Grade: all
Subject: other

#1277. I like . . .

other, level: all
Posted Sat Aug 28 22:16:01 PDT 1999 by Kelli (
June Nelson Elementary School, Kotzebue, AK
Materials Required: Construction paper, colors, markers
Activity Time: 20-30 minutes

I use this idea on the first day of school. It is a good way to for students to share about themselves and to get to know other students in the room.

I cut a large letter I, for each student, out of a large piece of construction paper. Then I tell them to put things on the letter I that they like. I have one for myself and I show it to them. I put mountains, spaghetti, my family, books and flowers on mine. We brainstorm some ideas of what they could put on them. After they have finished it, we sit in a circle and everyone stands up and says, "I like .....". I then hang them out in the hallway. It is a fun and safe way to introduce yourself.