Grade: Senior
Subject: other

#1055. Getting Around (French)

, level: Senior
Posted Tue Apr 27 15:43:22 PDT 1999 by A. McCuean (
interesting site
Henry Ford Community College, Dearborn, MI, US
Materials Required: "Multimedia Learning French v.6" from Hisrta
Activity Time: 30-45min.
Concepts Taught: Students using their knowledge of the French language to get around

Subject: French

Grade level: 8-12 (first semester French)

Objective: Students will explore an airport in a virtual tour. Students will use they currently know of the language and what they will acquire of it to move through the airport to the bus that will take them to the hotel. Students will develop their knowledge and vocabulary of the language.

Pre-requisite knowledge: Students should be currently in or have completed a chapter on the airport or getting around. This is a lesson for students in a French course.

Instructions to teacher: Install the program prior to the lesson, you may also like to preview the CD-ROM Students can work in small groups. Handout instructions to students and the worksheet, students should be able to handle using the computer and following the instructions without much difficulty. You can supervise and answer questions, but allow the students to explore on their own.

Hardware requirements: IBM or 100% compatible computer, windows95 or higher, CD-ROM, microphone

Software requirements: "Multimedia Learning French v.6" CD-ROM from Hisrta

Time limit: 30-45 minutes

Internet links:

Instructions to the student:

1. Sign on to the computer. Place the CD-ROM in the computer.

2. Go to the icon marked airport. Click on it. On the screen there should be a small airplane in the upper right-hand corner it will slowly move to the lower left-hand corner of the screen, the program is loading; you do not need anything during this time. Once the program is loaded you should see a hallway by moving the mouse you can control where you look and where you go. Practice with the mouse for a few moments until your used to it. Also by double clicking on people you can hear their conversations.

3. As you travel down the hallway people will speak to you. They might ask you a question or give you a direction pay attention to what they say. When they speak to you can answer them by clicking on the microphone icon at the bottom of your screen. A new screen will come up hit record then answer the question in French (it will tell you what you should say in English you must translate it before answering). They may then talk with you some more or not.

Your goal is to get from the gate to the bus that will take you to the L'hotel Belloy St-Germain.

4. In the lower right hand corner of your screen is an icon (looks like a map) that when clicked on will bring up a map of airport you may use this if you need to.

5. Have fun.

HINT: Talk to and listen to as many people as possible this will make reaching your goal much easier.

Worksheet Nom__________________

Complete this while working with the CD-ROM
I. Ecrivons! Fill in the blank.

1._________________________ 2._______________________

3.________________________ 4._______________________

II. Lisons! Read the following passage then answer the questions.

L'arrivee en France
Peter: Pardon, Monsieur. J'ai oublie mon sac de voyage dans l'avion.
L'employe: Dans quel avion, Monsieur? Quel est le numero du vol?
Peter: Le vol 060. En provence de New York.
L'employe: Et votre sac, comment est-il?
Peter: C'est un petit sac, en tissu. Il est bleu et rouge. Il y a une etiquette avec mon nom marque dessus---Peter Robidoux. Robidoux: R-O-B-I-D-O-U-X.
L'employe: Attendez ici. Je vais le chercher.
Peter: Merci bien, Monsieur.

Answer in English.
1. What is Peter's problem?______________________________________
2. What flight was Peter on?, from where?___________________________
3. What color(s) is Peter's luggage?________________________________

Answer sheet.
1. le autobus
2. le avion
3. le baggage
4. le taxi
1. He left his luggage on the plane.
2. He was on Flight 060 from NewYork.
3. His luggage was blue and red.

Quiz Nom________________

I. Ecrivons! Matching.

1. le taxi

2. le avion

3. le autobus

4. la baggage

5. la auto

6. la ligne

II. Ecrivons! Answer in French.
Describe the sequence you went through on the CD-ROM to reach the bus that would take you to your hotel. Here are some questions to start you out: Who were some of the people you spoke to? What tasks did you have to complete? Did you go just complete the task or did you explore a little? How did you feel when you reached your goal?____________________________
Subject: French

Grade level: 8-12 (first semester French)

Objective: Students will explore an airport in a virtual tour. Students will use they currently know of the language and what they will acquire of it to move through the airport to the bus that will take them to the hotel. Students will develop their knowledge and vocabulary of the language.

Pre-requisite knowledge: Students should be currently in or have completed a chapter on the airport or getting around. This is a lesson for students in a French course.

Instructions to teacher: Install the program prior to the lesson, you may also like to preview the CD-ROM Students can work in small groups. Handout instructions to students and the worksheet, students should be able to handle using the computer and following the instructions without much difficulty. You can supervise and answer questions, but allow the students to explore on their own.

Hardware requirements: IBM or 100% compatible computer, windows95 or higher, CD-ROM, microphone

Software requirements: "Multimedia Learning French v.6" CD-ROM from Hisrta

Time limit: 30-45 minutes

Internet links:

Instructions to the student:

4. Sign on to the computer. Place the CD-ROM in the computer.

2. Go to the icon marked airport. Click on it. On the screen there should be a small airplane in the upper right-hand corner it will slowly move to the lower left-hand corner of the screen, the program is loading; you do not need anything during this time. Once the program is loaded you should see a hallway by moving the mouse you can control where you look and where you go. Practice with the mouse for a few moments until your used to it. Also by double clicking on people you can hear their conversations.

3. As you travel down the hallway people will speak to you. They might ask you a question or give you a direction pay attention to what they say. When they speak to you can answer them by clicking on the microphone icon at the bottom of your screen. A new screen will come up hit record then answer the question in French (it will tell you what you should say in English you must translate it before answering). They may then talk with you some more or not.

Your goal is to get from the gate to the bus that will take you to the L'hotel Belloy St-Germain.

4. In the lower right hand corner of your screen is an icon (looks like a map) that when clicked on will bring up a map of airport you may use this if you need to.

5. Have fun.

HINT: Talk to and listen to as many people as possible this will make reaching your goal much easier.

Worksheet Nom__________________

Complete this while working with the CD-ROM
I. Ecrivons! Fill in the blank.

1._________________________ 2._______________________

3.________________________ 4._______________________

II. Lisons! Read the following passage then answer the questions.

L'arrivee en France
Peter: Pardon, Monsieur. J'ai oublie mon sac de voyage dans l'avion.
L'employe: Dans quel avion, Monsieur? Quel est le numero du vol?
Peter: Le vol 060. En provence de New York.
L'employe: Et votre sac, comment est-il?
Peter: C'est un petit sac, en tissu. Il est bleu et rouge. Il y a une etiquette avec mon nom marque dessus---Peter Robidoux. Robidoux: R-O-B-I-D-O-U-X.
L'employe: Attendez ici. Je vais le chercher.
Peter: Merci bien, Monsieur.

Answer in English.
1. What is Peter's problem?______________________________________
5. What flight was Peter on?, from where?___________________________
6. What color(s) is Peter's luggage?________________________________

Answer sheet.
5. le autobus
6. le avion
7. le baggage
8. le taxi
4. He left his luggage on the plane.
5. He was on Flight 060 from NewYork.
6. His luggage was blue and red.

Quiz Nom________________

I. Ecrivons! Matching.

1. le taxi

2. le avion

3. le autobus

4. la baggage

5. la auto

6. la ligne

II. Ecrivons! Answer in French.
Describe the sequence you went through on the CD-ROM to reach the bus that would take you to your hotel. Here are some questions to start you out: Who were some of the people you spoke to? What tasks did you have to complete? Did you go just complete the task or did you explore a little? How did you feel when you reached your goal?____________________________