Grade: all
Subject: other

#1178. Interview Questions Part II

other, level: all
Posted Sat Jul 17 18:59:11 PDT 1999 by LAURI/HS math (
Still in the interviewing process...., Glendale, AZ, U.S.A.
Concepts Taught: To help you prepare for your 1st interview.


1. What do you have to offer that other candidates for this position do not?
2. Why are you seeking a position in this school district?
3. What is your greatest strength?
4. What is your greatest weakness?
5. What classroom management techniques do you see yourself employing?
6. What grade level would you teach if you could pick it yourself?
7. Who is your favorite learning theories theorist and why?
8. Do you believe in social promotion?
9. Would you "bump up" a students grade?
10. Would you give a failing student a passing final grade, and under what circumstances would you do this?
11. How do you plan to incorporate technology into your lesson plans?
12. What will you do to promote parent involvement?
13. What extra curricular activities do you see yourself involved in?
14. Have you ever deliberately broken a rule? If so when and why? If you haven't under what circumstances could you see yourself doing this?
15. Why should we hire you?
16. What plans do you have to continue your education?
17. What accomplishment are you the most proud of?
18. How do you plan on getting parents more involved in their children's education?
19. What skills can you bring to this position that another candidate can not offer?
20. What are your plans for continuing your education?
21. What is the biggest challenge you have faced as an educator?
22. Do you view yourself as a team player, a leader or a follower?
23. What are some problems you have faced in the classroom this past year and how did your solve them?
24. Do you believe special needs children should be mainstreamed or in self contained classrooms?
25. If we were to hire you what would be the first thing you would do to prepare for September?