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Grade: Pre-School
Subject: other
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Messy Art: Star of David
Procedure: Have two triangles cut from yellow construction paper. Show the children how to invert one triangle over the other to make a star. Glue to a yellow piece of construction paper.
Materials: 2 yellow triangles / child, 1 / 2 piece of construction paper / child, glue, brushes, glue pots.Large Motor Activity: Dreidel Dance and The Menorah Candle
Procedure: While singing the dreidel dance song, have the children pretend to spin like the dreidel
does, i. e., fast or slow.
Materials: copy of dreidel song and The Menorah Candle poem, large area to dance.Dreidel Dance
(Tune: Row, Row, Row Your Boat)
Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel,
A-spinning I will go.
Speed it up and slow it down,
And on the ground I'll go!The Menorah Candle
I'm a menorah candle
(stand, point at self)
Growing shorter you can see
(bend down slowly)
Melting all my wax
(go down more)
Until there's nothing left to see.
(sit down)Math Activity: Sort the Stars
Procedure: Cut several different colors of the Star of David, two of each color. Have the children match the colors.
Materials: two of each color of the star of David, laminated, (probably 8 different colors).TUESDAY
Messy Art: Kwanzaa Candle Holder
Procedure: Provide each child with 3 red paper candles, 3 green paper candles, and 1 black candle plus a candle holder. Have the children glue the candles to the candle holder.
Materials: red paper, green paper, black paper, cut into candle shapes, brown paper cut in shape of candle holder, glue, brushes, glue pots.Large Motor Activity: Dancing for Kwanzaa
Procedure: Provide children with streamers of red, green, or black. Have the children dance to the beat of a drum. Explain when the drum plays fast, they dance fast. When the drum plays slowly, they dance slowly.
Materials: Red, green, and black streamers, drum and stick, large area to move.Small Motor Activity: Lacing Candles
Procedure: Provide laminated candles of red, green, and black for the children to lace.
Materials: Laminated candles, yarn.WEDNESDAY
Small Motor Activity / Messy Art: Collage
Procedure: Sometime before center time, have the children help tear red and green paper into small pieces. Provide each child with a rectangular shape cut of black paper. Have each child glue torn paper to shape.
Materials: Red and green paper torn into small pieces, black rectangular shape, glue, brushes, glue pots.Large Motor / Self Esteem Activity: I Can
Procedure: Repeat the following poem and have the children do the activities involved:
Like a bunny I can hop
I can spin like a top.
I can reach way up high
And I can almost touch the sky.
In a boat I row and row
Sometimes fast and sometimes slow.
Now a bouncing jumping jack
I pop up and then go back.
Then sway gently in the breeze
Like the little forest trees.
Make silly faces like a clown
And then I quietly settle down.
Materials: Copy of poem, large open area.