PENGUIN (I title it this instead of On Top of an
On top of an iceberg,
All covered with snow.
I saw my first penguin.
I wanted to know.
Oh is it a bird?
Or is it a fish?
I look at his feathers,
And knew which was which.
I said, "Mr. Penguin,
Which species are you?"
He said, "I'm an emperor.
And not a gentoo."
I said, "Mr. Penguin,
What's under your patch?"
He said, "It's an egg,
It's ready to hatch."
I said, "Mr. Penguin,
Oh where is your wife?"
"She's out in the ocean,
She'll be back tonight.
Said Mr. Penguin,
"Her name is Jill.
She's out in the ocean,
Feeding on krill."
The next thing I knew,
I heard a peep.
And I saw a chick,
At the emperor's feet.
(3 songs to the tune: I'm a little teapot)
I'm a little penguin
On the ice.
I think cold is very nice.
I can hop around first once, then twice.
I think ice is very nice.- or -
I'm a little penguin
Round and fat
Here is my beak,
Here is my hat.Winter days are coming,
Hear me shout,
"Please don't toss
My mittens out!"OR
I'm a little penguin,
Black and white.
Short and wobbly,
An adorable sight.I can't fly at all,
but I love to swim.
So I'll waddle to the water
And dive right in!
ON TOP OF AN ICEBERG (to the tune of "On Top of Old Smoky")
On top of an iceberg, All covered with snow, I saw my first penguin And I
wanted to know.
Oh is it a bird,
Or is it a fish?
I looked at his feathers,
And knew which was which.I said, "Mr. Penguin,
Which species are you?"
He said, "I'm an emperor,
And not a gentoo."I said, "Mr. Penguin,
What's under you patch?"
He said, "It's an egg,
It's ready to hatch!"I said, "Mr. Penguin,
Oh, where is your wife?"
"She's out in the ocean,
She'll be back tonight."Said Mr. Penguin,
"Her name is Jill.
She's out in the ocean,
Feeding on krill."The next thing I knew,
I heard a small peep.
And I saw a chick,
At the emperor's feet!THREE LITTLE PENGUINS
Three little penguins, dressed in white and black.
Waddle, waddle forward and waddle right back!
Three little penguins, in a funny pose,
They are wearing their evening clothes.Their suits are black and their vests are white.
They waddle to the left and they waddle to the right.They stand on the ice and they look very neat,
As they waddle along on their little flat feet.Six little penguins off an iceberg did dive,
One bumped his beak, then there were five.Five little penguins swam the ocean floor,
One saw a whale, then there were four.Four little penguins spun around, whee-ee!
One spun off, then there were three!Three little penguins, with nothing to do,
One went fishing, then there were two.Two little penguins, having lots of fun,
One fell of, then there was one.
One little penguin, when the day was done,
Went home to sleep, then there were none.
Penguin Page: http://www.vni.net.80/~kwelch/penguins/From: toto53@megsinet.net (toto53)
Hello to all- so many people wanted these, that I just decided to send to
---this site is great for photos that can be printed--just go to the
homepage for whole thing..This couple traveled to habitats and wrote a
journal of trips
http://www.terraquest.com/va/science/penguins/penguins.html--information and
http://www.galactic.co.uk/iainf/barham---lots of photos!
http://seaworls.org/Penguins/appendix.html--photos and global status,etc...
There are some kindergarten sites that have penguin links,too.Let me know if
you want these,too.Have fun!Lindy from California
From: kmr001@bridgewater.edu (Karen)
To: Farrm@aol.comHere's a really cute penguin craft activity that is partially my own making
and partially improvised from something I saw somewhere online.
What you need:1 1/4 x 1 1/4" medium candle cups (wooden, I got mine at Wal-Mart in the
craft dept.)
1" ball knobs (also wooden from the same place)
hot glue gun
black paint
white paint
orange fun foam
black fun foam
wiggle eyes
Elmer's glue
paper or styrofoam plates (optional)***This can probably be done with Kinders or first graders, but requires
some teacher/adult assistance.1. Glue one of the wooden balls to the upside down candle cup using a hot
glue gun.
2. Give your kiddos some black paint on a paper or styrofoam plate, or
some other surface.
3. Have kids paint the entire wooden surface black and let it dry. It
dries fairly quickly.
4. Give them a little white paint and have them paint the penguin's tummy
and chest.
5. Give each child two wiggle eyes and a nose pre-cut from orange fun
foam. These can be glued on with Elmer's Glue.
6. Have the children come up to you a few at a time while the rest of the
class puts the faces on their penguins.
7. Glue some black wings on the penguin made from black fun foam. Hot
glue works best for this, but don't let the kids use the glue gun.
8. Make flippers for feet from orange fun foam and glue them to the front
of the penguin, not the bottom, or he'll be wobbly. I used my glue gun
here again because it's easier.The hole on the bottom of the candle cup makes a convenient finger puppet!
Enjoy! I'll post my penguin unit on KK soon!
