Grade: all
Subject: other

#1187. Understanding Feedback

other, level: all
Posted Wed Jul 21 23:41:39 PDT 1999 by Brenda Sparks (
Lanier Elementary School, Dallas, Texas
Materials Required: shapes cut from construction paper
Activity Time: 15 to 20 minutes
Concepts Taught: Feedback is important in order to understand one another.

Understanding Feedback

This is a fabulous activity to do after learning the communication process.
Preparation: Each student needs a set of 8 -- 10 shapes cut out of construction paper.

1. Divide class into pairs. Each pair will sit back to back at their desks. Give each student a set of shapes.
2. One student will be the communicator and the other student will be the receiver.
3. The communicator will arrange their shapes into a design. Encourage the communicators to arrange overlap the shape to make it more challenging for their partner.
4. The communicator will give the receiver instructions on how to duplicate the design. The communicator is not allowed to repeat himself or turn around to help the receiver. The receiver is not allowed to ask questions.
5. Compare the designs. Repeat process with a new design, but allow the receiver to give feedback.
6. Students will change roles. Repeat steps 3 to 5.
7. Discuss results and how feedback made the communication process easier.