Grade: all
Subject: other

#1179. Interview Questions Part III

other, level: all
Posted Sat Jul 17 18:59:18 PDT 1999 by LAURI/HS math (
This is the link to where these questions were found....
Still in the interviewing process...., Glendale, AZ, U.S.A.
Concepts Taught: To help you prepare for your 1st interview.


1. Tell me about your background.
2. Take a few minutes to give a brief sketch of your academic history, professional experience, and specific qualifications as they pertain to this job.
3. Why are you interested in a position with our district?
4. Why do you think you would like this particular job?
5. What qualifications do you have that make you feel that you will be successful in your field?
6. What jobs have you held? Why did you leave them?
7. What are your special strengths? Weaknesses?
8. What do you think is the most important contribution you can make to students? To education?
9. What is your philosophy of education?
10. How do you provide for individual differences within your classroom?
11. How would you motive a lazy student?
12. What kind of relationship to you want with your students?
13. What hobbies and/or interests do you have that might help you as a teacher in a classroom?
14. What do you want to be doing five years from now?
15. What do you know about our school? About our city?
16. What do you think should and can be done to improve communication between teachers and students? Teachers and parents? Teachers and administrators?
17. Describe your idea of testing.
18. What works best for you in classroom control?
19. Why did you decide on a career in education?
20. What do you anticipate as being the most satisfying aspect of teaching?