Purple Plastic Purse: Trace purse pattern on purple paper.Kids cut. (F.M.)Add
thick purple yarn for strap. Read Lillys Plastic Purse ( log onto BOOKS page)P is for Purple popsicles: Make copies of a popsicle. Kids watercolor purple
and glue on 2 pop. sticks - very cute! SCI. Teach about freezing and melting.POCKETS: log onto BOOKS at the bottom of this page and check out ideas for "A
Pocket for Cordurouy"P is for PICKLES: Draw large jar on white paper. Copy. Draw several pickles on
green/ copy. Kids cut pickles and glue in jar. At Circle play "Who Stole the
pickle from the pickle jar?" Make extra pickles, bend slightly at corners and
play a game where kids try to pick a pickle with clothespin (fine motor) Dont
forget Peter Piper... for some tongue twisting fun!Your "P" LIST: Pumpkins,pears,puzzles,peaches,Play-doh, painting,picnic,
party,Pairs,Poems(rhyming words)
Letter "P": BOOK:"Pocket for Corduroy" Read story , open ended
- you can end up doing a whole unit on bears if desired or ... Make
'pockets' from wallpaper / have kids use memory and matching / vis.
discrim. @ Circle. Copy Corduroy / ave kids cut a little pocket from
wallpaper and glue on.
PICKLES: Make paper pickles on green paper. Kids cut and cut a 'jar '
for fine otor activity and glue 3 pickles in jar. At Circle play "Who
took the pickle from the Pickle jar..." game . For fine motor / have
kids pick up paper pickles (bent sligtly ) with a clothespin. For
phonemic awareness (and fun) recite 'Peter Piper picked a peck of
pickled peppers.....
POOH: Dont forget Pooh and Paddington stories.
PLAYDOH and play.
"P" Cut out the letter "P" /let kids paint it Pink and Purple either
with little cars or marbles then make a word wall of all the "P" words
they can think of.
PLANES : Make paper planes. Talk about transprtation.
PENGUIN facts for Science lesson . Penguin art too.
PAIRS: Do with any pairs - hands, feet, socks , mittens, eyes........!
Patchwork quilts - make a little one with scraps of wallpaper.
Don't forget to compile those ideas... Please! Laurie
For P, how about popsicle patterns, graphing favorite flavors, having a pajama
party and reading Ira Sleeps Over, making peanut butter and doing a taste test
to see who likes homemade peanut butter vs. store bought, so some planting,
construct pictures with popsicle sticks, make patterns with these, open a
puppet center and at the art center have a variety of things on hand to make
yes and with the popsicles, I have just drawn one on white paper, then
copier . Kids watercolor and glue on the 2 sticks - the purple looks
good enough to eat!! laurie
*read The Pickle Creature
*eat those big ole squishy dill pickles (my kids still ask for pickles)
*use peppermints (individually wrapped) as counters
*use pennies as counters
*cut out /p/ pics from magazines
*cut Pp from magazines and glue onto paper
*read the Three Little Pigs & The True Story of the Three Little Pigs
*eat pigs-in-a-blanket
*have a picnic
*eat popcorn
*eat pie
*make paper
*eat pineapplePocket for Corduroy
you can estimate then count how many pockets your students are
wearing; make a graph (or venn diagram) of where thepockets are located -
pants, shirt, both; i have a book,Pocket, Pocket, Whats in my Pocket. - very
simple and repetitive. It is a guessing game, clues aregiven before show you
the answer. then we play this game on our own. Great for language,attributes;
we finish up with a class book; The words match the book - Pocket, Pocket,
what's in my pocket? (thatgoes on top of the page;) in the middle we glue on a
pocket (make it a flap where you can lift up the pocket). The children draw
something under the flap. On the bottom of the page are the words, Something
that is ________. They write one or more descriptive words. We also make
pita pocket sandwiches.I have a copy of a bear wearing paints. I got it from my son's
kindergarten teacher(he's 17 now)I have the children use the side of a
crayon to rub over corregated cardboard to give the effect of corduroy.
Have children add a pocket cut from wallpaper as someone suggested Hope
this is helpful.I just wanted to mention that I have a pocket apron that was
made for me by a friend. I also think that you could take an old
apron and sew fabric pockets on it. Mine has six pockets....One on
the bib, two across the center and three across the bottom. They are
red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple in that order. I use
this apron for rainbow scarves.....for Nursery Rhymes (One in each
pocket and we play a game with the magic wand pointing to the pocket)
I happen to have some little finger puppets for the Nursery Rhymes,
but you could stuff your pockets with the flannel versions. There
are so many ways you can use your pocket apron. It's been a great
learning aid. I'm also thinking of making a shape pocket apron. I
did one several years ago and made the shapes different colors. This
was a mistake.....I think they should have all been the same color.
(<:)My partner made a burlap wall hanging with a dowel hemmed on the top
and one on the bottom. On the piece of burlap she put 18 pockets and
she tapes the children's names on each year and hangs it near our
writing area. The children use it for notes and pictures to each
other. The teachers can also send them a note.