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Grade: Elementary
Subject: Science
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Lesson Plan Integrating Science and ArtArt with Science
2nd Grade - 25 students
Instruction time - 50 minutesII. RATIONALE AND BACKGROUND
The purpose of this lesson is for students to make a beautiful butterfly, see the effects of salt on watercolor, and learn the anatomy of a butterfly. Since butterflies are in the children's everyday life, it's important for students to know a little about them. By doing this, it makes students aware that everything around them is important and unique in its own way.IV. OBJECTIVES
1. After the lecture and presentation of the poster with the butterfly body parts labeled is shown and reviewed with the second grade students, they will be able to demonstrate their understanding by constructing their own butterfly, using all five body parts and placing them in the correct locations on their butterfly, with 100% accuracy.
2. Students will use salt on the butterfly wings and later demonstrate their understanding of the effects of salt on watercolor paint by verbally communicating their observations to the teacher.
3. Students will correctly label their butterfly body parts worksheet.V. RESOURCES/MATERIALS
Enough newspaper to cover each table
6 containers of watercolor paints
25 medium size paintbrushes
12 pairs of scissors
25 art shirts
6 cups of water
32 - 9x6 inch pieces of white drawing paper folded and marked where to begin and
end wings.
32 - 1x2 1/2 inch pieces of white drawing paper (abdomen)
32 - 1x1 1/4 inch pieces of white drawing paper (thorax)
32 - 1x3/4 inch pieces of white drawing paper (head)
64 - 1/2x2 1/2 inch pieces of white drawing paper (antennae)
6 containers with 1/4 cup table salt
6 bottles of Elmer's White Glue
30 butterfly body parts labeling worksheetsVI. PROCEDURES
A. Introduction and Motivation
The introduction will be presenting the poster with many varieties of butterflies on it. Once everyone has had a chance to view the poster a sample butterfly, like the one the students will be making, will be shown to the students. Note that this butterfly will not have salt on the wings revealing the reaction of salt on watercolor paint. After this it will be said that in order to make a butterfly we first must be able to recognize the different body parts. This will take approximately two minutes.
B. Lesson Body
After the introduction and motivation is completed, another poster will be shown. This poster will have a picture of a butterfly with its body parts labeled. For example, head, antennae, thorax, abdomen, and wings. Each body part will be gone over by the teacher pointing to it on the butterfly picture and saying the name that coincides with it. This will take approximately two minutes. From here it will be time to start creating butterflies. Materials including watercolors, water, salt, paint brushes, paint shirts, scissors and newspaper covered tables will already be set up, ready to go. Students will then be asked to put on their paint shirts. First, the 9x6 inch folded white drawing paper will be passed out to all students. It will be made known, by the teacher, that there are two marks on the paper. One is where students will begin to cut and the second is where the students will end cutting, the teacher will demonstrate this process. It will also be said that the wing design can be any shape/form they want it to be as long as they start and end on the two lines. This step will take approximately three to six minutes depending on questions or concerns. Students will be asked to put their names on one side of their wings and place their wings name side down on the newspaper-covered table. It is here the brushes, water, watercolors, and salt will be used. Before painting the students will be ask what they believe the outcome of sprinkling salt over wet paint will be. After all guesses are in the painting process will begin by dipping brushes first in water and then in watercolor paint. Each time a student changes color they must rinse the brush out thoroughly in water. After wings are painted students may lightly sprinkle salt on and lay them aside. This step will take about five to eight minutes. Next, the teacher will use the poster from the beginning of class pointing to the abdomen on the butterfly's body and ask the students to name the body part. After correctly answering each student will be handed a piece of 1x2 1/2 inch piece of white drawing paper in which they are to cut out their abdomen for their butterflies. Now the students may paint their butterfly's abdomen and set it aside. This procedure will be followed for the remaining three body parts, which include: thorax using the 1x1 1/4 inch piece of paper, head using the 1x3/4 inch piece of paper, and antennae using the 1/2x2 1/2 inch pieces of paper. Each step, both cutting and painting, will take approximately three to four minutes. After all the butterfly parts are painted they will be left to dry while the class observes the wings to see if their guesses from the beginning of class were correct. Students should see that the salt absorbed the watercolor paint lightening the area around it. Overall, their wings now have a design on them. After this short discussion, it will be time to assemble their butterflies. The teacher will ask students to pick up their abdomen piece and glue it in the correct place between the butterfly wings. The same procedure will be done with the thorax, head, and antennae. Each step will take approximately one minute. After demonstrating their knowledge of the butterflies body parts, each student will be given a labeling worksheet, which will require students to label each of the butterfly body parts they have learned today.
Since each step is done with the teacher everyone should progress together. Students finishing first can help another student finish theirs, look more at the posters and samples provided or start on their labeling worksheets. After the majority of students have their butterflies and worksheets completed, it will be time to clean up. This step should occur approximately ten minutes before the end of class. When finished all butterflies will be set on the back table to dry. Newspaper on the tables will be thrown away, brushes rinsed out at the sink, paints closed, water dumped in sink, and cups thrown away. Shirts
will be taken off and put on the table along with the scissors. Everything will be put back in the center of the tables just as they were found. Out of the ten minutes this will take five minutes. Once everyone has their butterfly and worksheet in front of them, the teacher will go back to the poster with the butterfly and its labeled parts. Once again going over names of body parts and having the children check on their butterflies and worksheets to see if they're in the correct places. If children have their parts right on their butterfly and correctly labeled worksheets, and know names of the parts well, then the teacher can say the lesson went well and was successful. This process will take the remaining five minutes. This lesson could then be used to start a unit on insects or be used to lead into what the function of each specific body part mentioned today is. Samples of students work could be used to both lead in to next lessons or motivate students.