Grade: all
Subject: other

#1028. Mean, Median, Mode, Range Cadence

, level: all
Posted Sat Jan 2 16:41:38 PST 2010 by Sameerah (Sameerah).
Materials Required: drill sargeant voice
Activity Time: 20 min
Concepts Taught: How to find measures of central tendency

Using the military cadence, have the students repeat the teacher after each line....

Teacher Says: Class, repeat after me...

We know how to break the code....(repeat)
for mean, median, and mode....(repeat)
Add the values that are seen...
Then divide to find the Mean...
Line the numbers in a row...
Median in the middle...
If 2 middles side by side...
Add middles and then divide...
The mode's the one you see alot...
Sometimes it's there, sometimes it's not...
The range is easy after all...
just take the large minus the small...


Go through examples of finding the mean making sure students know to divide by the number of values 'seen'

Go though examples of median showing that numbers must be arranged the large to small (that is what is meant by line the numbers in a row). Show examples of odd and even data sets. make sure to tell students to divide by two in instances of an even data set.

I let students know that every data set does not have a mode and some data ses have more than one mode.